AHC: Allied Japan

What would WWII be like if the allies had Japan on its side?

With no Pacific front, leaving only Italy and Germany, how do things change?

What would be required for an allied Japan?
Not ASB and I don't even think it's that hard to do.
  • USSR joins Axis.
  • America doesn't join WW1 and that doesn't allow the rise of the Anglo-American alliance, allowing for the Anglo-Japanese alliance to remain strong. They see each other as allies they can rely on and the British banks give the Japanese loans at a decent rate.
  • Hitler sees the Japanese as "Untermenschen" and refuses to let them join because of that.
  • Communism becomes far more successful than in OTL. Have Germany go communist and form an alliance with the USSR, with both helping the Republicans to win the Spanish Civil War and the communists winning in China easier and earlier than in OTL, as well as creating a domino effect where neighbouring countries in Continental Europe become communist. The Allies panic at this rapid growth and communism becomes their focus instead of fascism, forcing Japan and Allies to team up.
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You'd also have to change the Japanese military pretty early on, so they don't turn into being more trouble than they're worth.
"make him an offer he can't refuse."

"If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons."

The Brits don't play fair. They will play with anybody to win. So I have no doubt that there would be ways of appeasing the Japanese even to the point of alliance. Sure, the Brits have been expecting a war with Japan since the 20s, but that can be tomorrow. Germany is right here now.

The problem is the Brits are trying to woo the US for very very very good reasons. And the US doesn't want to see anyone messing with that Japan floozy.

So either the Brits have to get so desperate that they risk annoying the US. Or Japan has to play smart and subtle to give the Brits enough room.

Not impossible, but not likely.


First, a German-leaning China. Second, a strong enough Soviet presence in the Far East immediately following the Revolution, where the anti-bolshevik elements of US government can be persuaded to use the Japanese as a buffer? The Japanese, in turn, play well enough with the British and US to keep that bumpy arrangement going till WW2 starts?
Have Japan with a far better and more stable democracy

Have the Japanese Civilian government stamp out cronyism and suppress fraud/political corruption within the government framework

This in turn leads to less civil unrest and far less fear (real or imagined) of a socialist/communist uprising

This further in turn results in the Kōdōha (Imperial Way Faction) either not getting as powerful as it did or not emerging in the first place.

So in the 30s Japan is not moving down the path of totalitarian, militarist, and expansionist ideals and is instead a more stable democratically run organisation that is focused on dragging Japan out of the depression

Come WW2 Japan stays Neutral and uses its shipbuilding industry to supply the Allies with Freighters and escort vessels - and this kickstarts Japan's economy

Eventually have Japan declare war (sort of doing a Brazil) and send an expeditionary force to fight alongside the Allies - say the 'Rising Sun Division' along with a group of Escort ships and DDs to fight in the Med theatre - while earlier its fleet scoured the Pacific and far east for raiders

Post Invasion of Russia - Japan supplies Russia with all sorts of weapons and equipment

With no adventurism in China there is no need for the Wallies to send so much stuff or any stuff to China
Perhaps have the KMT unite China in the Northern Expedition and successfully modernize the National Revolutionary Army with German assistance that sees the KMT adopt further qualities of German-esque modernization in the 30s?
Never mind what Japan might contribute. The US sent some 2.7 million tons of war material to the Pacific Theatre for its own battles there. The US and other allies sent near as much to the other Pacific rim battlefields in south Asia, and China. In 1942 the US had more ground combat and air forces deployed to the Pacific than vs Germany. Waive away any possible war with Japan & the US alone has more than doubled the combat power & logistics support it can bring against Germany in 1942. Ditto for 1943. Combine all that with the savings for the Commonwealth or British Empire & things look much different vs Germany. The war in the Mediterranean is much accelerated in 1942, and a invasion of western Europe is pretty much a given for 1943.
Perhaps have the KMT unite China in the Northern Expedition and successfully modernize the National Revolutionary Army with German assistance that sees the KMT adopt further qualities of German-esque modernization in the 30s?

Chinas economy and internal political problems prevent that moving very far along in the 1930s. Chinas industry and education needed to move from its stagnated 19th Century levels to contemporary 20th Century levels. Even under the best circumstances thats going to take until the late 1940s at a minimum. Politically the KMT must create a strong and broad enough government to eliminate the warlords as independent entities
You'd have to ensure that the militarism is sorted out very early on, and that a civilian government will be strong enough to endure what is likely going to be wave after wave of coups. There's also the question of making a proper constitutional monarchy if possible.