100 Years: The World Changes

March 11th - April 28th, 1924: Italy launches a quick invasion of Ethiopia. The nation is overrun in roughly seven weeks, unable to resist.

January 11th, 1929: After all the turmoil in France, Britain breaks the Anglo-French Entente Cordiale. It withdraws into isolation, even though a growing minority in the parliament favours joining the Central Powers. If France turns fascist, it is highly likely that this will happen.

June 27th, 1929: The rebellion in British Somaliland is stopped and the region is returned to British control.

(OOC: I'm trying to push for a British-German-Austrian-Ottoman-Chinese Alliance and a Franco-Russian-Italian-Japanese Entente, with the communist powers in an alliance of convenience on the side of the CP's and America neutral. However, given the strength of the potential Alliance, America in the Entente is an option. Also, I'd be okay with Italy remaining CP, which would be a given if the Austro-Hungarian empire falls apart.)
how about giving french guiana to the Netherlands and merge it with surinam.

or give it to germany still, who listens to the americans anyways.

With regards to the map, German New Guinea is marked as british.

Read something on the other posts about a fellow named von Sternberg, just wondering if letting him become something high in russia would make things interesting (he could even be more brutal than stalin)
May 30th, 1923: On a proving ground in northern Germany, High Army Officers, civilian industrialists and the Crown Prince whitness the first tests of a curious war machine. Made to cross the trenches that characterized the later stages of the war and armed with several machine guns and a light field piece capable of swinging 45 degrees to either side, the vehicle uses tracks to move and cross trenches. As a result, the Germans call this 'Kette' or 'Track' in a glowing report to the Emporer.

OOC: Can't have Germany fighting WW2 without Tanks, now can we? :D
September 20th, 1927: Russian forces take Urga. Ungern von Sternberg eats his medals and hangs himself.

September 21st, 1927: End of the Russo-Mongolian War, with Mongolia annexed outright into Russia. It gains notoriety as the first war for kettes to be used.

March 1st, 1928: The first Russian elections are held. Dr. Vladimir Purishkevich, head of the hardline Faith and Motherland party and noted Anti-Semite, is elected president. He begins a program of industrialization and begins making plans for a revannchist war.

March 5th, 1928: The Russian capital is moved from St Petersburg to Moscow.

April 11th, 1928: Purishkevich convinces former Tsaritsa Olga and her sister Anastasia to sign papers renouncing their claims to the throne of Russia.

April 20th, 1928: The Duma passes a law restoring the Tsardom, with Nicholaus's brother Michael becoming Tsar Michael II. Purishkevich steps down as president to become Russia's first prime minister.
October 11, 1925: President Pershing declares the republics of Nicaragua, Haiti, Puerto Rico, and French Guiana, as commonwealths of the United States. Local elections are held to send representatives to the House of Representatives, and to elect local governors. In 1930, and every 5 years hence there will be a vote on whether the commonwealths wants to become a state or to retain its commonwealth status.

This is later known as the Pershing Doctrine, any territories that the United States has in the Americas will given Commonwealth status, after a period of 5 years they can decide to become a state upon the vote of the native populace and the Office of the Secretary of State.

April 7, 1927: American forces withdraw from Honduras and are reassigned to Verzcruz.

October 4, 1927: Due to rising conflict in Mexico, the Caste War of the Yucatan flares up again, rejecting Mexican Sovereignty.

June 10, 1929: With the various warring Mexican Armies occupied with Patton's forces, the Yucatan is Free State is able to declare independence from Mexico.
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9th March 1927: The Utö Incident. In contested waters near the Ålands, Swedish destroyer HMS Wrangel shells Finnish gunboat PNS Engels. The latter returns fire, but has to flee after receiving damage. Both governments issue protests, as both sides think the ships were in their national waters. A new peak in Finno-Swedish tensions ensues.

3rd October 1927: In a much publicized move, Eskil Magnussen joins the National Coalition. Together with von Rosen, he advocates Scandinavian unity against "Communist barbarism" and calls for the creation of a "Fortress Scandinavia".

February 21st 1928: A terrorist bombing in Helsinki kills 8, including a state official and two high-ranking officers of the People's Army. The attack is attributed to the Blue Brigades.

April 27th 1928: The Internal Security Directorate established in Finland to fight "terrorists, imperialists and other enemies of the people". A secret police network is created to keep an eye on suspected Blue supporters.

(While I see the Finnish People's Republic (circa 1925) as a pretty humane place to live in [think of the GDR, but more democratic], I am using it as a catalyst for a fascist Scandinavia. As you see, this will also mean the Finnish state slowly becomes more totalitarian.)
With all of the talk of American annexation, here are some problems that would arise:

August 7th, 1923: KKK members gather in Monticello, Arkansas proclaiming the need for the end of "Republican tyranny"...

September 8th, 1923: KKK march in Springfield, Ohio based on popular discontent over the war in Mexico and growing distrust over Republican policies...

September 15th, 1923: KKK members gather in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma calling plans for the annexation of Baja California, a plan to "weaken the white race..."

October 24th, 1923: KKK militia leaders, led by Dr. Hiram W. Evans call for the establishment of "border militias" to prevent Mexican immigration into the United States...

March 20th, 1924: Virginia state legislature passes the Racial Integrity Act, calling for compulsory sterilization of prison inmates statewide...

May 17th, 1924: South Bend Riots; Indiana State Militia is called out after KKK members clash with stuidents at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana, sparking national attention...

August 9th, 1925: KKK members gather in Arlington, Virginia, along with several Supreme Court justices, and with leaders of Congress, to protest "Republican tyranny" and to protest plans of annexation by Pershing as "racial miscegenation"...

September 26th, 1925: KKK members gather in Seatlle, Washington, calling for an end to the "Yellow Peril", citing the "Red Plague"....

September 16th, 1926; KKK burn a cross on Pennsylvania Avenue, across the street from the White House, demanding an end to "Republican tyranny"...

May 2nd, 1927: Buck v. Bell; U.S. Supreme Court rules that the state has a "state resposibility" to sterilize members of the poor, impoverished, the "mentally defective", and those persons considered "racially unsound"....
With all of the talk of American annexation, here are some problems that would arise:

August 7th, 1923: KKK members gather in Monticello, Arkansas proclaiming the need for the end of "Republican tyranny"...

September 8th, 1923: KKK march in Springfield, Ohio based on popular discontent over the war in Mexico and growing distrust over Republican policies...

September 15th, 1923: KKK members gather in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma calling plans for the annexation of Baja California, a plan to "weaken the white race..."

October 24th, 1923: KKK militia leaders, led by Dr. Hiram W. Evans call for the establishment of "border militias" to prevent Mexican immigration into the United States...

March 20th, 1924: Virginia state legislature passes the Racial Integrity Act, calling for compulsory sterilization of prison inmates statewide...

May 17th, 1924: South Bend Riots; Indiana State Militia is called out after KKK members clash with stuidents at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana, sparking national attention...

August 9th, 1925: KKK members gather in Arlington, Virginia, along with several Supreme Court justices, and with leaders of Congress, to protest "Republican tyranny" and to protest plans of annexation by Pershing as "racial miscegenation"...

September 26th, 1925: KKK members gather in Seatlle, Washington, calling for an end to the "Yellow Peril", citing the "Red Plague"....

September 16th, 1926; KKK burn a cross on Pennsylvania Avenue, across the street from the White House, demanding an end to "Republican tyranny"...

May 2nd, 1927: Buck v. Bell; U.S. Supreme Court rules that the state has a "state resposibility" to sterilize members of the poor, impoverished, the "mentally defective", and those persons considered "racially unsound"....

Ok note to self. Pershing Doctrine leads to White supremacy... Well anyone have ideas for who the democrats will run in 1928 as I doubt FDR will be on the ticket now?
October 8th, 1924: the Perching Purchase is made. America buys a chunk of Mexico connecting Baja to Texas.

May 3rd, 1927: President Pershing declares repealing Buck v. Bell will be the main goal of the rest of his term.

May 14th, 1927: Congress passes the Bingham Act, which lowers the minimum age of a president to 30.

November 8th, 1928: Calvin Coolidge is elected President, with his vice president Hiram Bingham III. The defeat a democratic Ticket of Wilbur Lucius Cross and Franklin Roosevelt.

April 14th, 1929: Congress successfully passes the 16th Amendment, stating that no state has the right to sterilize an individual on any grounds. Calvin Coolidge's approval ratings shoot.

With no Depression during his lifetime, Coolidge is going to be one of the greatest POTUSes ITTL.
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(While I see the Finnish People's Republic (circa 1925) as a pretty humane place to live in [think of the GDR, but more democratic], I am using it as a catalyst for a fascist Scandinavia. As you see, this will also mean the Finnish state slowly becomes more totalitarian.)

Yeah, I'm going to have Magnusson rise to power and unite Scandinavia under a fascist government in the 30's.
Ok note to self. Pershing Doctrine leads to White supremacy... Well anyone have ideas for who the democrats will run in 1928 as I doubt FDR will be on the ticket now?
The idea is based on the fact that the United States has been fighting a war against Mexico for the past 10 years. Second, the Republican Party has been in charge for over 50 years. Also consider that the "Red Plague" didn't help with race relations, especially since the Pershing administration did almost nothing to address the issue. Fourth, Pershing hasn't passed any civil rights legislation to address the tensions in the country...

The Democrats would still have FDR on the ticket, because of the elusive "ghost of Teddy Roosevelt", and the desire to capture Northern swing-voters. Also by allowing the Republicans to win again, you would certainly make the more radical elements of the South more infuriated...
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The idea is based on the fact that the United States has been fighting a war against Mexico for the past 10 years. Second, the Republican Party has been in charge for over 50 years. Also consider that the "Red Plague" didn't help with race relations, especially since the Pershing administration did almost nothing to address the issue. Fourth, Pershing hasn't passed any civil rights legislation to address the tensions in the country...

The Democrats would still have FDR on the ticket, because of the elusive "ghost of Teddy Roosevelt", and the desire to capture Northern swing-voters. Also by allowing the Republicans to win again, you would certainly make the more radical elements of the South more infuriated...

It can't have been 50 years of the Republicans in power?... can it?... To Wikipedia!

Edit: Looking back further there has only been three Democrats as President since Lincoln in this TL

Chester A Arthur (R) 1881-1885
Grover Cleavland (D) 1885-1889, 1893-1897
Benjamin Harrison (R) 1889-1893
William McKinley (R) 1897-1901
Theodore Roosevelt (R) 1901-1909
William Howard Taft (R) 1909-1917
William McAdoo (D) 1917-1921
John J. Pershing (R) 1921-1929
Calvin Coolidge (R) 1929-????

Wow. in 50 years the Democrats have only had 2 presidents in this TL... Yeah I now completely agree. Please remove my previous statement about President Hull from the complete version. Also about the Red Plague I honestly couldn't think of what Pershing would do besides maybe an early creation of the CDC. Remember without income taxes the Federal government is much smaller, although that reminds to aid some PODs there. Any idea what's going to be happening to the Socialists?


November 5, 1928: Election Day in the United States. Following the scandal that beset the Socialist candidacy, there are only two parties in contention. The Democrats have nominated, following Garner's switch to the Republicans, Cordell Hull for President and a young and vibrant Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The Republicans nominate, Calvin Coolidge as their candidate, and Herbert Hoover as the running mate.

Hearst's newspapers are for once indifferent, only giving tacit support for the Republican Party. Hearst himself likes Coolidge a bit, Coolidge even visited Hearst a few times in San Simeon, but Hearst hates Hoover.

It is a close election but Cordell Hull wins the election.

May 16, 1929: President Hull visits Mexico's President Carranza, to end the war. Unfortunately Carranza's opponents gather wind of meeting and launch an attack upon the presidental palace. President Hull survives, but is now mentally unfit to be President. Franklin Roosevelt becomes the Acting president, while the President is in the White House. Officially Hull is President, but FDR performs all the duties of the President. An amendment to the Constitution will be drafted clearing outlining the succession of presidental power in case of emergency.

This version does not include the Speaker of the House or Senate Pro-tempore in the line of succession but does include state governors, proceeding with the state with the most to least electoral votes after the President's cabinet
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April 14th, 1929: Congress successfully passes the 16th Amendment, stating that no state has the right to sterilize an individual on any grounds. Calvin Coolidge's approval ratings shoot.

With no Depression during his lifetime, Coolidge is going to be one of the greatest POTUSes ITTL.
Actually, the South will continue to hate the Republicans. This has made racial tensions even greater...

February 17th, 1929: Corpus Christi Riots; Riots erupt in Corpus Christi, Texas, after attorney Benjamin Marquez is accused of raping a white woman, further deepening racial tensions across the country...

April 13th, 1929: Finis J. Garrett (D-TN) leads the entire Southern Democratic delegation in a boycott of the vote on the 16th Amendment, calling it "Republican tyranny" in Washington D.C.,...

April 15th, 1929: Southern Congressional leaders J. Thomas Heflin, David Bibb Graves, and Hugo Black call for impeachment hearings against President Calvin Coolidge, citing "dictatorial rule..."
Some more PODs to help out Coolidge in the 1930s.

May 19, 1923: The state of Delaware is the final state to ratify the 19th amendment to the UNited States. Women now have the right to vote in the United States.

April 1, 1926: Anne Morgan donates 10 million dollars in aid to Red Cross to treat the "Red Plague".

March 12, 1927: A Federal Income Tax bill that was vetoed by the President, was overriden by a Democratic Congress. The tax rate is flat regardless of income level, with a tax code that favors the lower classes of voters. Notably the law does NOT give deductions for any non-voters, which in the south excludes African-Americans.

April 15, 1928: The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (not Oliver Holmes, but someone else) upon leaving the courthouse is hit by a taxicab. In the Following months, Pershing would move to have Pierce Butler to become Chief Justice, largely as a symbol for the President's displeasure at Buck v. Bell. An appropriate judge similar to Pershing's view on racial relations is selected and is approved, (insert appropriate name here) is made Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Privately Pershing is alleged to say, "We are the party of Lincoln how can we abide by this travesty of justice!" in response to the Buck v. Bell decision.

May 2, 1929: Hearst Newspaper building, the Atlanta Bulletin is torched by a mob of protesters. Allegedly Hearst was so angry over this that he immediately left Hollywood. After talking with his business manager, Hearst creates a new paper, and a new smear campaign on J. Thomas Heflin, David Bibb Graves, and Hugo Black. The new paper Hearst makes will be published around the nation simultaneously, America Today will become the first nationally published newspaper in America.

June 5, 1929: Secretary of State Frank Kellog negotiates a peace treaty with Carranza Mexico. Veracruz will be ceded back to Mexico, and American aid will be given to Mexico. "The Great American War is over!" proclaims a Hearst headline, all troops are withdrawn from Veracruz to Tampa.
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Some more PODs to help out Coolidge in the 1930s.

May 19, 1923: The state of Delaware is the final state to ratify the 19th amendment to the UNited States. Women now have the right to vote in the United States.

April 1, 1926: Anne Morgan donates 10 million dollars in aid to Red Cross to treat the "Red Plague".

March 12, 1927: A Federal Income Tax bill that was vetoed by the President, was overriden by a Democratic Congress. The tax rate is flat regardless of income level, with a tax code that favors the lower classes of voters. Notably the law does NOT give deductions for any non-voters, which in the south excludes African-Americans.

April 15, 1928: The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (not Oliver Holmes, but someone else) upon leaving the courthouse is hit by a taxicab. In the Following months, Pershing would move to have Pierce Butler to become Chief Justice, largely as a symbol for the President's displeasure at Buck v. Bell. An appropriate judge similar to Pershing's view on racial relations is selected and is approved, (insert appropriate name here) is made Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Privately Pershing is alleged to say, "We are the party of Lincoln how can we abide by this travesty of justice!" in response to the Buck v. Bell decision.

June 5, 1929: Secretary of State Frank Kellog negotiates a peace treaty with Carranza Mexico. Veracruz will be ceded back to Mexico, and American aid will be given to Mexico. "The Great American War is over!" proclaims a Hearst headline, all troops are withdrawn from Veracruz to Tampa.

June 30th, 1927: Johnson-Reed Immigration Act passes 2/3 majority, in defiance of the Pershing administration, calling for federal sterilization of immigrants (esp. from Eastern European and non-European nations)...

December 12th, 1927: William J. Cameron, publishes The Independent, proclaiming that Hearst is under the control of "Zionist interests" in Dearborn, Michigan, sparking national attention...

June 15th, 1928: Senator Joseph T. Robinson (D-AR) accuses the Pershing administration of "packing the court"

March 9th, 1929: Senator Robert H. Jackson (D-PA) accuses the Coolidge administration of violating the Constitution by "packing the Supreme Court"....
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We've just had a war with Mexico and racial tensions are rising. Why does this sound....SHIT. :eek:

Why what does that sound so familiar. I mean the Second Mexican War just.... OOH!... ouch

Well I don't THINK it will come to that. Patton and Eisenhower fresh from Battle Duty in Mexico are now in Tampa, along with a few air fleets. Militarily, the South would fall before it even rose again. Politically, and culturally could be a difficult decade for the South. It's a question of States rights vs. the Federal Government on the racial question. Hopefully Coolidge can pull through the difficult times and become one of the greatest Presidents in American History.
December 24th, 1929: Les Cayes Massacre; Troops under General John H. Russell, Jr. are accused of killing c.67 civilians in Les Cayes, Haiti, after soldiers fire into a crowd of anti-American protesters, further raising racial tension...
Why what does that sound so familiar. I mean the Second Mexican War just.... OOH!... ouch

Well I don't THINK it will come to that. Patton and Eisenhower fresh from Battle Duty in Mexico are now in Tampa, along with a few air fleets. Militarily, the South would fall before it even rose again. Politically, and culturally could be a difficult decade for the South. It's a question of States rights vs. the Federal Government on the racial question. Hopefully Coolidge can pull through the difficult times and become one of the greatest Presidents in American History.

Yeah I'm hoping too. I liked him OTL. Without a Depression while FDR is alive, Republicans will be Libertarians, Democrats will be Populists. For the entire timeline possibly.