AH Challenge: Finland joins the Allies


IOTL, Finland joined the Axis after the Winter War of 1939-40, your challenge,
if you choose to accept it, is to have Finland join the Allies. If you're the British
Prime Minister, or French President, whom would you send to Helsinki to convince Marshal Carl Mannerheim, the President of Finland, to join your fight
against the Axis?
Finland was a co-belligerent, so they were not technically part of the Axis, although they did fight on the same side. They saw 1941-1944 as more of an extension of the Winter War, the Continuation War, more than a fight against the evils of communism.

But then what would they have to gain? By siding with Germany they had the chance of regaining all their lost land. If they joined the Allies they would gain nothing.


I agree with Rekjavik 110%. My belief is that to get Finland on the side of the allies in WW2, you need to pretty much create a totally different World War 2