AHC: get the Netherlands militarily involved in the Ukrainian crisis

Inspired by watching the Mayday episode about the MH 17 shootdown over Eastern Ukraine, I got an idea: is it possible to get the Dutch public and government pissed off early enough and to a large enough degree, so that they deploy their troops in Eastern Ukraine and partixipate in the conflict?
Inspired by watching the Mayday episode about the MH 17 shootdown over Eastern Ukraine, I got an idea: is it possible to get the Dutch public and government pissed off early enough and to a large enough degree, so that they deploy their troops in Eastern Ukraine and partixipate in the conflict?

It's pretty hard to do. Sure, the MoD was keeping the option open and leaves were canceled but the plan was discarded with good reason.

However, if you can keep repatriation from happening at a certain point there will have to be a action.
A Dutch ground brigade and composite air group in the Urkraine! The Russians would have a apoplexy. We'd see retaliation in the Netherlands. The Great Russo Dutch War. Who would win that one?
If there was greater NATO involvement in Ukraine it would be fairly easy to get a Dutch military presence there.


actually Ukraine is a potential NATO candidate
Irrelevant. It wasn't a member at the time, isn't a member right now, and won't be a member any time soon. No NATO country would get involved there without America, and since you are from the Netherlands I'm sure you are well aware of the reasons that the Netherlands doesn't do U.N. peacekeeping anymore.