2013 UK Boundary Review Map

Does anyone have a map of the 600-constituency boundary review planned in the last Parliament? I've seen the interactive map versions but none of them can be easily edited.
Does anyone have a map of the 600-constituency boundary review planned in the last Parliament? I've seen the interactive map versions but none of them can be easily edited.

This for England and Wales can be quite easily edited in Paint: https://ashleytelegraph.cartodb.com/viz/1f72ef3e-f578-11e4-b991-0e853d047bba/public_map

Screen grab the various parts at sufficiently high scale, patch them together, then save as a 256 colour bitmap, then a 16 colour bitmap, should be sufficient to leave you with an outline map.


This for England and Wales can be quite easily edited in Paint: https://ashleytelegraph.cartodb.com/viz/1f72ef3e-f578-11e4-b991-0e853d047bba/public_map

Screen grab the various parts at sufficiently high scale, patch them together, then save as a 256 colour bitmap, then a 16 colour bitmap, should be sufficient to leave you with an outline map.

Good source. The way I do it in those circumstances is to take the aforementioned patched-together giant map, copy it into Paint.Net, increase the contrast to max and then use the magic wand selection tool with global fill to select only the borders with one click so they can be copied into a blank image. It needs some cleaning up afterwards but it saves a lot of time.

So according to that source map, the Lib Dems would not have held their OTL held seats in West Yorkshire, London or Wales, but would have kept three in the West Country...hmm.