'200 Years: A World of Despair, a World of Hope.': A Collaborative Timeline


Good map. Only corrections I see would be the following:

-Argentina has expanded to the tip of the continent.
-Peru and Antioquia (Colombia) would have the same protectorate status outline as Venezuela.
-Didn't the U.S. grab the Toronto area?
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Start of the Sino-Japanese War

March 13, 1878: The Empire of Japan skirmishes with China over Sakhalin. This is the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War.

May 14, 1878: Japanese ironclads first engage the Chinese Navy. The battles do not go well at all for China.

May 20, 1878: Japanese soldiers land in Shanghai. They demand the Chinese Emperor come to negotiate for "treaty ports".
The Sultanate of Zanzibar

October 4, 1871: The Sultan of Oman entertains a visiting British navy. The incident catches the attention of the Ottomans...

December 11, 1871: The Sultan flees to his holdings in Zanzibar during the Ottoman Occupation of his lands.

<Especially bad since I imagine the war is still going on>
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August 5, 1859: Mexico and Japan make a "Gentlemen's Agreement" over Hawaii. Japan recieves everything from Oahu west, and Mexico keeps everything Molokai easy. Both parties are satisifies with the deal.

July 24, 1883: Simon Bolivar, the Father of Mexico, dies of old age. Mexico and all its lands weep, and the United States holds a respectful moment of silence.

September 11, 1883: Mexico begins renewing its colonialization of New Guinea.

October 5, 1895: Mexico annexes the Simoan islands.

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Here are some PODs for Indonesia, Native Americans, et al.:

November 18th, 1871: British officials unveil the first "Difference Engine" in INdonesia at Jakarta, Indonesia....

April 6th, 1881: British troops begin landing at Batavia, Indonesia, sparking outrage by Chinese, French, and Japanese governments...

March 19th, 1884: Alastoeva Disaster; Meteor impacts region of Djati-Pengilon, Ngawi, Indonesia, triggering geological and climatic upheval in the region...

December 25th, 1890- Standing Rock Proclamation; Native American leaders led by Sitting Bull demand recognition of a Native American state in Standing Rock, North Dakota....

June 20th, 1891: British officials sign an alliance with Indonesian leaders in Jakarta, sparking international attention in the region...

July 4th, 1892: Native American leaders led by appear at the White House in Washington D.C., demanding territorial autonomy and independence...

January 8th, 1897: Susan B. Anthony reports her support for Native American nationalism in Senecca Fall, New York....
January 2, 1891: A new Whig Congress, fresh from finally making a federal law finally banning slavery, although slavery had been effectively gone for a decade, addresses the issue of Standing Rock. The Congress is split but does officially create the "Standing Rock Territory" and set up the following points for statehood.

1. A State Constitution
2. Residents must declare allegiance to the United States of America and the US Constitution
3. <OOC: Something regarding economics maybe?>
4. A U.S. Citizen population of 50,000, citizens allowed under the 15th amendment are allowed, provided they can prove their birth in the United States territory.

November 5, 1892: The issue of Standing Rock Statehood becomes an election issue. The Whig Candidate is in favor of it, whereas the Democrats support an "America for Americans policy"

The 1892 election would be highly contentious, with the nation only knowing the votes in January, and a good chance of voter fraud

<Someone choose the president of 1892 please?>
Here is the second draft of 1851-1900:

April 1, 1851: President Calhoun is shot by an anarchist proclaiming that Taylor was "a damn Mason." Although the bullet wound was not fatal at first, the doctors attempt to remove it wound up killing the president. Then Medical student, <insert name> who was assisting surgeons, begins to first formulate the ideas of infection and how disease can spread. Noting that although the president was shot, he died of a disease that he knew the doctors son had. Also on this day, After potato production begins to fall, a form of Central American potato is imported to Ireland. The situation appears similar to an incident in 1846 that passed without a hitch. However, this new potato is effectively resistant to the diease killing off the native potatos, having been exposed to something similar many years ago. A year later, the concept of a "Great Famine" is effectively dead.

April 2, 1851: Vice President Daniel Webster is sworn in as the tenth President of the United States, although he faces stiff opposition in congress, with many citing him as only an "acting President"

April 9, 1851: In free Western Canada, Roger Palmont begins working on his treatise, 'The Basic Values of Libertarianism' in his home in the then small town of LaSalle, Manitoba.

April 24, 1851: Charles Sumner of Massachusetts is elected senator, a self-described, "Friend of the Negro"; abolitionist and he proposes a National Frick law.

April 29th, 1851: Governor Peter Burnett (W-CA) calls for a "war of extermination" against the Native Americans in Sacramento, California....

June 6, 1851-An anti-Masonic activist is murdered in Cranston{OTL Marysville}, Missouri.

July 1st, 1851: Caspar von Braun proclaims a evangelical religious revival in Neu Wurtenberg, Tejas...

December 1, 1851: Mexican President Sancho Aguas De La Rosa wins re-election.

December 2nd, 1851: Victor Alexandre Puiseux is shot by an anarchist in Paris, France, over alleged "enslavement of the workers"...


January 1st, 1852: African-American preacher Samuel H. Davis condemns the British role in the spread of slavery in the Americas, during a rally in Buffalo, New York...

February 11, 1852: Henry Clay dies in Washington DC. His last words were "Not only do I pray for it, on the score of human dignity, but I can clearly forsee that nothing but the rooting out of slavery can perpetuate the existence of our union, by consolidating it in a common bond of principle."

March 12, 1852: The Japanese Navy lands on Hawaii, make the Queen pledge loyalty to the Emperor. The Japanese plan to turn Hawaii into an important trading post and resupply post for their ships in the Pacific

March 13, 1852: Fearing the growing strength of the United States and the "Mexican Empire," the Portugese approach the Spanish Empire with a deal; the two coutries will unionize to create an effective counterweight against America and Mexico.

May 29th, 1852: Native American Jose Antonio leads an armed insurrection against Mexican authorities in Contra Costa, Alta California...

June 6, 1852: The Spanish-Portugese Union is officially signed into existence. A new Great Power has dawned in the Americas. The new Union begins focusing on rapid industrialization.

June 26th, 1852: Emperor Hsien Feng is stabbed by 17-year old Tzu Hsi, the youngest bride, and one of 3,000 women in the royal comcubine in Beijing, China...

July 11th 1852: to honour the late king Gustaf IV or as he is more frequently called "gustaf the constructor" a expansion on the gustaf line is made. Upon completion the line will extend from south western tip of sweden to the norwegian border.

August 11, 1852-A Masonic temple is bombed in Charlotte, N.C.; Also on this day, John Murray Spears forms the "Association of Electrizers" in Lynn, Massachusetts, proclaiming "Deus Ex Machina", proclaiming "god's presence in the machine", citing "Difference Engines"....

November 13, 1852: Despite a close election, John C. Fremont is defeated in his bid to become President. Webster becomes a two termer.

November 18, 1852: President Webster, officially opens Federal Station. A railway station in DC that is the middle route between: Richmond and New York


January 20th, 1853: Esperance Incident; French military forces board the H.M.S. Halifax for suspected criminals in Esperance, Nieu Holland.....

February 1st 1853: The great fire of Stockholm happens..

February 3rd 1853: the great fire of Stockholm is finally Extinguished in mere 3 days a third of the city burns. mostly the important industrial areas.

February 11th 1853: King oscar I of sweden demands all extra money to be given to the rebuilding of the industrial parts of Stockholm.

March 10, 1853: In the state of North Carolina, a bill is introduced to eventually illegalize slavery...............but it falls thru.{but not before gaining some support from the public}

May 22nd, 1853: Per Georg Scheutz and his son Edvard, unveil a new generation of "Difference Engines" in Stockholm Sweden, sparking fears of a "Northern domination", according to Sir Charles Babbage...

July-September, 1853: Though the slaughterhouses were highly successful for a time, some people begin to notice that things aren't quite working out as well as they had once hoped

July 15th, 1853: Native American Masachie Jim leads an armed insurrection in King County, Washington, sparking concerns of British and Russian aid...

July 26th, 1853: Sir George Cayley unveils the "ornithopter" at Brompton Dale, England, granting Great Britain a strategic advantage....

July 27th, 1853: Sir Richard Burton is executed as a British spy, after being captured by Ottoman officials in Mecca, Saudi Arabia...

July 30, 1853: Brazil begins to rapidly build up its standing army and navy.

August 1st 1853: meanwhile on the bussines of rebuilding industrial Stockholm that burned months earlier the government decides to instad of building small crammed wooden workshops to build stone and concrete factories with plenty of space between. and even some railways between the factories.

August 17, 1853: The State of Calhoun{OTL Neb. and S.D. anywhere up to the '25th meridian west from Washington'} is admitted as a slave state, in response to Kansas{OTL Oklahoma} and Lafayette being admitted as free states.

August 21st, 1853: Theodore Winthrop and William Frasier Tolmie lead a British expedition into the Yukon territories...

September 24th, 1853: Admiral Auguste Febvrier-Despointes is named Governor-General of Nieu Holland at Balade, sparking international attention...

October 2nd, 1853: Nephi Massacre; Mormon settlers en-route to Moroni, are ambushed by Sioux forced, 45 people killed in the process...

October 8th, 1853: John Muray Spears leads a rally of "Electrizers" in Rochester, New York, mainly disaffected youth, calling for them to "prepare the way"...

October 15th, 1853: Saengerfest; Music festival is held in Neu Braunfels, Tejas, sparking German nationalist sentiment in the region...

October 31, 1853: The French government begins sending agents into Quebec to rally against British domination.

November 1853-March 1854: Anti-slavery populist from Tennessee Louis J.{Jonathan} Tipton narrowly wins the election, despite fierce opposition from his opponent, pro-slavery Whig William Wilberforce{ironic, considering that his name is rather similar to an OTL British abolitionist}............on top of that, he's against the anti-Masonic crackdowns. This further angers many across the country; the Atlantic East, Georgia, Mississippi, and recently admitted East Texas in particular.

December 21, 1853: Mormon Minister Elijiah Abernathy continues to preach to book of Mormon in South Africa, completing his 75,000 baptism on the African continent.


January 10th, 1854: Chief Seattle calls for the evacuation of white settlers outside the state capitol in Tacoma, Washington...

January 26th, 1854: Sir Arthur Cayley learns to crack the programming codes of French Difference engines in Oxford, England....

March 27th, 1854: Ottoman Empire forces launch an offensive against Russian forces in Sofia, Bulgaria....

June 8th, 1854: Tucscon Insurrection; Native American forces set fire to Tucson, Arizona, sparking a massive crackdown by Mexican authorities...

August 4th, 1854: Congress debates the role of Russian military forces in North America, sparking international attention and concern in Washington D.C.,...

April 6th, 1854: Charles Sumner announces his opposition to miscegenation after meeting with Reverend William Augustus Stearns in Cambridge, Massachusetts....

May 1st 1854: becouse of bad years for the economy in sweden King Oscar has to make budget cuts to the extension of Gustaf line. and thus the expansion will be some 5 times lighter armed than the original.

September 11, 1854: Former President Bolivar begins encouraging Mexican settlement of Nueva Zelandia, especially given the British lack of interest in the land.

September 20th, 1854: Star ou Psi de Cassiopée by C.I. Defontenay, "scientific romance" portraying interstellar civilizations makes its hit debut...

October 4th, 1854: Russian Pacific Fleet docks in Okhotsk, Alayeska, asa "show of force" in an effort to warn British, French and Mexican forces in the region...

October 7, 1854-Delegates from the states of Pa., N.J., N.Y., and all of New England outside of Vermont, meet in Manhattan to discuss the possibility of an eventual secession.

November, 1854-January, 1855-A particularly brutal winter kills a large number of the cattle and other livestock in much of Tejas.

November 3, 1854: Following an industrial boom in Richmond, the state act passes a controversial decision, they pass what is commonly known as "Frick's Law" a law designed to make Slavery simply uneconomical. This sets a large conflict between the industrialized Richmond, and the rich landowners who now have to give up their slaves.

November 5, 1854: The States of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and SOuth Carolina pass "Racial purity laws" which in effect makes being non-caucasian a crime and the punishment is enslavement.

November 13th, 1854: Chinese naval forces seize HMS Tallapaloosa, off the coast of Hong Kong, sparking tensions between China and Great Britiain...


January 31st, 1855: Senator James A. Bayard (W-DE) warns of the dangers of the "Russian domination" of Alayeska, during a speech before the U.S. Senate...

February 3, 1855-During the governor's race in Miss., the Anti-Masonic candidate, William R. Shore, is approached by a wealthy planter who promises to be a big backer of his campaign, but he must do him a favor first.............

February 9th 1855: Pehr (Per) Georg Scheutz and sweidsh engineers and scientist and high ranked military personelle in sweden begin a project on building a "iron knight"

February 11th, 1855: Kassa Haile Giorgis (a.k.a. Tewodros II) comes to power in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia proclaiming the need for a Western-style constitutional monarchy...

March 5, 1855: Queen Victoria dies of an autoimmune disease. The thirteen year old Princess Victoria, is named Queen Victoria II. The Young Queen is assisted by Lord Palmerston in forming a new government. However the monarchy has lost much control over the government as a result.

March 11, 1855: A Japanese Frigate engages in battle with similar ship of the Chinese Navy. Surprising Asia, the Japanese Navy throughly trounced China, beginning what many called the Age of Japan's Pacific, which began a wave of expansion across the Pacific Islands

March 20, 1855-Anywhere in Cascadia south of the 49th parallel is split off into the pro-slavery Maxwell Territory................One condition, though: All people who do become slaves must be freed within about 5 years{though you can buy more later}.

March 19, 1855: The Oregon Territory is admitted as the state of Cascadia; however it is solely a free-soil state, and nothing but.

April 17, 1855: The U.S. and Russia begin discussions on a possible peace treaty, despite rivalries in the past.

April 20th, 1855: Frederick Douglass leads a group of the "Liberian Colonization Society" (LCS) from New York City, New York...

May 15, 1855-William Shore wins the election by a landslide........among his chief contributors was one Jebediah Seivers of Greenwood, the planter whose donations had basically ensured his victory.

July 23, 1855-The 'Freedom of Business' act is introduced into the Miss. state legislature, by a mutual friend of Seivers', Fredrick Grissom.

September 4, 1855-The 'Freedom of Business' act is passed, thanks to greedy corporate interests, and paid-off assemblymen.............unlimited slavery of blacks is now fully legal in Miss., and there is nothing that the Feds can do about it for now.

September 20th, 1855: "Dark Cloud" (a.k.a. Elijah Tahamont ) preaches a gospel of Native American nationalism in Odanak, Quebec...

October 12, 1855: After expressing a dislike for slavery, President Webster orders his secretary of war to "get rid of that abolitionist Captain" effectively stymies Lincoln's naval career by sentencing him to command the American Pacific Fleet.

December 1st 1855 oscar I of sweden signs the so called "steel pact" in wich the goals for the next decade for sweden are set:

1.bring up industrialisation to the level of any modern country.
2. a railway conecting all major settlements and industrial areas.
3. sweden into top 10 producers of steel lumber and machinery.

December 24th, 1855: Chief Seattle leads Klamath, Upper Umpqua, Takelma, and Latgawa tribes in a war council against the American government in Tacoma, Washington...

December 31, 1855: 10,000 French agents slip into Quebec.


February 18th, 1856: Imam Hatt-i-Humayun leads a rally in Istanbul, calling France as "the Great Satan"....

April 4, 1856: Professor of Astronomy, Jules Verne, pens an essay "On the Merits of Academic and scientific freedom". In a way Verne is staking his whole career on this essay, but he is surprised when the next emperor Napoleon II, wholeheartedly approves of it, granting tenure to professors. Emperor Auguste not seeing the harm and too busy moving the grand armies around Europe, Africa and the Americas, lets it become law

April 15th, 1856: Ottoman leaders declare an intifada against France and Russia from Mecca, sparking international attention and concern...

May 1, 1856: Mexico and the United States reaffirm their nonaggression pack.

May 16th 1856: the city of Helsinki's complete rebuilding is complete as the 10 meters high statue of Engel the arhitecht of the city is rised at the Senate square next to Helsinki cathedral.

June 23, 1856: Fearing the sudden increase of Japanese naval power, Mexico and Hawaii sign a treaty that makes Hawaii a full-fledged Mexican Dominio. The first act of the new Hawaiian government is to lease Mexico three naval bases, the largest being Puerto Peral (Pearl Harbor in Spanish).

July 3, 1856: Liberty{OTL Kansas} admitted into the union as a free soil state.

July 8th, 1856: Kassa Haile Giorgis (a.k.a. Tewodros II) establishes relations with France in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, sparking international attention...

July 11th 1856: Braun elektromechaniks begins manufacture of electronics in one of the biggest factories in the newly built industrial Stockholm.

July 15th 1856: president bergmann of finland dies. the senate having a hard time choosing who would be suitable to be the next president choses to give the vote to the people.

June 28th, 1856: Portuguese pilot Matias Perez demonstrates the "ornithopter" in Havana, Cuba, the first recorded ornithopter flight in the Americas...

August 12th, 1856: Despite American diplomatic pressure, the Tejas Reichstag passes anti-miscegenation laws, sparking international attention...

August 15th 1856: unable to get any clear results from the presidential elections in finland becouse of bad communications and massive areas to cover the senate decides that the elderly baron of helsinki. Jussi alakoski to be the president of finnmark.

November 1, 1856: Salmon Chase, capitalizing on fears of "slave power" and promising to lead America into an industrial age, wins election as a Whig

November 12th, 1856: San Nicolas Massacre; Russian Cossacks massacre Aleuts on San Nicolas Island, Alayeska, sparking international condemnation...

October 13, 1856: The Dutch East India company soldiers in Bombay kill a child that was attempting to stow away on a riverboat. This starts the Bombay Rebellion against the Dutch East India Company.

December 16th 1856: Per George Scheutz begins manufacture of the first iron knight in his factory outside Stockholm

December 20th, 1856: Jean-Marie Le Bris demonstrates the military applications for the "ornithopter" for French military officials in Concarneau, Brittany...


January 1, 1857: Argentina expands to the southern most tip of Central America. Mexico begins focusing on improving the already warm relationship between it and Argentina.

January 6th 1857: Ohlson-Bäckström AB presents their highly advanced "precisson artillery" wich is able to hit targers more accurately than any other artillery in the world.

February 13th, 1857: Johnson County War; Native American leaders launch an armed insurrection in Johnson County, Nebraska...

February 23rd, 1857: Reverend F. E. Pitts warns Congress that "Armageddon" would be based on a war between the United States of America and Russia, in Washington D.C.,....

May 10th, 1857: Gradual Civilization Act provokes rebellion and armed insurrection led by Chief Waabadik starting in Toronto, Ontario and throughout British North America....

June 26th, 1857: Congress passes the Anti-Miscegenation Act; national law banning mixed-race relations is passed; many abolitionists support the measure as a means of compromise...

June 27th, 1857: Battle of Batchawana Bay; Native American guerillas lay siege to British colonies throughout Lake Superior...

June 29th, 1857: Battle of Saugeen Peninsula; Native American (e.g. mainly Saugeen and Ojibwa) forces led by Chief Waabadik surrender to British forces....

September 11th, 1857: Mountain Meadows Massacre; Native American guerillas attack Mormon settlers en route to Moroni....

October 4, 1857: Dred Scot, a freed black completing a trade run into Savannah is arrested by the Police. He and his Maryland employer, Roger Taney, owner of Taney Trading Company, sue that not only was his incarceration and enslavement illegal, but that he is a citizen, citing the Declaration of Independence, that "all men are created equal". The 4 Supreme Court justices selected by President Clay, fast track the case to take it to the Supreme Court.

December 1, 1857: Benito Juarez is elected as President of Mexico. He is the first indigenous POM in Mexican history.

December 11, 1857: Newly coronated Emperor Napoleon II of France, decrees the "Rights of French Subjects", which relaxes the almost paranoid stance of Auguste I regarding French European affairs


March 10th, 1858: British explorer David Livingstone leads an expedition into the interior of North America...

April 9, 1858: An enterprising American visits Sweden to take a gander at all of this modern armor stuff. He is quite impressed and talks about a partnership with Scheutz.{@mcempires: Machine guns haven't been invented, yet, have they? Anyway, It'll probably be a while before light MGs come around, since the first Maxims were quite heavy.}

July 13th, 1858: Lord Palmerston proclaims the necessity of slavery of the Native Americans as a "vital necessity" before Parliament in London, England...

September 26th, 1858: August Ferdinand Möbius damages several French "Difference Engines" using "malicious mathematicals" in Leipzig....

December 16, 1858: Lord Palmerston, having read the "Folly of Overseas Imperialism" and with the embarrassments the Empire had to face in the Americas. Decides not to send reinforcements to India, but does authorize a payment to the DEI Company to keep things stable. The policy of indirect empire, remains the norm for England.


January 12th, 1859: American preacher Sarah Parker Remond condemns British polcies towards Native Americans during a religious rally in Liverpool, England...

January 28th, 1859: Mülkiye Proclamation; Islamic fundamentalist leaders proclaim the imposition of sharia religious law in Mülkiye, Turkey...

June 24th, 1859: French forces block British Red Cross officials from crossing into French territories, sparking an international incident...

July 1st 1859: Finnmark (finland) president Bergmann and king Oscari I of sweden form a non agression pact with each other.

August 5, 1859: Mexico and Japan make a "Gentlemen's Agreement" over Hawaii. Japan recieves everything from Oahu west, and Mexico keeps everything Molokai easy. Both parties are satisifies with the deal.

September 3, 1859-In Kansas, the city of Clayville{OTL's Cushing, Okla.} is founded.

November 1, 1859: Virginia free's its last slave. Many angry plantation owners move south to estates in North Carolina. Anthony Burgess a prominent slaveowner, gets an idea. He creates work gangs, and pays small wages to his now former slaves. It gets around Frick Laws, but keeps them wage slave status. He soon becomes the largest plantation owner in Virginia. He founds Burgess Tobacco, it is the dawn of one of the largest agriculture corporations in America.

November 12, 1859: The Dutch East India company is in shambles during the Bombay Rebellion. On this date the Headquarters for the company is attacked in Bombay and burned to the ground. It symbolizes the end of British control on the sub-continent


February 25th, 1860: African-American leader Curtis W. Jacobs calls for the "return to Africa" of former slaves, during a rally in Baltimore, Maryland...

September 20th, 1860: California State Assembly passes laws allowing the enslavement of Native Americans in Sacramento, California...

December 18th 1860: under the increasing internal tension in Denmark caused by the massive swedish fortifications just outside the danish capital. king christian VIII of denmark is forced to expand the deffences of denmark. altough he knows that it might be used by the swedish as a excuse to wage war.


February 7th, 1861: Choctaw nation declares war on the United States, calling for the creation of Native American states....

February 19th, 1861: Russian leaders announce in Sitka, Alayeska that they will be increasing the size of their military presence substantially, sparking international tensions...

February 23rd, 1861: In a poll taken by political leaders, only 5 of the 17 registered counties in the Tejas region have expressed any desire for American annexation....

August 21st, 1861: French pirates attack the USS Minnesota, off the coast of Savannah, Georgia, sparking international attention...

September 12, 1861: The Spanish-Portugese Union now has the largest standing army in the Western Hemisphere.

November 11th, 1861: Emperor Hsien Feng dies, sparking a major succession crisis in Beijing, China; Western-backed Hong Xiuquan proclaims that he will lead a "reform" regime....


February 7th, 1862: Battle of Nag's Head; U.S. baval forces launch attacks against pirate cells in Nag's Head, Virginia....

August 18th, 1862: Sioux guerilla forces launch an attack against Mankato, Minnesota, calling for an independent Native American state....

September 15th, 1862: Les Misérables by Victor Hugo, "scientific romance" depicting a dystopian future is published in Paris, France...


June 13th, 1863: British Luddites launch massive riots in Sydney, Australia, demanding the end to "mechanical enslavement"

December 1, 1863: After the first close election in history, Benito Juarez is re-elected as President of Mexico.


April 1, 1864: All of Mexico's naval vessels are now "iron-and-steam" ships.

April 14th, 1864: Russian officials claim "A line has been written in the snow..." during a speech in Washington D.C., demanding American withdrawal from Cascadian territories...

June 1st, 1864: Western-backed Hong Xiuquan is proclaimed emperor after troops seize the Forbidden City in Beijing, China...

August 14th, 1864: Russian Pacific Squadron lands in Yerba Buena, demanding that American forces withdraw from the Pacific Coast, sparking international attention...

August 15, 1864: The Naval Fortress on Alcatraz fires on the Russian ships, strandening approximately 673 Russian sailors on Yerba Buena. <IOTL Alcatraz and Fort POint were fortresses from 1850s on. Used to be a volunteer there. If you know where to look you can still find the gun placements, the few remaining cannonballs were taken during WW2 because of rationing.>

September 1, 1864: In response to the growing Russian aggression, Mexico deploys sizable reinforcements to Sonora, California Del Sur (OTL Southern California, maybe fifty miles north of Los Angles and down, and the northern half of the Baja Peninsula), and Baja Del Sur (the exact same place as in OTL). Portions of the Mexican Pacific fleet are dispatched to Los Angeles.

October 4, 1864: News of the attack in Yerba Buena reaches Europe. The Russians are furious, but the French take the opportunity to berate Russia on behalf of their ally in the Americas. Tensions are mounting in Europe.

November 1, 1864: Admiral of the America's ironclads on the West coast, USS Monitor, Admiral Abraham Lincoln is given the order to blockade the Southern coast of Russian Alayeska.

November 12, 1864: Emperor Osahito of Japan faces a dilemma, turn towards allying with Russia, or helping their trade partners in the Americas

November 14th, 1864: Pirates seize control of Panama, launching raids throughout all of the Carribean...


February 28th, 1865: USS Niagara launches attacks against pirate colonies outside of Vicksburg, Virginia....

April 15, 1865: After months of blockade, the Russian Pacific Fleet tries to engage Lincoln's blockade. The American Navy throughly trounces old Russian navy. Admiral Lincoln is named a hero, with news of the achievement spreading like wild fire.

October 11, 1865: The nation of Western Canada after fearing the Russians for years is finally at peace. However without the fear of Russians to unite them they begin to look at the corruption of their government in Winnpeg.

December 24, 1865: The corrupt President of Western Canada flees, following the arrival of American troops who plan to arrest him.


January 2, 1866: The Conference of Balmoral: Queen Victoria II invites the ambassadors of Russia, Sweden, Finnmark, Ottoman Empire, Spain (or the Royalists in Cuba) and Portugal (or the Royalists in Brazil meet). Otto von Bismarck is also invited. Victoria II says, "If you help us Bismarck, there will be an independent Germany in Europe's future."

March 11, 1866: The Eighth Coalition is officially formed. The First Great War of Europe has started against the French Hegemony under Emperor Napoleon II.

March 16, 1866: Mexico declares "official" neutrality, though, the heads of state begin brainstroming ways to support their ally France.

March 17th 1866: to ensure finnmarks deffences President alakoski begins a mass recruitment of men from ages 17 to 27

March 23rd 1866: King Oscar I of sweden moves the 1st royal optical regiment to the Gustaf line in southern sweden as a preparation to invade denmark.

March 27th 1866: King Christian VIII of denmark recives a ultimatum from sweden in wich he is told that if the deffences of denmark arent immideatly dismantled sweden will pulverize the country. unable to do as requested in fear of the french reaction if he would remove the deffences. and in fear of his own stafety if he doesnt follow french orders. King Christian VIII puts the "home deffence act of '66" up. in wich he wishes that every able man in the country should enlist the danish war effort incase of a swedish atack....

March 30th 1866: danish officer olaf Rye is given the command of the norwegian military forces. As his first assignment he is ordered to arrange the deffences of Oslo. on the same day Friderich Adolph Schleppegrell a other danish commander is assigned to be the 2nd in command of norwegian armed forces and he is tasked in arranging a offencive towards sweden at any time given.

April 5th 1866: Sweden delcares war upon denmark and norway.

April 7th 1866: at 6am field marchall Magnus Brahe supreme castellan of gustaf line recives a telegram from King Oscar I himself. in wich he is ordered to strike immideatly against denmark. At 6.20 am the first rounds are fired towards copenhagen. and so the pulverisation of denmark begins acording to plan. At 8 am a swedish solider notes that wery little damage has been done with shells that should have done massive craters onto danish soil. After some research it is noted that nearly all shells lack most of the explosives that wery supposed to be contained in the shells. this becouse of the economic crisis of the early 50's in sweden wich led to budget cuts even in the shell industry. As a way to conpensate to this handheld gerandes are opened and the gunpowder inside them are dispensed into the shells. At 1pm a message is sent to the high command of swedish military forces to immideatly send artillery new artillery shells to the line. but unfortunately the shells wont arrive in 2 weeks or so.

April 12, 1866: The States of Yukon, Alberta and Manitoba are added to the United States.

June 12th, 1866: Polish nationalist Jan Wnęk forms the "Loty" (Flyer) division of "ornithopter" pilots in defiance of French occupation forces in Krakow, Poland...

August 18th, 1866: The xenophobic "Arogye" faction of the Ethiopian military launches a failed coup against the government in Addis Ababa, calling for the expulsion of all foreigners...

August 27, 1866: At the behest of the now 75,000 French agents in Canada, Quebec erupts into a massive rebellion against the "Anglo Pigs." The Brits are effectively caught with their pants down.

October 14, 1866: Mexican naval vessels set up a colony in Papua New Guinea. The colony's location soon proves to be ideal as it is far away from any disgruntled natives and potential disease sources but within proximity to the Nueva Zelandia colonies.

October 31, 1866: Toronto and Ottawa fall into the hands of the Quebecois rebels.

November-December, 1866-Despite the British gov't running far, far away from Ontario, the anti-Quebecois resistance is starting to gain a lot of steam.


January, 1867-A lone Loyalist assassinates the Premier of Quebec, Louis Flechette...........The Quebecois resistance now fears a full scale retaliation by the Loyalists on top of this.

February, 1867-A Loyalist militia of about 33,000 is formed near Toronto.

March 11-15, 1867-Loyalist militias raid and destroy the town of Sainte-Foy and recapture Ottawa with little resistance.

March 31-April 16, 1867-In revenge for that action, a Quebecois contigent not only attacks Ottawa, but after taking it back 2 weeks later, decides to burn down as much of the city as possible. 40% of the city goes up in flames, and most of the rest is ransacked and pillaged.

April 11, 1867: Rhea Apperson Hearst is born. Her older brother William being born 4 years earlier. Rhea begins doting on her young daughter to excess.

May 1867-President Sheldon Rickover{a nobody in OTL, if he even existed}offers to negotiate between the 2 sides.

June-December 1867-The '6-Month War' begins. On June 5th, 37,000 Quebecois militiamen stormed Toronto, and took much of the city hostage. In response, on June 11th, a contigent of about 7,000 militiamen began a rampage throughout Quebec killing many, militias and civilians alike.

October 17th, 1867: African-Americans launch a "Liberian Colonization Society" from Montpelier, Vermont...

December 23rd, 1867-The '6-Month War' Ends. A very long series of negotiations begins: Over 150,000 people have died on both sides, and Quebec fears retaliation by Great Britain if they make any more attempts to keep holding the area. The U.S. military offers to step in and act as a neutral peacekeeping force in that area............both sides agree to it.


February 11th, 1868: William W. Davies proclaims the "return of the Messiah" in Walla Walla, sparking religious fervor in the Pacific Northwest....

November 1868-Samuel J. Prescott is elected President.


January 7, 1869-The Niagara Territory{OTL southwest Ontario, including Toronto} is created, all former Loyalists who wish to become American citizens are immediately naturalized; however, the U.S. also signs a non-aggression treaty with Quebec.

September 7th, 1869: Sir William Stanley Jevons unveils the "Logic Piano" as a smaller and more compact "Difference Engine", roughly the size of a piano in Liverpool, England...


February 23rd, 1870: African-American leader Martin Delany proclaims the need for a "return to Africa" movement in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...


April 6th, 1871: Emperor Wagshum Gobeze (a.k.a. Tekle Giyorgis II) launches a policy of "moral education", whereby Ethiopian scholars would study at Western universities in an effort to boost scientific and economic development in the country...

May 15th, 1871: Gobese Rebellion; Tiso Gobeze launches a failed rebellion against the government reforms Emperor Wagshum Gobeze (a.k.a. Tekle Giyorgis II). French and Etiopian forces quickly crush the rebellion...

August 13, 1871-The State of Niagara is admitted into the Union, with its capital at Hamilton.

October 4, 1871: The Sultan of Oman entertains a visiting British navy. The incident catches the attention of the Ottomans...

November 18th, 1871: British officials unveil the first "Difference Engine" in INdonesia at Jakarta, Indonesia....

December 11, 1871: The Sultan flees to his holdings in Zanzibar during the Ottoman Occupation of his lands.


October 12th, 1872: Chiricahua Apache leader Cochise launches an armed insurrection against the Mexican government in Tucson, Arizona...


April 28th, 1874: Félix du Temple de la Croix demonstrates a "combat ornithopter" for French military officials in Normandy, France....

August 20th, 1874: Victor Tatin demonstrates the military applications of "propellars" (unmanned drones) in Chalais-Meudon, France asa long-distance weapon...

September 18th, 1874: Charles Taze Russell begins proclaiming the "return of the Messiah" during a rally in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...

October 29th, 1874: Ottoman officials announce a proclamation banning the ownership of property by foreigners in Istanbul, Turkey...


January 31st, 1878: Russian military forces announce a massive offensive against Ottoman forces in the Crimean Sea, saying, "There will be no more Chrisitan surrenders...."

February 20th, 1878: Rousse Rebellion; Ottoman officials launch a brutal sectarian crackdown on Eastern Orthodox Christians in Sofia, Bulgaria...

March 13, 1878: The Empire of Japan skirmishes with China over Sakhalin. This is the beginning of the Sino-Japanese War.

May 14, 1878: Japanese ironclads first engage the Chinese Navy. The battles do not go well at all for China.

May 20, 1878: Japanese soldiers land in Shanghai. They demand the Chinese Emperor come to negotiate for "treaty ports".

June 10th, 1878:Ottoman officials launch a brutal purge against Christian Albanian nationalists in Shkoder, Kosovo, Ioannina, and Monastir, sparking international outrage...


April 6th, 1881: British troops begin landing at Batavia, Indonesia, sparking outrage by Chinese, French, and Japanese governments...


March 2nd, 1882: Queen Victoria II assassinated by a Scottish chartist radical, Roderick Mclean at Windsor Castle, sparking the English Succession Crisis.


July 24, 1883: Simon Bolivar, the Father of Mexico, dies of old age. Mexico and all its lands weep, and the United States holds a respectful moment of silence.

September 11, 1883: Mexico begins renewing its colonialization of New Guinea.


March 19th, 1884: Alastoeva Disaster; Meteor impacts region of Djati-Pengilon, Ngawi, Indonesia, triggering geological and climatic upheval in the region...


January 1st, 1889: Wovoka (a.k.a. Jack Wilson) launches a Paiute religious insurrection against Mexican forces in Yerrington, Nevada...

March 23rd, 1889: Mirza Ghulam Ahmad proclaims "holy war" against the West, after coming to power as the leader of Ottoman Empire in Istanbul, Turkey...


September 16th, 1890: Ottoman ambassador Ertugrul Firkateyni, meets with Japanese officials in Kyoto, Japan in an effort to discuss a possible alliance....

December 25th, 1890- Standing Rock Proclamation; Native American leaders led by Sitting Bull demand recognition of a Native American state in Standing Rock, North Dakota....


January 2, 1891: A new Whig Congress, fresh from finally making a federal law finally banning slavery, although slavery had been effectively gone for a decade, addresses the issue of Standing Rock. The Congress is split but does officially create the "Standing Rock Territory" and set up the following points for statehood.

1. A State Constitution
2. Residents must declare allegiance to the United States of America and the US Constitution
3. free access to interstate trade and transport
4. A U.S. Citizen population of 50,000, citizens allowed under the 15th amendment are allowed, provided they can prove their birth in the United States territory.

February 14th, 1891: Mormon President William Bickerton proclaims the rise of "Gentile Times" in Moroni, sparking international missionary work...

June 20th, 1891: British officials sign an alliance with Indonesian leaders in Jakarta, sparking international attention in the region...


July 4th, 1892: Native American leaders led by appear at the White House in Washington D.C., demanding territorial autonomy and independence...

October 9th, 1892: Travnik Massacre; Sultan Abdulhamid II launches a massive pogrom against Catholics in Travnik, Croatia...

November 5, 1892: The issue of Standing Rock Statehood becomes an election issue. The Whig Candidate is in favor of it, whereas the Democrats support an "America for Americans policy"


August 31st, 1894: Cape Fox Massacre; Tlingit Indians launch an armed insurrection against white settlers in Cape Fox, Alayeska...


October 5, 1895: Mexico annexes the Simoan islands.


January 8th, 1897: Susan B. Anthony reports her support for Native American nationalism in Senecca Fall, New York....
may 11th 1867 sweden launches a exploration mission of the north pole with the goal of reaching the northernmost point on earth and claiming parts of the northpole as a swedish colony.

june 1st 1865 a japaneese ship crashes on a notably large and uncharted island east of the south tip of africa. the japaneese sailors find that the island is populated by a few tribes of natives.
The following point needs to be clarified. It has a couple of typos that make it rather confusing.

August 5, 1859: Mexico and Japan make a "Gentlemen's Agreement" over Hawaii. Japan receives everything from Oahu west, and Mexico keeps everything Molokai easy. Both parties are satisifies with the deal.


August 5, 1859: Mexico and Japan make a "Gentlemen's Agreement" over Hawaii. Japan receives everything from Oahu west, and Mexico keeps everything from Molokai east. Both parties are satisified with the deal.

Good map. Only corrections I see would be the following:

-Argentina has expanded to the tip of the continent.
-Peru and Antioquia (Colombia) would have the same protectorate status outline as Venezuela.
-Didn't the U.S. grab the Toronto area?

Yes, we did, as far as I know. Also, there is one minor correction to be made. There is a small piece of land north of the Red River that is colored in Mexican colors, but actually belongs to the state of Kansas{OTL's Oklahoma.}.
November 21, 1864: The Dominio of Costa Rica deploys 3,000 soldiers to recapture Panama from pirate hands.

December 30, 1864: Costa Rica is forced to ask Mexico City for aid against the pirates in Panama. President Benito Juarez deploys half of Mexico's ironclad fleet and sends another 3,000 men to Panama.

February 3, 1865: Mexico's ironclad fleet ambushes and easily trouces several pirate vessels.

May 30, 1865: After a brutal seven month war, most of the Panama pirates are forced out of Panama. Mexico and Costa Rica begin to discuss plans on militarizing the area and builing up the infrastructure to keep control of the area within the government's hands.

April 1, 1882: France manages to conquer Haiti, placing all of Hispanola under French control.

August 4, 1885: As the world begins to consume more and more oil to power its machines, the Ottoman Empire begins a massive campaign to seize more land in the Arabian Peninsula.

October 1, 1893: Mexico begins creating plans for a Panama Canal. France pays extra attention to the developement.

September 13, 1894: Mexico and France become joint partners in the contruction of the Panama Canal.

January 1, 1900: Contruction of the Panama Canal begins.

September 11, 1900: After having colonized the area for clost to four decades, Mexico makes the entire island of New Guinea a Domino.

Now for the War that's supposed to be raging:

November 7, 1866: Portugese forces in Brazil easily overun and occupy French Guiana.
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Here are a few PODs to shatter the idea that race-relations will move smoothly in the ATL. The PODs are based on slave rebellions in Brazil, since the assumption has been a smoother development:

September 27th, 1851: Miami Revolt; Slaves launch an armed insurrection against plantation owners in Miami, Florida...

October 27th, 1859: Yorkville Massacre; 211 African-American slaves are killed in Yorkville, South Carolina, after slaves launch an armed insurrection, killing 12 plantation owners...

December 21st, 1861: Corporations are granted the right of "indentured servitude" under the Supreme Court case, Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, wherein Native Americans purchased by the Southern Pacific Eailroad are deemed "contractual-bonded servants"...

JUly 25th, 1865: Louisville Riots; Race ritos erupt in Louisville, Kentucky amidst accusations of the "rape of a white woman"; 72 African-Americans are killed...

June 28th, 1871: U.S. Congress ratifies the 13th Amendment to the Consitution allowing for the practice of "contractual-bonding" by corporations...

May 13th, 1888: Nashville Riots; Slave rebellion erupts in Nashville, Tennesee, 24 African-Americans are brutally slaughtered amidst accusations of the rape of a white woman...

August 24th, 1888: Pope Pius IX condemns the slave trade in the Americas, as a "murderous institution" during mass in Rome, Italy...

March 16th, 1890: Southern Rebellion; General George Gordon leads an armed insurrection in Richmond, Virginia against the federal government citing race policies...
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july 18th 1866 the battle of copenhagen goes into stalemate as neither side is able to breach eachothers deffences.

june 5th 1867 Field marchal Per Brahe issues the command to advance as planned for months. and so 50.000 swedish troops storm the danish concentration of danish deffences on the so called "artillery hill"* just outside

*the hill was named artillery hill just a few months earlier when danish deffenders fortified the hill and placed most of their artillery here.


battle for Artillery hill.


swedish danish/norwegian/french

50.000 men 25.000 soliders
50 cannons 200 pieces of field artillery
1500 horsemen.


swedish danish/norwegian/french
20.000 dead 11.000 dead
9000 wounded 5000 wounded
5000 taken as prisoners of war
50 artillery destroyed.

The battle becomes a swedish victory altough heavy losses.

the loss of the battle for the danes means the begining of the end for their deffences.

june 11th 1867 swedish troops finaly breach the fortifications of Copenhagen.

and storm the city with minimal losses when inside the city.

june 15th 1867 swedish troops find Christian VIII who they bring to Per Brahe.

june 16th 1867 King christian VIII is forced to fill the papers that force denmark to surrender without conditions. immideatly after this Christian VIII and his family are locked up in a small mansion just south of copenhagen.

june 20th 1867 Matrial law is issued and any danes or other non swedish military personelle found bearing a gun in public is to be killed on sight.

oh and. february 1st 1868 the wery first Iron knight is taken into use in the swedish military stationed in annexed denmark. but instantly runs into trouble when the suit gets stuck in mud and the weak hydraulic motors aren't able to break it free from the mud.
July 9th, 1858: Franz Boas proclaims the "separation of races" as a "scientific necessity" in Neubrandenberg, Tejas...

December 26th, 1862: Mankato Massacre; Native American guerillas launch an armed insurrection against the federal government in Mankato, Minnesota, 45 people are killed...

September 18th, 1863: Race riots erupt in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania amidst rumors of the rape of a white woman....

September 23rd, 1873: Anti-American riots erupt in Toronto, Ontario, amidst rumors of a possible invasion by American forces....

July 18th, 1886: Anti-Catholic riots erupt in Chicago, Illinois, amidst rumors of "Papist orgies", 12 people are killed in the process...

March 4th, 1898: Anti-Asian riots erupt in Yerba Buena, California, targetting Chinese and Japanese, sparking international outrage...
Here are some more PODs to show that the United States is not going to grow, without some problems:

September 2nd, 1866: Governor Hiram W. Johnson (CA) praises military efforts against Alayeska, during a rally in Sacramento, California....

April 6th, 1885: Assassination attempt is made on the President by Native American guerillas, sparking civil unrest and violence....

April 15th-May 9th, 1885: Native American guerillas, launch an armed insurrection in Yukon, Casacadia, Oregon and Washington...

December 3rd, 1885: American Indian Movement (AIM) is formed in Porcupine, South Dakota, deamnding independence for Native American nations....

July 20th, 1895: Secretary of State Olney proclaims American isolationism during a speech in Washington D.C.,...
Besides religion and the "Difference Engines", here is the "Age of Ornithopters" to make things even more different:

July 26th, 1853: Sir George Cayley unveils the "ornithopter" at Brompton Dale, England, granting Great Britain a strategic advantage....

June 28th, 1856: Portuguese pilot Matias Perez demonstrates the "ornithopter" in Havana, Cuba, the first recorded ornithopter flight in the Americas...

December 20th, 1856: Jean-Marie Le Bris demonstrates the military applications for the "ornithopter" for French military officials in Concarneau, Brittany...

June 12th, 1866: Polish nationalist Jan Wnęk forms the "Loty" (Flyer) division of "ornithopter" pilots in defiance of French occupation forces in Krakow, Poland...

April 28th, 1874: Félix du Temple de la Croix demonstrates a "combat ornithopter" for French military officials in Normandy, France....

August 20th, 1874: Victor Tatin demonstrates the military applications of "propellars" (unmanned drones) in Chalais-Meudon, France asa long-distance weapon...

Are Ornithopters even practical?
To be completely fair, the designs for the "ornithopters" in question, were basically gliders, or were on par with the Wright Brothers planes....