A German dominated Middle East?


Read off of Wiki:

Wilhelm II wanted Germany to have her "place in the sun", not unlike the British with whom he constantly wished to compete and often emulate. With German traders and merchants already engaged world-wide, he encouraged colonial efforts in Africa and the Pacific ("new imperialism"), in essence for the German Empire to stand up to other European powers for the remaining “unclaimed” territories. Germany acquired German Southwest Africa (todays Namibia), German Kamerun (Cameroon), Togoland, and German East Africa (the mainland part of current Tanzania). Islands were gained in the Pacific through purchase and treaties, as well as a 99-year lease for the territory of Kiautschou in north east China. Only Togoland and German Samoa (after 1908) became self-sufficient and profitable, all other territories required subsidies from the Berlin treasury for building infrastructure, school systems, hospitals and other institutions. With the financial backing of Deutsche Bank, the Baghdad Railway was constructed with the cooperation of the Ottoman Empire with the intention of gaining a foothold in the Middle East.[19] In an interview with Wilhelm II in 1899, Cecil Rhodes had tried “to convince the Kaiser that the future of the German empire abroad lay in the Middle East” and not in Africa; with a grand Middle-Eastern empire Germany could grant Britain the unhindered completion of her Cape to Cairo pursuits.[20] Building the Baghdad Railway from 1900–1911 was initially supported by the United Kingdom. However, as time passed, the British increasingly saw Germany as a vigorous competitor in the region where it believed it alone should dominate and demanded retrenchment, a block to the expansion of the railway in 1911; this demand was acquiesced to by Germany and the Ottoman Empire.
The only way I see this happening is either:

1) Central Powers win WWI and Ottoman Empire becomes a German puppet.

2) No WWI, when the eventual war takes place against the weakening Ottomans, the Germans jump in and annex something...promptly starting a Great War.
Why not just have Germany kick the Ottoman Empire's ass until it hands over the Middle East?

It would end their friendship, but Germany would gain a large empire and have their hands on tons of oil after it is discovered.
Why not just have Germany kick the Ottoman Empire's ass until it hands over the Middle East?

It would end their friendship, but Germany would gain a large empire and have their hands on tons of oil after it is discovered.

While the Ottoman Empire was not necessarily friendly with most of Europe, Britain (and to a certain extent the French) greatly feared the chaos that the disappearance of the Ottoman Empire would cause, mainly the possibility of Russian expansion towards Constantinople. Also, as noted in the first post, Britain didn't trust Germany's intentions towards the Middle East already.
The only way I see this happening is either:

1) Central Powers win WWI and Ottoman Empire becomes a German puppet.

2) No WWI, when the eventual war takes place against the weakening Ottomans, the Germans jump in and annex something...promptly starting a Great War.

Question on the last part. Hypothetically, if Russia and the Ottoman Empire went to war (which while unlikely has an unfortunate history of happening), would Germany face anything more than a diplomatic backlash if they invaded say Palestine or even Syria/Lebanon? Its likely that France or the UK would try to beat them there if only to deny Germany the territory, but I can't necessarily see them going to war over it.