In this case its the USSR, and with France being rabidly anti-german which wouldn't serve British interests ittl I see Britain moving closer to Germany.
Honestly I really disagree with this, the USSR has been quiet and it's own corner ever since their defeat to Poland in the last decade and they aren't doing anything close to being a actual threat, not even a proper alliance or anti aggression pact. If I had to say, Italy is looking like the current trouble maker in British eyes, although Germany and the Soviet Union are also cause their own level of worry from the leadership.

I do see Britain being a lot more isolationist than otl though, and becoming more pro-american than anyone else on the continent, since sticking to American policy would allow them to enact free trade and the such since they still would have more power than otl and prob keep the commonwealth more intact as a result.
Again I disagree with this. WW1 already showed that "Splendid Isolation" does more bad than good for Britain and if anything, they're likely to be much more aware of continental happenings in order to try and avoid any problem before it can escalate into something bigger, with force in extreme cases.

Why would they be more Pro-American? the USA at the moment is isolationist and quite happy with that despite someone like FDR likely wishing to change that, their only real "alliance" would be in East Asia in keeping their colonies safe from Japanese militarism as well as protecting their trading interests in China like OTL. Especially without Hitler here, the Americans won't get invested in what is going on Europe and instead focus inwards as well as their Pacific holdings.
I don’t see why the UK would take a hardline against Germany here, when we know that IOTL they insisted with appeasement even when Hitler was outwardly unreliable. A Germany with a sane diplomatic strategy should be able to push for concessions while knowing when to stop and take a break.
I don’t see why the UK would take a hardline against Germany here, when we know that IOTL they insisted with appeasement even when Hitler was outwardly unreliable. A Germany with a sane diplomatic strategy should be able to push for concessions while knowing when to stop and take a break.
This. 100%
Honestly I really disagree with this, the USSR has been quiet and it's own corner ever since their defeat to Poland in the last decade and they aren't doing anything close to being a actual threat, not even a proper alliance or anti aggression pact. If I had to say, Italy is looking like the current trouble maker in British eyes, although Germany and the Soviet Union are also cause their own level of worry from the leadership.
that's true, and the Brits will prob focus on that.

But there's no way the brits won't see the USSR as a potential problem too.
Again I disagree with this. WW1 already showed that "Splendid Isolation" does more bad than good for Britain and if anything, they're likely to be much more aware of continental happenings in order to try and avoid any problem before it can escalate into something bigger, with force in extreme cases.
as politics moves to the rest of the world due to the Europeans losing their power I see Britain caring less about Europe, as Germany also becomes its hegemon, Britain prob will look less and less on the continent and move its gaze across its empire instead, especially as more and more ppl rebel and act against the brits.
Why would they be more Pro-American? the USA at the moment is isolationist and quite happy with that despite someone like FDR likely wishing to change that, their only real "alliance" would be in East Asia in keeping their colonies safe from Japanese militarism as well as protecting their trading interests in China like OTL. Especially without Hitler here, the Americans won't get invested in what is going on Europe and instead focus inwards as well as their Pacific holdings.
true. But America (I think) would move against the USSR and Italy as time goes on, since the Europeans probably would be quite destroyed too, and start exerting its power more and more. The shift will come, since America would just take up more and more of the world's share of industry as the war goes on ittl.
I don’t see why the UK would take a hardline against Germany here, when we know that IOTL they insisted with appeasement even when Hitler was outwardly unreliable. A Germany with a sane diplomatic strategy should be able to push for concessions while knowing when to stop and take a break.
Yeah that's my guess on why things will be better. LV knows his cards, and he's careful not to overplay them. He's buddying up to Britain too as France is rabidly against Germany and the USSR is no bueno for obvious reasons.
Honestly I really disagree with this, the USSR has been quiet and it's own corner ever since their defeat to Poland in the last decade and they aren't doing anything close to being a actual threat, not even a proper alliance or anti aggression pact. If I had to say, Italy is looking like the current trouble maker in British eyes, although Germany and the Soviet Union are also cause their own level of worry from the leadership.
Yeha, it'd be one thing if Russia was banging on the war drums, but here, they've been low key. Staying in the borders and such.

Italy is the one upsetting the world order here.
I don’t see why the UK would take a hardline against Germany here, when we know that IOTL they insisted with appeasement even when Hitler was outwardly unreliable. A Germany with a sane diplomatic strategy should be able to push for concessions while knowing when to stop and take a break.
They wouldn't be hardline but they would certainly be skeptical of them at least, the current leadership was in WW1 after all, so even with LW and a seemingly democratic Germany, the Brits aren't certainly going to allow something like German domination of Eastern Europe given their Balance of Power strategy in ensuring not one power remains too strong in the continent. Plus like I said before, if push comes to shove, Britain will very likely back France in case of conflict against Germany, mainly because the French wouldn't be able to gain much territory and would once again have the fighting occur in their territory while a victorious Germany would have no rival strong enough to challenge it, at least until the USSR grows strong enough.
But there's no way the brits won't see the USSR as a potential problem too.
They already do tbh, it's just because the Soviets aren't making noises and splashes means they aren't as high priority for the moment.
as politics moves to the rest of the world due to the Europeans losing their power I see Britain caring less about Europe, as Germany also becomes its hegemon, Britain prob will look less and less on the continent and move its gaze across its empire instead, especially as more and more ppl rebel and act against the brits.
Again unlikely I would say, since the main thing about British foreign policy on the continent was ensuring no power would grow strong enough to ever pose a threat to them, so even if the Brits are focusing on their empire, they're also keeping tabs in Europe to ensure the situation is still favorable for them, which means mainly backing their only true ally in the form of France, thus preventing the Germans getting too strong.

true. But America (I think) would move against the USSR and Italy as time goes on, since the Europeans probably would be quite destroyed too, and start exerting its power more and more. The shift will come, since America would just take up more and more of the world's share of industry as the war goes on ittl.
Again, why? Neither country threatens the USA in a direct way and they aren't interested on doing that for starters, America will keep their isolation because until war was brought to them, the American public was mostly apathic towards what was happening in Europe with a few exceptions
Yeha, it'd be one thing if Russia was banging on the war drums, but here, they've been low key. Staying in the borders and such.

Italy is the one upsetting the world order here.
Especially given that it's Stalin on the helm for the next decade or two, man was cautious, especially in foreign policy and in a more hostile climate, he'll keep his head down and continue Soviet industrialization and modernization.

Honestly, there's a chance that Mussolini will wise up here, his chances are certainly better with no Hitler to compete and feeling the need to compare himself to.
They wouldn't be hardline but they would certainly be skeptical of them at least, the current leadership was in WW1 after all, so even with LW and a seemingly democratic Germany, the Brits aren't certainly going to allow something like German domination of Eastern Europe given their Balance of Power strategy in ensuring not one power remains too strong in the continent. Plus like I said before, if push comes to shove, Britain will very likely back France in case of conflict against Germany, mainly because the French wouldn't be able to gain much territory and would once again have the fighting occur in their territory while a victorious Germany would have no rival strong enough to challenge it, at least until the USSR grows strong enough.
They didn’t take a hardline against Hitler, who also had ties to the old elites, most notably having come to power on the back of Hindenburg. He also had an outwardly aggressive foreign policy, embarked in rampant remilitarization, and was overall a pariah regime.

There’s no reason to suppose their image of L-V would be worse than what they thought of Hitler, and while it’s true that they would back France if they were attacked by Germany, Germany is unlikely to go for that.
And on that note, I wouldn't be surprised if Yugoslavia is their next act here, with them provoking a civil war between Yugoslavianist Fascists (ZBOR+Yugoslav Radical Union) and Croatian Fascists (the Ustase).
The Ustashe were exiles in Italy at this point, so don’t think they would come to power in Croatia without an Axis occupation.
They wouldn't be hardline but they would certainly be skeptical of them at least, the current leadership was in WW1 after all, so even with LW and a seemingly democratic Germany, the Brits aren't certainly going to allow something like German domination of Eastern Europe given their Balance of Power strategy in ensuring not one power remains too strong in the continent. Plus like I said before, if push comes to shove, Britain will very likely back France in case of conflict against Germany, mainly because the French wouldn't be able to gain much territory and would once again have the fighting occur in their territory while a victorious Germany would have no rival strong enough to challenge it, at least until the USSR grows strong enough.
Why tho? Germany isn't going to attack Italy if Italy launches a Yugoslav war, the only time Germany would go on the offensive is if France attacks them or the USSR attacks Poland and pushes close to Germany/danzig, or Poland attacks Danzig. Two of those scenarios would force Britain into helping Germany anyways, and Poland invading Danzig would be the only scenario where Britain can't exactly help Germany.

I don't see Britain helping France in a scenario where it's France that attacks Germany though, and LV isn't stupid enough to attack France bc he knows it'll piss off Britain. In fact ittl its France that's a lot more liable to piss of Britain bc of Kaiser's allusions to future events in France.
Again unlikely I would say, since the main thing about British foreign policy on the continent was ensuring no power would grow strong enough to ever pose a threat to them, so even if the Brits are focusing on their empire, they're also keeping tabs in Europe to ensure the situation is still favorable for them, which means mainly backing their only true ally in the form of France, thus preventing the Germans getting too strong.
Yeah, but if Germany is the lesser evil over them, the French who're killing a bunch of innocents, and the communists, the Brits will choose the least insane out of the three, which is Germany and LV.
Again, why? Neither country threatens the USA in a direct way and they aren't interested on doing that for starters, America will keep their isolation because until war was brought to them, the American public was mostly apathic towards what was happening in Europe with a few exceptions
Pacific war?

It's probable.

Frankly, someone who threatens American control of the Philippines would quickly make the US very jingoistic too.
Especially given that it's Stalin on the helm for the next decade or two, man was cautious, especially in foreign policy and in a more hostile climate, he'll keep his head down and continue Soviet industrialization and modernization.

Honestly, there's a chance that Mussolini will wise up here, his chances are certainly better with no Hitler to compete and feeling the need to compare himself to.
I do see him going for Poland once again if things in Italy get rough enough. Like Britain goes in against a somewhat-competent Italy in Yugoslavia while the place is burning down, and Italy manages to bomb Malta enough to keep the brits busy, and since France isn't helping Stalin decides that attacking Poland while both countries are at odds with each other would work.
The Ustashe were exiles in Italy at this point, so don’t think they would come to power in Croatia without an Axis occupation.
the Italy could pull a German move and let the Ustashe into Croatia, and be their puppets as they wage war against Yugoslavia.
There’s no reason to suppose their image of L-V would be worse than what they thought of Hitler, and while it’s true that they would back France if they were attacked by Germany, Germany is unlikely to go for that.
exactly, I don't think LV-led Germany will ever go for attacking France. LV's administration isn't going to do the same things the Hitler administration did. At all.

I still see Papen blowing up Danzig and putting the germans and brits at odds.
Researching the Polish Corridor for future chapters, and the more I read, the more it really feels like there was just go no good solution. To prevent passengers from requiring a Visa just to pass through via train, Poland enacted a system of sealing the train cars before it passed through the corridor to ensure passengers could not disembark. This caused problems during a train accident in 1925 when the passengers were trapped for hours before help arrived. Polish border guards would also often check the coaches first, which would at times involve intense searches to prevent "contraband" of which travellers had great fear. Plus, the Polish stretch of the track was notoriously poorly-maintained, due to a combination of financing and lack of incentive, so even the increasingly fast German trains had to slow down significantly.

At the same time, the region was dominantly Polish (and Kashubian, but they aligned with Poland mostly), with the German population massively shrunken during the 20's and now only possessing even a plurality in major cities. The sea access via Gdinya and Danzig was very important and the fact that they shared border disputes with most of their neighbours made them them more reliant than others. Plus, if they lost Danzig, even while keeping the rest, Germany could block the mouth of the river to Polish ships.

And neither side was willing to concede anything. Germany was unwilling to make the guarantees and relinquish the claims which would be required to regain Danzig from Poland, and Poland was unwilling to provide access and protection of the rights of Germans and their travellers which could have secured their access. Frankly, I am amazed that there were no attempts at massive population transfer or expulsion.
Care to elaborate for those unfamiliar with the situation, then?
There are many nazi apologists across the internet who claim that interwar Poland used to ethnically cleanse the Germans, and supposedly that's why Hitler invaded Poland. And honestly I don't know whether these persons deliberately lie for the sake of their idol, or if they just don't know that the german territorial losses from respectively ww1 and ww2 are two completely different leagues.
There are many nazi apologists across the internet who claim that interwar Poland used to ethnically cleanse the Germans, and supposedly that's why Hitler invaded Poland. And honestly I don't know whether these persons deliberately lie for the sake of their idol, or if they just don't know that the german territorial losses from respectively ww1 and ww2 are two completely different leagues.
This is true, I've seen that a lot. While Poland wasn't especially friendly to Germans, it wasn't any more extreme than what most other nations did with their minorities. Most Germans left of their own volition. Without WW2 I'd have seen a German minority remain in this regions indefinitely, due to proximity if nothing else, but continuously shrink without enough German influence.

It is actually amazing how few nations resorted to such methods. Even Italy didn't go that far with their Germans, nor did Romania with their Hungarians. I suppose the League wasn't quite as impotent as it gets called.

Of course, a calm and logical resolution to the Prussian border will be a lot more fiery of an issue here, especially since the man running Germany sees the restoration of the East as his biggest priority.
Of course, a calm and logical resolution to the Prussian border will be a lot more fiery of an issue here, especially since the man running Germany sees the restoration of the East as his biggest priority.
How inevitable with a 1920 POD then would you say was a Polish-German War sooner or later, with the mess of the Polish Corridor that you noted and all that.