AH challenge: Russia and Japan, best friends forever

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to have the Russians and Japanese enjoy friendly relations to this day (or until either of them is falls) with a POD no earlier than 1850. This means no wars or support for revolts or some other country's aggression. And no Triple Intervention or anything of that sort either.
A more successfully modernizing China might do the trick, if it changes history enough to prevent the Russo-Japanese war: mutual threat and all that. A bit hard to say what the specific POD would be, though. (Hendryk?)

Max, that just might unite them: The work together to keep out most foreigners as two world powers... or maybe the Japano-Russian Empire will become reality?
China modernizes in the 1850s-1910s, moves into Siberia and Korea, Japan and Russia unite to beat back the Manchu troops already suffering from internal decay. Covert help from other Western powers.
Get Nikolai II to be made of slightly different stuff - and less of a Nipponophobe (apparently after a failed assassination attempt against him by a Japanese ex-policeman back when Nikolai was still but a prince, he harbored major hatred and resentment of all things Japanese). Perhaps the incident instead serves to bring him somehow closer to Japan - maybe another Japanese protected him, or Japan somehow impressed him upon his visit. As such, much closer cooperation, and no Russo-Japanese war. Perhaps Russia works to "sponsor" Japan's entry on the world scene as a major power with pro-Russian sympathies instead - maybe even at the cost of concessions in China. More importantly, this Nikolai II would not have been as inept as in OTL... and would have managed to keep the throne well past 1917...
I actually did that with "A Healthy Baby Boy" with the same incident, although coupled with his father (Alexander ??) pushing him to be the same as an alternate Wilhelm II (evil and more dynamic than OTL).
I actually did that with "A Healthy Baby Boy" with the same incident, although coupled with his father (Alexander ??) pushing him to be the same as an alternate Wilhelm II (evil and more dynamic than OTL).

Now that I think about it, that's pretty much what you did in your TL... you do get the credit for the idea. :eek: :)