AH Challenge: War of the Fusilli Succession

With a POD no earlier than 1500 AD, ensure that at least one war is known as the War of the Fusilli Succession.

With thanks to the breweries of the Congletonian fiefdom...
With a POD no earlier than 1500 AD, ensure that at least one war is known as the War of the Fusilli Succession.

With thanks to the breweries of the Congletonian fiefdom...

Well, a conflict between powerful families of traditional pasta makers from Abruzzo...
Tasty war!:D
Well, a conflict between powerful families of traditional pasta makers from Abruzzo...
Tasty war!:D

The War of the Fusili Succession was caused by the sudden death of the Marquis Piero da Fusili, who left no male heirs. As the inheritance rules of Fusili were not clearly defined, there were two main claimants: Ercole, Count of Penne, and Apolonia, Fusilli’s daughter, who was married to the Marquis of Tortellini.

The war started when Tortellini, defending the rights of his wife, invaded the County of Maccheroni, which belonged to the Penne’s family. Ercole then made an alliance with the Count of Fettucini, promising him the fiefdom of Gnocchi in exchange.

Fearing that Fettucini’s forces could defeat him, Penne hired the services of the condottieros Spaghetti and Tagliatelli, who attacked one of the most important Tortellini’s strongholds, the castle of Lasagne.

Things became more complex when the Prince of Linguine, a distant relative of the former Marquis, declared war against both claimants, and sent his general Ottavio di Rigattoni against them.

The fight lasted for two years, with the three claimants making alliances and switching sides many times, until all them died during the Great Plague of Indigestion. The lands of Fusili were eventually inherited by the Counts of Conchiglie.


The War of the Fusili Succession was caused by the sudden death of the Marquis Piero da Fusili, who left no male heirs. As the inheritance rules of Fusili were not clearly defined, there were two main claimants: Ercole, Count of Penne, and Apolonia, Fusilli’s daughter, who was married to the Marquis of Tortellini.

The war started when Tortellini, defending the rights of his wife, invaded the County of Maccheroni, which belonged to the Penne’s family. Ercole then made an alliance with the Count of Fettucini, promising him the fiefdom of Gnocchi in exchange.

Fearing that Fettucini’s forces could defeat him, Penne hired the services of the condottieros Spaghetti and Tagliatelli, who attacked one of the most important Tortellini’s strongholds, the castle of Lasagne.

Things became more complex when the Prince of Linguine, a distant relative of the former Marquis, declared war against both claimants, and sent his general Ottavio di Rigattoni against them.

The fight lasted for two years, with the three claimants making alliances and switching sides many times, until all them died during the Great Plague of Indigestion. The lands of Fusili were eventually inherited by the Counts of Conchiglie.

The situation was not resolved until a Mughal expeditionary force, led by the Bikharbonate of Sodah, occupied the Italies...
Are you mad, Thande? That's totally ASB. We all know that Croissants would pour over the Alps before the Sodans occupy Italy.