A Prosperous post-Morgenthau Germany

Max Sinister said:
Some where in the web I found a short German AH (not that well thought out) where millions of Germans go to South America, until they're the majority there, overthrow the old governments and replace them by a nazi regime. Germania in South America.

That would be hilarious, in a sad ironic way.

If it occurs in the aftermath of a mass-starvation Morganthau Plan, and within Morganthau's lifetime, even better.
And in a novel about the war I read about what some Germans believed the Allies were planning for their punishment. For example "all men are castrated, and in a few decades we'll die out".
Max Sinister said:
And in a novel about the war I read about what some Germans believed the Allies were planning for their punishment. For example "all men are castrated, and in a few decades we'll die out".
That was an actual plan, though not one propagated by any government.
Look here.
OK, so that was a suggestion by a nutty fanatic (although one has to say in his defence, that other than the nazis his rage was caused by an actual genocide).
Max Sinister said:
OK, so that was a suggestion by a nutty fanatic (although one has to say in his defence, that other than the nazis his rage was caused by an actual genocide).
His plan was published before the actual genocide. He was "just" a fanatic. Although the impact his booklet made was terrible.
The point of the Morgenthau plan was to make Germany so weak it could never threaten anyone ever again. So he planned to make it into an agrarian country as farmers can't build Panzers.
However, even if you destroyed all the cities in Germany and converted every square inch of it to agriculture you could employ a max of 15 million, and that is with gross over manning, while it would be the bread basket of Europe there would be the slight problem of the 45 million unemployed, homeless Germans who aren't needed in agriculture.
In a world where the Morgenthau plan is put into practice people must hate the Germans like the Nazi's hated the Jews, so you have the seeds for a genocide that would make the Holocaust look pathetic.

This is not idyllic.
Might make Germany a threat, the Morgenthau plan wanted to turn Germany into a WW2 Africa analogue, i.e. takes its orders from UK, US etc., is totally agrarian with a few cities where the colonial administrators live. Cottage industry to make ploughs and hoes etc. okay, large factories and even light industry are a no-no.
sikitu said:
Is that the novel by Thomas Ziegler, "Stimmen der Nacht"?
That would be The Night Voices in English, right? The synopsis I've read sounds a lot like story Sinister mentioned.

There's another clever one written by an Austrian, Christoph Ransmayr, on a similar topic entitled Morbus Kitahara. It's set in an Austrian village that's been de-indutrialized completely after the war, and it's pretty grim. It also takes quite a few jabs at the whole "culture of rememberance." Unfortunately, it's only available in German. I only found out about it from reading Rosenfeld's book on Nazi-based AH.
What was the Morgenthau plan with regards to German cities like Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg? what would have happened to them.
All right, there's the most detailed account of the Morgenthau Plan that I could find (shameful, I know):

From that I'd gather that the larger cities would simply turn into ruins sooner or later, if they aren't already or if they aren't consciously being destroyed by the occupying forces. It is a fact: large modern cities without industries and trade are virtual death traps in times of crisis. Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg would most likely die.

Valdemar II

A map of Morgenthau Europe


Valdemar II

One of the biggest problem with the Morgenthau plan is what about the 20 million german refuge from eastern Europe, they have to go to other countries. With the vast unemployment in post war Germany, this can mean up to 30-35 million german who have to move to America, western Europe and South Africa. How many will go to the different countries?