AH Challenge: Ottoman Ninjas !!!!!

Or you could have the group of Ninjas split, thus having half captured by the Ottomans, and the other half staying in Persia. Unable to return home, they assimilate into the local society, adopt Shia Islam and open up a secret ninja school. Thus their pupils continue their legacy, but end up mixing Shia religious fervor and mysticism in it.

Voila, Persian Shia Ninjas (The Swords [or would that be nunchuks?] of Ali) - the perfect arch-enemy of the Sublime Porte's Order of most Skilled Ninjas.

Here I stand, speechless..... :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
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So do I. That's pretty damn cool! :cool:

Now if we can have Byzanto-Ottoman Ninjas......


Well... considering that....

By using any PoD between a year before invasion of Ottoman Anatolia by Timur and the dismissal of the Iga-ryū by the Tokugawa Yoshimune, create a plausible and realistic scenario where the Ottoman Empire got their own ninja-esque organization(s)/group(s)/faction(s) based on the original Japanese ones, by the year 1750 at the latest!

...so yeah, we can ;). Though as long as the Ottoman Ninjas remain as the focus. Maybe the Phanariot Greeks can have their own too ?
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...with my own idea.

My own idea is basically Ottoman Ninjas can achieved if 1) [obviously] keep Japan from being isolationist, 2) make Japan sending trade fleets until as far as SE Asia at the very least, 3) make the Ottomans successfully dominate Indian Ocean and keeping a presence somewhere in Indonesia [most likely choice would be Aceh, which was an Ottoman vassal IOTL for a short time]

That might work ? Any other ideas ?


Still being persistent.

Though without Pasha around, my chance for keeping this thread alive
is pretty much slim.... :(

I was reluctant to post my suggestion...but only because I can't remember the spelling of the group. they were a fairly ninja-like group in the 18th through early 20th centuries of Anatolia.
Bump !

Now, after I've thought about it for a while..... How do you think the Ottoman Ninjas would going to look like ?
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smoking hashish was part of assasins preparation, they would get really stoned and go trough warious rituals, in a state of altered conciusnes as it were
that was a way of both mentally conditioning young people into perfect killers and a kind of initiation/farewell ritual, as after this they would usually go on suicide missions, or were at least not expected to come back alive

they definitley did not smoke hashish during the actuall asasination operation it self