AHC: Make The Congo (Kinshasa) the most prosperous and powerful nation in Africa.

With a POD after the transfer to direct Belgian control in 1908, have Congo become Africa's most successful nation. That includes a strong economy, military, democracy and widespread unity and social cohesion. Must also include no gains in Congolese territory.
Butterfly away Mobutu, for one. For another, I wouldn't increase its territory-just the opposite, I'd make it (somehow) smaller, more homogenous, and more governable. This really needs a change in Belgium's colonial policy to actually work, though.


Butterfly away Mobutu, for one.
I dunno, I think Congo would have been a mess even if Lumumba hadn't bit it. There were, after all, a dozen college grads in the whole nation. Maybe *maybe* have Belgium adopt a decades-long decolonization program devoted to educating the people, easing cultural divides, and training a competent military, bureaucracy, and business class. And when I say "decades-long", I mean "ending in the late-80's/early-90's." But there was no political will to do that.
Maybe split the Belgian Congo into separate colonies, along these lines:


The ATL Congo could be the green area.

Also, this is a map of railways and navigable waterways of the Belgian Congo. More railways than OTL would help.

I dunno, I think Congo would have been a mess even if Lumumba hadn't bit it. There were, after all, a dozen college grads in the whole nation. Maybe *maybe* have Belgium adopt a decades-long decolonization program devoted to educating the people, easing cultural divides, and training a competent military, bureaucracy, and business class.
The Belgians actually did try to do something similar in OTL. They put a lot of emphasis on education and similar "native policy" actions due to a need to prop up the Congo as a "model colony" in order to wipe away the shame of Leopold's actions.
Most of these measures were not followed through though. There was also a strong emphasis on white settlement and of course the resulting segregation.
C.1900 Belgian crimes receive much greater international attention and condemnation, eventually they are pressured to release it to international "protection". It de facto becomes split, the south and east administered by the british to build their cape to cairo railway, the north and west administered as part of French West Africa, the lower Congo and the coast are jointly administered by the French, British, Portuguese, and perhaps also the Spanish, Germans, maybe still some belgian control. International observers are ensured to periodically travel the colony and ensure hands remain attached to their owners.

The new "protectors," especially the French and British, compete a bit to show how vastly superior, morally and technically, their empires are to each other and to the belgians.

Rubber continues to be exploited, but the workers are treated better and native Congolese are 'allowed' to reach higher ranks in companies.

Railways, roads, bridges, and canals are built, bringing the population a bit closer to the rest of the world, although much of the jungle remains very isolated.

Hospitals, schools, and even a few universities are built.

Dams and other powerplants, and factories are constructed, the Congo becomes an exporter of electricity of much of the continent.

World wars weaken the European powers, as well as force them to rely even more on native manpower for their armies, companies, and bureaucracies in the Congo. As nation-states emerge from the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires the colonies begin to be more insistent on their own independence. As one of the largest african states, and one with already unusual relation to the Europeans, and important resources, it is able to negotiate almost fairly. Independence happens early but gradually, effectively, and virtually absent of violence.

TTLs Congo has significant connections to the French, British, and Portuguese parts of Africa, and being independant very early attains very valuable trade and diplomatic relations with them. Its a large, wealthy, and centrally located state not just comparatively in africa, but worldwide. Kinshasa becomes the hub of rail, river, and air transportation in Africa, as well as the centre for finance and trade.

The massive population explosion in the midcentury fuelled by better education, nutrition, and healthcare, followed by a generation having less children and the opening international economy, made the Congo the economic 'Lion' along such Tigers as Korea.

By 2016 the Congo has an area over 2.3 million square kms, the 10th greatest in the world and comfortably the largest in Africa. Its population of over 130 million is also the 10th in the world, and only less than Nigeria in its continent. Its colossal natural resources of all types, vast manufacturing capabilities, and more recent expansion into the high tech industries powered by its eponymous river, has granted its people the 4th largest economy on the planet, at nearly 4 trillion USD of value produced in 2015. Per capita the Congolese enjoy a comfortable 30000 USD GDP/capita.