AHC : messiest Yugoslav civil war possible.

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The goal is to make the Yugoslav war the most chaotic and damaging possible for Yugoslavia / sucessor states and for the outside world with either :

-> OTL Yugoslav war, with a POD during the war itself (bonus points for this one)

Or :

-> An ATL Yugoslav war with 1945 as the earliest possible POD, resulting in the country's breakup.

Personnally, I'm thinking of Yugoslavia somehow getting the Bomb and building up a stockpile of respectable size, then going down the shitter after Tito's death, like OTL. Boom, glow-in-the-dark Balkans. For times even more interesting, some nukes go off outside Yugoslavia.

What do you think of this ? Maybe nuclear Yugoslavia is grossly ASB, I dunno.Assuming it isn't, how bad would the war fuck up the Balkans, Europe, and the world ?
Not nuclear bombs, but its interesting that Yugoslavia actually had tons of chemical weapons, much easier to obtain than nuclear weapons and nearly as dangerous, and was happily selling them to its socialist allies, but none were actually used during the Bosnian War.

I am just as surprised about Slobodan actually doing something right for once, as you are. Unbelievable! :eek:
The worst the war is, the sooner an intervention happens. People may not want to enter a burning house, but if the fire gets big enough that it may spread to another, people start reacting anyway.

If Yugoslavia has nuclear weapons, they would be centrally controlled. Once warfare starts, NATO and Russia would both very quickly move to make sure those weapons are secured, and removed if at all possible. If it is chemical weapons, nothing may happen until they are used, but once they are expect fairly quick action.

If WMD are used in Europe, it's no longer about "those poor people killing themselves; we should stay out of it," it becomes "those maniacs are using weapons that could enter my country/the country where I vacation, and therefore threaten me". Totally different responses.

Then again, if Yugoslavia is a nuclear power, the West likely offers Belgrade a much better economic deal as part of a package to get them to move to denuclearization which might prevent the Yugoslav Wars from ever happening.

It's hard to see how the wars could be worse except that in there could be greater number of atrocities in a smaller amount of time, but that prompts quicker action which means the wars end sooner. Final result may not be much different.
had Yugoslavia a bioweapon program ?
They're speculated to have helped Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Libya with their own chemical weapon stockpiles, and might have kept some for themselves for self defense (they had the capabilities for it).

Tito was just that kind of guy. ;)
Just have Serbs not flee Krajina in and Bosnian Krajina in summer/autumn of 1995 and you will get plenty messier. There was roughly 800 dead civilians even though 95% of population was evacuated by the RSK government. Allow Croatian troops to secure settlements while the civilians are still there and the dead and missing could easily go into low thousands.

Or USA does not stop CA and ABiH in western BiH and the thing devolves into the siege of Banja Luka that was already burdened by at least 50 000 refugees inside the town and around 100 000 in the near vicintiy, add to that another 250 000 people living in the region and as many as 30 000 could they as a result of fighting, food and water shortage as well as encroaching winter.

Alternatively Serbs manage to storm Sarajevo in late spring/early summer 1992. that alone could put the death toll above 100 000 just in the first 6 months of the conflict.
Bulgarian and Hungarian intervention was at one point possible. Not majorly likely, but possible. Have Serbs get genocidal in Vojvodina, and the Hungarian Army would cross the border. The JNA alone could hold off the Hungarians, I have no doubt, but with the other fronts, its hard to tell. And there was no possibility of a Hungarian drive to Beograd anyway, any intervention would've just been to protect ethnically Magyar areas.

slightly delay Croatia's secession until there are more Yugoslav troops in Slovenia. Then have Croatia declare independence, trapping Yugoslav troops in Slovenia, cutting them off from supply. This gives the Croats some time to arm whilst the Yugoslav forces regroup.

A wholescale NATO intervention after this would be bloody too. Combat troops on the ground would experience fanatical resistance from the Serbs, even though they could find allies amongst most of the other minorities.
Have Krško NPP hit during Slovenian war. JLA had Durandal anti-runway bombs so punching through containment dome is possible. NPP was shut down prior to war but could still get messy.

Of course why Serbs would do that is beyond me, but it's possible.......

Angel Heart

If you want to make the war messier you first need to define the key players and their objectives (especially those in Belgrade). Given Serbia's half-assed approach and her policy that is reminiscent of a senile old woman that suffered her third stroke, the wars of OTL were as unnecessarily complicated as they could get IMHO.
Well getting rid of Sloba would be the first thing that would ensure a bloodier Yugoslav Civil War, especially if the JNA leadership pulls off a similar coup to Burma.
I had an idea for a "For All Time"-style TL, where everything in general goes to hell.

POD - Milosevic died in a car crash, leading to an extremist Serbian junta taking over Yugoslavia instead.

The NATO NFZ leads to them going "use it or lose it" sending a missile launcher disguised as a cargo ship to the East Coast, and launch strikes (including chemical warheads) against New York, Washington, Boston and Philadelphia, while commandos wreak havoc on US soil. At the same time, Sarajevo is gassed, while genocide against the Bosniaks goes into full effect with chemical weapons.

This leads to the USA going full red lantern, unleashing nuclear weapons on the region out of pure, unadulterated, undistilled wrath (if Pearl Harbour was like a fire, this would be a supernova) :eek:.
Just let NATO drop strategic nuclear weapons over Belgrade directly. It's more fun to turn the whole Belgrade into ashes.
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