Hammer's, Sickle's, and Mushroom Clouds. the Story of the Reverse Cold War

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"Two thousand years ago the proudest boast was civis Romanus sum ["I am a Roman citizen"]. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is "Je suis un Parisien!"... All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Paris, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Je suis un Parisien!"... "

Russian President Alec Bochka speaking to the Citizens of North Paris in his famous "Je Suis un Parisen" speech, June 26th, 1963

Chapter 16: October 16th, 1962-November 22nd, 1963
Cold War
No Jelly Doughnuts in my Nuclear Bomb


The Cold War as a whole saw many scares that threatend to extinquish the plains of the Earth in a violent bath of Atomic Fire, the consequenses which could've resulted in the entire extinctation of the Human race, there were many instances of the closeness the Cold War got to turning Hot, but the closest the preverbial Doomsday Clock got to midnight was in October of 1962. because of a country called Japan


Ships of the Russian Navy during the Blockade of Japan, started after the beginging of the Japanese Missile Crisis, circa 1962

It all started in early 1962. A American Agricultural Expedition to Tokyo was able to secure a meeting with Japanese Leader Takashi Mitsubushi, after the failed Yellow Bay Invasion in 1961, Mitsubushi was afraid of the Russians attempting to invade Japan again, the American delegation brought up the idea of putting American nuclear missiles in Japan, Mitsubushi was concerned that this action would make Japan look like a American puppet to the international community, but the American delegation convinced him it would be in the best interest for the Socialist world, and thus, Lyndon Johnson and Mitsubushi agreed to place strategic nuclear missiles secretly within Japan to deter Moscow (and to try and bring the Northern half of Paris into the French Democratic Republic). Premier Johnson himself felt that another Russian invasion of Japan was more then likely imminent, and that to lose Japan would do great harm to the communist cause, especially in the Asian and Pacific region. Johnson off handidly mentioned in June of 1962 to one of his aids in the project, "I want to confront Moscow with more than words... the logical answer is nuclear missiles". The Americans would keep tight secrecy as they began planting the missiles in Japan, America's leadership believed, based on their perception of the Russian President, Alec Bochka's lack of confidence during the Japanese Invasion, that he would avoid confrontation The UASR continued their Agricultureprogram to conceal the offensive actions in Japan. Denying that the weapons being brought into Japan were offensive in nature.

As early as August, Moscow suspected the Americans of building missile complexes within the Japanese Isles, KGB intelligence gathered information about sightings by ground level observers of American-built fighters and bombers. Helga spyplanes found ground to sky missile facilities at eight different locations across Honshu and Kyushu. The KGB became suspicious. Sending antiaircraft missiles into Japan, "made sense only if DC intended to use them to shield a base for ballistic missiles aimed at Moscow." On August 10, the head of the KGB, Andrei Chernenko. wrote a memo to President Bochka in which he guessed that DC was preparing to introduce ballistic missiles into Japan, the suspiscions were finally confirmed when October, when Helga Spyplanes confirmed the presence of American built missile bases, this discovery was the beginging of the Japanese Missile Crisis, Bochka called a emergency meeting of the inner circle to determine the best course of action for the Crisis, some considered a full scale invasion of Japan, but Bochka warned against a invasion, fearing it would just do nothing but provoke Washington, they setteled for a "Quarentine" or Naval Blockade of Japan, to prevent any more offensive weapons from arriving in Japan, this provoked a world wide diplomatic crisis between the Havana Pact and EATU, as the world seemed primed to fall into full scale Nuclear War. Premier Johnson and President Bochka would begin a game of diplomatic chess as the two worked to resolve the Crisis. at many times over the anxious thirteen days of the Crisis it seemed the diplomats were ready to walk out on the negotiations and resort to war, however cooler heads would eventually prevail, President Bochka and Premier Johnson came to a agreement on October 28th, 1962, officaly ending the Crisis, in exchange for American removal of Nuclear Missiles from Japan, Russia would remove Missiles it installed in Argentina and Greenland, and end the blockade of Japan, a special Hotline was also created between the Kremlin and the Red House, to prevent such a incident from happening again.


KGB Photograph of Missiles in Japan, circa 1962

The Japanese Missile Crisis would turn out to be a diplomatic scare that sent the world on edge, however the year would not be filled completely with just fear of iminent Nuclear War, politics in the rest of 1962 and 1963 would conform to what had happend the previous few years, the internal conflicts within many nations of the rising Cultural Revolution would continue to demand the attention of many governments, as the Cultural Revolution grew to become more violent and widespread, other issues also faced many nations in the 1960's, such as the growing issue of Civil Rights, many nations still did not allow Women or minorities such as Blacks to vote, widespread with Russia mostly, who's main problem was it's large Cossack minority that were denied the right to vote under the Russian constitution, The Bochka administration made it a priority to bring up the issue of Civil Rights and grant the Cossack's which were denied the right under a nation which claimed to be for the people, all the people, this caused a rith with many conservatives, who say the Cossacks as a Socialist inferior race plauging Russia, the Siberial Democrats also took issue to the issue of Cossack Rights, saying the Bochka administration was not focusing on Siberian issues, which had caused a rith in the Social Democrat party several times, the issue of Civil Rights was one of the top priority's of the Bochka administration, as he worked throughout his administration to end the Segregration of Cossacks and grant them full and equal Civil Rights, the issue became a central vocal point of Russian politics, as it began to cause race riots between Russians and Cossacks, as it seemed like at times Russia was bound to fall into a full scale race war, Through the efforts of the Bochka administration prevented this for now, through tensions remained high in Russia as the Bochka presidency pushed the agenda of improving Civil Rights.


Kaiser Louis Ferdinand I, and his wife, Margaret of Prussia, heading to Louis Ferdinand's coronation

Politics in the rest of Europe would progress over the course of the Early 1960's, in Romania, a string of highly progressive and reformist governments would lead to Romania being one of the first nations to regonize the rights of Homosexuals, the large Gypsie culture in Romania helped to fuel the Cultural Revolution, making Romania more open and suseptible to change then other European nations, and thus the Romanian government struck down the Law of 1963, which regonized that Homosexuality was not a crime, and thus citizens were permitted to perform homosexual activity without possibility of arrest, through the Romanian government refused to regonize anything further, Germany would also pass a similar law later in the year, the European and Asian nations were hesitent to fall to the Cultural Revolution, which had been challenging the status quo of society that had exsisted for such time, this threatend the much more Conservative half of politics in several nations, while some called for the change to be regonized.

The Economic Growth in North France would continue under the leadership of the French Alliance led by Jacques Poutou, continued the immense Economc Growth of the French, the Federal Republic of France quickly becoming a leader of the European Economic Union created in 1953, the German economy also made a bounceback in the early 60's after a recession in the late 50's, the German Federation of Nations also continued to grow, as more African nations gained independence during the next years, Pan-Scandinavism also continued to grow during this period, as real talk of possible full scale Scandinavian unification soon became a reality, as the Scandinavian nations, while members of EATU, seemingly cared more about there own interests then that of Moscow's, which soon began to alarm Moscow, who began to become worried the Scandinavian nations would defect. Through a interesting development did come out of the Communist world, and that was the Brazillo-American split that occured in early 1963, mainly over ideological diffrences between the two, with the Americans working to avoid war with the Russians, while the Brazillians pushed for all out war against the Russians, led to the ideological split between the two, and the severing a relations, causing the Cold War to spilt into a tri polar conflict, quad polar, if you count the British.

In other news, German Kaiser Wilhelm III passed away from natural causes on October 16th, 1963, his son, the Crown Prince, Louis Ferdiand succeded him as German Emperor.


President Bochka arriving in Vladivostok, November 22nd, 1963

the Venezulan War soon began to escalate even further, talks rumbled in Moscow that full scale intervention of the Russian Army was needed to quell the problems in South America, the Bochka admistration continued to refute this, but nontheless continued to increase aid to the Republican Venezulans, increased amount of supplies to the Venezulans, Columbians and Ecuadorians, along with Military Advisors to help them deter the Brazilian backed Communists. the British also began to push there own agenda in South America, they had occupied a border region in Venezula to protect British interests in Guyana, Brazillian and British relations flamed to a point where war seemed possible between the two nations, the British also backed Fascist coup in Chile, who overthrew the Russian friendly regime and installed a regime friendly to London, through the British had always been more willing to cooperate with Moscow if needed, Chief Oswald Mosley sought to advance his personal agenda, and that was expanding British influence.

Meanwhile, France's capital, Paris, was deep within the area controlled after World War II by theUASR. Initially governed in four sectors controlled by the four Allied powers (Russia, Germany, Switzerland and America), tensions of the Cold War escalated until the American forces implemented the Paris Blockade, which the Easern Allies relieved with the dramatic airlift. Afterward, the sectors controlled by the EATU Allies became an effective exclave of North France, completely surrounded by South France. From 1952, the border between North and South was closed everywhere but in Paris. Hundreds of thousands of South French defected to the East via North Paris, a labour drain that threatened South France with economic collapse. In 1961, the South French government erected a barbed-wire barrier around North Paris, "anti-fascist protective barrier". The South French authorities argued that it was meant to prevent spies and agents of North France from crossing into the South. However, it was universally known as the Paris Wall and the majority opinion was that its primary purpose was to keep South French citizens from escaping to the North. Over a period of months the wall was rebuilt using concrete, and buildings were demolished to create a "death zone" in view of South French guards armed with machine guns. In 1962, the first attempted escape leading to a fatal shooting took the life of Luc Beauregard, The East, including Russia, was accused of failing to respond forcefully to the erection of the Wall. Officially, Paris was under joint occupation by the four allied powers, each with primary responsibility for a certain zone within th city. Bochka's speech marked the first instance where the Russians. acknowledged that South Paris was part of the American bloc along with the rest of South France. On July 25, 1961, Bochka insisted in a presidential address that the Russian Government would defend North Paris, asserting its Four-Power rights, while making it clear that challenging the American presence in France was not possible.

And thus, Presiden Bochka made a trip to North Paris in June of 1963 to underline his support of Russia and North France 22 months after the American Supported South French erected the Paris Wall as a barrier to prevent movement between North and South. The Famous "Ju Suies en Parisen" speech was said this day, the message was aimed as much at the Americans as it was at the Parisians, and was a clear statement of Russian policy in the wake of the construction of the Paris Wall. Another notable (and defiant) phrase in the speech was also spoken in French, "Laisser les Venir à Paris" ("Let them come to Paris")--addressed at those who claimed "we can work with the Communists", a remark which American Premier Lyndon Johnson laughed at only days later.
The speech is considered one of Bochka's greatest, both a notable moment of the Cold War and a high point of the New Frontier. It was a great morale boost for North Parisians, who lived in an exclave deep inside South French and feared a possible South French Occupation. Speaking from a platform erected on the steps of a platform near the Arc de Triumph for an audience of 450,000, Bochka said the following,
Two thousand years ago the proudest boast was civis Romanus sum ["I am a Roman citizen"]. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is "Je suis un Parisien!"... All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Paris, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Je suis un Parisien!"...

The Speech was a great morale booster for the North Parisians, and is a defining moment of the Cold War.

However, Bochka's progress, and hope, were thought to be ended in one single moment, when Bochka decided to take a trip to Vladivostok in November of 1963 to try and rally support from the Siberial Democrats for his Civil Rights legislature, Bochka, his wife, Natalia, and Vladivostok mayor Peter Romanov, a member of the Romanov Royal Family, decided to take a car ride through downtown Vladivostok on November 22nd, 1963, they passed by a section of downtown that contained a Grassy "Knoll", the motorcade approached a tunnel, when all of a sudden, a shot ringed out.

President Alec Bochka.. was dead.

Abby? Why have you given up? Can we still expect an update? If yes, when????

Hey, calm down. Updates can take a while

I'm fairly sure she has not given up on the project. I've been talking with her in PM's and she has made no comment about stopping the porject.

Yeah Pirate, calm down, just because it takes me a bit to get a update up doesen't mean Im giving up, these updates do take a while to produce at times, they usually take me about 2 and half to 3 hours to write, and I don't write them in a straight set of hours, I take breaks, do other stuff when my hands get tired, etc.
"Two thousand years ago the proudest boast was civis Romanus sum ["I am a Roman citizen"]. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is "Je suis un Parisien!"... All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Paris, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Je suis un Parisien!"... "

Russian President Alec Bochka speaking to the Citizens of North Paris in his famous "Je Suis un Parisen" speech, June 26th, 1963

Chapter 16: October 16th, 1962-November 22nd, 1963
Cold War
No Jelly Doughnuts in my Nuclear Bomb


The Cold War as a whole saw many scares that threatend to extinquish the plains of the Earth in a violent bath of Atomic Fire, the consequenses which could've resulted in the entire extinctation of the Human race, there were many instances of the closeness the Cold War got to turning Hot, but the closest the preverbial Doomsday Clock got to midnight was in October of 1962. because of a country called Japan


Ships of the Russian Navy during the Blockade of Japan, started after the beginging of the Japanese Missile Crisis, circa 1962

It all started in early 1962. A American Agricultural Expedition to Tokyo was able to secure a meeting with Japanese Leader Takashi Mitsubushi, after the failed Yellow Bay Invasion in 1961, Mitsubushi was afraid of the Russians attempting to invade Japan again, the American delegation brought up the idea of putting American nuclear missiles in Japan, Mitsubushi was concerned that this action would make Japan look like a American puppet to the international community, but the American delegation convinced him it would be in the best interest for the Socialist world, and thus, Lyndon Johnson and Mitsubushi agreed to place strategic nuclear missiles secretly within Japan to deter Moscow (and to try and bring the Northern half of Paris into the French Democratic Republic). Premier Johnson himself felt that another Russian invasion of Japan was more then likely imminent, and that to lose Japan would do great harm to the communist cause, especially in the Asian and Pacific region. Johnson off handidly mentioned in June of 1962 to one of his aids in the project, "I want to confront Moscow with more than words... the logical answer is nuclear missiles". The Americans would keep tight secrecy as they began planting the missiles in Japan, America's leadership believed, based on their perception of the Russian President, Alec Bochka's lack of confidence during the Japanese Invasion, that he would avoid confrontation The UASR continued their Agricultureprogram to conceal the offensive actions in Japan. Denying that the weapons being brought into Japan were offensive in nature.

As early as August, Moscow suspected the Americans of building missile complexes within the Japanese Isles, KGB intelligence gathered information about sightings by ground level observers of American-built fighters and bombers. Helga spyplanes found ground to sky missile facilities at eight different locations across Honshu and Kyushu. The KGB became suspicious. Sending antiaircraft missiles into Japan, "made sense only if DC intended to use them to shield a base for ballistic missiles aimed at Moscow." On August 10, the head of the KGB, Andrei Chernenko. wrote a memo to President Bochka in which he guessed that DC was preparing to introduce ballistic missiles into Japan, the suspiscions were finally confirmed when October, when Helga Spyplanes confirmed the presence of American built missile bases, this discovery was the beginging of the Japanese Missile Crisis, Bochka called a emergency meeting of the inner circle to determine the best course of action for the Crisis, some considered a full scale invasion of Japan, but Bochka warned against a invasion, fearing it would just do nothing but provoke Washington, they setteled for a "Quarentine" or Naval Blockade of Japan, to prevent any more offensive weapons from arriving in Japan, this provoked a world wide diplomatic crisis between the Havana Pact and EATU, as the world seemed primed to fall into full scale Nuclear War. Premier Johnson and President Bochka would begin a game of diplomatic chess as the two worked to resolve the Crisis. at many times over the anxious thirteen days of the Crisis it seemed the diplomats were ready to walk out on the negotiations and resort to war, however cooler heads would eventually prevail, President Bochka and Premier Johnson came to a agreement on October 28th, 1962, officaly ending the Crisis, in exchange for American removal of Nuclear Missiles from Japan, Russia would remove Missiles it installed in Argentina and Greenland, and end the blockade of Japan, a special Hotline was also created between the Kremlin and the Red House, to prevent such a incident from happening again.


KGB Photograph of Missiles in Japan, circa 1962

The Japanese Missile Crisis would turn out to be a diplomatic scare that sent the world on edge, however the year would not be filled completely with just fear of iminent Nuclear War, politics in the rest of 1962 and 1963 would conform to what had happend the previous few years, the internal conflicts within many nations of the rising Cultural Revolution would continue to demand the attention of many governments, as the Cultural Revolution grew to become more violent and widespread, other issues also faced many nations in the 1960's, such as the growing issue of Civil Rights, many nations still did not allow Women or minorities such as Blacks to vote, widespread with Russia mostly, who's main problem was it's large Cossack minority that were denied the right to vote under the Russian constitution, The Bochka administration made it a priority to bring up the issue of Civil Rights and grant the Cossack's which were denied the right under a nation which claimed to be for the people, all the people, this caused a rith with many conservatives, who say the Cossacks as a Socialist inferior race plauging Russia, the Siberial Democrats also took issue to the issue of Cossack Rights, saying the Bochka administration was not focusing on Siberian issues, which had caused a rith in the Social Democrat party several times, the issue of Civil Rights was one of the top priority's of the Bochka administration, as he worked throughout his administration to end the Segregration of Cossacks and grant them full and equal Civil Rights, the issue became a central vocal point of Russian politics, as it began to cause race riots between Russians and Cossacks, as it seemed like at times Russia was bound to fall into a full scale race war, Through the efforts of the Bochka administration prevented this for now, through tensions remained high in Russia as the Bochka presidency pushed the agenda of improving Civil Rights.


Kaiser Louis Ferdinand I, and his wife, Margaret of Prussia, heading to Louis Ferdinand's coronation

Politics in the rest of Europe would progress over the course of the Early 1960's, in Romania, a string of highly progressive and reformist governments would lead to Romania being one of the first nations to regonize the rights of Homosexuals, the large Gypsie culture in Romania helped to fuel the Cultural Revolution, making Romania more open and suseptible to change then other European nations, and thus the Romanian government struck down the Law of 1963, which regonized that Homosexuality was not a crime, and thus citizens were permitted to perform homosexual activity without possibility of arrest, through the Romanian government refused to regonize anything further, Germany would also pass a similar law later in the year, the European and Asian nations were hesitent to fall to the Cultural Revolution, which had been challenging the status quo of society that had exsisted for such time, this threatend the much more Conservative half of politics in several nations, while some called for the change to be regonized.

The Economic Growth in North France would continue under the leadership of the French Alliance led by Jacques Poutou, continued the immense Economc Growth of the French, the Federal Republic of France quickly becoming a leader of the European Economic Union created in 1953, the German economy also made a bounceback in the early 60's after a recession in the late 50's, the German Federation of Nations also continued to grow, as more African nations gained independence during the next years, Pan-Scandinavism also continued to grow during this period, as real talk of possible full scale Scandinavian unification soon became a reality, as the Scandinavian nations, while members of EATU, seemingly cared more about there own interests then that of Moscow's, which soon began to alarm Moscow, who began to become worried the Scandinavian nations would defect. Through a interesting development did come out of the Communist world, and that was the Brazillo-American split that occured in early 1963, mainly over ideological diffrences between the two, with the Americans working to avoid war with the Russians, while the Brazillians pushed for all out war against the Russians, led to the ideological split between the two, and the severing a relations, causing the Cold War to spilt into a tri polar conflict, quad polar, if you count the British.

In other news, German Kaiser Wilhelm III passed away from natural causes on October 16th, 1963, his son, the Crown Prince, Louis Ferdiand succeded him as German Emperor.


President Bochka arriving in Vladivostok, November 22nd, 1963

the Venezulan War soon began to escalate even further, talks rumbled in Moscow that full scale intervention of the Russian Army was needed to quell the problems in South America, the Bochka admistration continued to refute this, but nontheless continued to increase aid to the Republican Venezulans, increased amount of supplies to the Venezulans, Columbians and Ecuadorians, along with Military Advisors to help them deter the Brazilian backed Communists. the British also began to push there own agenda in South America, they had occupied a border region in Venezula to protect British interests in Guyana, Brazillian and British relations flamed to a point where war seemed possible between the two nations, the British also backed Fascist coup in Chile, who overthrew the Russian friendly regime and installed a regime friendly to London, through the British had always been more willing to cooperate with Moscow if needed, Chief Oswald Mosley sought to advance his personal agenda, and that was expanding British influence.

Meanwhile, France's capital, Paris, was deep within the area controlled after World War II by theUASR. Initially governed in four sectors controlled by the four Allied powers (Russia, Germany, Switzerland and America), tensions of the Cold War escalated until the American forces implemented the Paris Blockade, which the Easern Allies relieved with the dramatic airlift. Afterward, the sectors controlled by the EATU Allies became an effective exclave of North France, completely surrounded by South France. From 1952, the border between North and South was closed everywhere but in Paris. Hundreds of thousands of South French defected to the East via North Paris, a labour drain that threatened South France with economic collapse. In 1961, the South French government erected a barbed-wire barrier around North Paris, "anti-fascist protective barrier". The South French authorities argued that it was meant to prevent spies and agents of North France from crossing into the South. However, it was universally known as the Paris Wall and the majority opinion was that its primary purpose was to keep South French citizens from escaping to the North. Over a period of months the wall was rebuilt using concrete, and buildings were demolished to create a "death zone" in view of South French guards armed with machine guns. In 1962, the first attempted escape leading to a fatal shooting took the life of Luc Beauregard, The East, including Russia, was accused of failing to respond forcefully to the erection of the Wall. Officially, Paris was under joint occupation by the four allied powers, each with primary responsibility for a certain zone within th city. Bochka's speech marked the first instance where the Russians. acknowledged that South Paris was part of the American bloc along with the rest of South France. On July 25, 1961, Bochka insisted in a presidential address that the Russian Government would defend North Paris, asserting its Four-Power rights, while making it clear that challenging the American presence in France was not possible.

And thus, Presiden Bochka made a trip to North Paris in June of 1963 to underline his support of Russia and North France 22 months after the American Supported South French erected the Paris Wall as a barrier to prevent movement between North and South. The Famous "Ju Suies en Parisen" speech was said this day, the message was aimed as much at the Americans as it was at the Parisians, and was a clear statement of Russian policy in the wake of the construction of the Paris Wall. Another notable (and defiant) phrase in the speech was also spoken in French, "Laisser les Venir à Paris" ("Let them come to Paris")--addressed at those who claimed "we can work with the Communists", a remark which American Premier Lyndon Johnson laughed at only days later.
The speech is considered one of Bochka's greatest, both a notable moment of the Cold War and a high point of the New Frontier. It was a great morale boost for North Parisians, who lived in an exclave deep inside South French and feared a possible South French Occupation. Speaking from a platform erected on the steps of a platform near the Arc de Triumph for an audience of 450,000, Bochka said the following,
Two thousand years ago the proudest boast was civis Romanus sum ["I am a Roman citizen"]. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is "Je suis un Parisien!"... All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Paris, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Je suis un Parisien!"...

The Speech was a great morale booster for the North Parisians, and is a defining moment of the Cold War.

However, Bochka's progress, and hope, were thought to be ended in one single moment, when Bochka decided to take a trip to Vladivostok in November of 1963 to try and rally support from the Siberial Democrats for his Civil Rights legislature, Bochka, his wife, Natalia, and Vladivostok mayor Peter Romanov, a member of the Romanov Royal Family, decided to take a car ride through downtown Vladivostok on November 22nd, 1963, they passed by a section of downtown that contained a Grassy "Knoll", the motorcade approached a tunnel, when all of a sudden, a shot ringed out.

President Alec Bochka.. was dead.

Cool update, now we need a map, another update, or (even better) both!

And what did I say? Bochka won't live much longer! I totally forgot about "Je suis un Parisien", but that was predictable, too!
Cool update, now we need a map, another update, or (even better) both!

And what did I say? Bochka won't live much longer! I totally forgot about "Je suis un Parisien", but that was predictable, too!

Of course I didn't say anything, but Bochka sadly, has met a unfortunate fate by the hands of his assassin in Vladivostok, now you may ask, who's Bochka's Vice President?


Through the Je suis un Parisien speech by Bochka in North Paris was predictable.

When all is "reverse" does that mean we see a kind of German singing Beatles band? :p:)

There might be. I hadn't really thought about that yet.
I've just noticed something ironic. By making Germany the British analogue, you have essentially weakened them by the modern day by messing up their economy. Similarly, your France is much richer than OTL France, and also has a pretty powerful military if it's the Germany analogue. It's still an interesting read, but your Germanophilia may have backfired a little bit. On a side note, what are the France and Japan analogues here? I never figured that out.
I've just noticed something ironic. By making Germany the British analogue, you have essentially weakened them by the modern day by messing up their economy. Similarly, your France is much richer than OTL France, and also has a pretty powerful military if it's the Germany analogue. It's still an interesting read, but your Germanophilia may have backfired a little bit. On a side note, what are the France and Japan analogues here? I never figured that out.

My Germanophilia did backfire a bit there, didn't it? but yes, I think I may have accidently wanked France... alest North France, I didn't wank all of France :p

Update please! Bumpity!

Im working on it.
"This is a political war and it calls for discriminate killing. The best weapon... would be a knife... The worst is an airplane "

Russian Private in Venezula​

Chapter 17: November 22nd, 1963-January 1st, 1968
Cold War
Venezulan War
Welcome to the Jungle


The Assassination of Russian President Alec Bochka by a Communist sympathizer named Dmitri Nikolai Federanko on November 22nd, 1963 would leave the nation in a intense period of morning, the assassination claimed the life of Bochka and injured the Mayor of Vladivostok, in one shining instant, it seemed the hope for the future, the young face of Russia that sought to bring Moscow into the next generation, was just suddenly gone. he was just. gone. many in Russia were left to wonder wheather the hope of the future by the Bochka Great Society would be fufilled, or if Russia would deteoriate until she succumbed to Communist aggression.​


Photograph of Richard M. Nixon, who succeded Lyndon Johnson as Premier in 1964.

Bochka's Vice President, Nikita Khrushchev would succeed Alec Bochka as Russian President later that day, sworn in on the Presidential Plane next to Bochka's widow. Natalia, Khrushchev began continuing upon the platform that Bochka had been building before his assassination, that was the platform of Civil Rights for Cossacks, continued material support for the Republican Venezulan government, and containment of the growing Communist threat, which now reached Russia's backyard. Khrushchev issued a 11 point statement in January of 1964, in which he notably pledged to continue the material and logistical support the Venezulans against the Communist threat, to settle the issue of Civil Rights, to increase defense spending for Russia and her EATU allies, and to lower taxes among other things, President Khrushchev sought to continue the Great Society started by Bochka, after winning a term of his own in 1964, he was able to work and succeed in the historical passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which ended wide spread segregration of Cossacks, and guarenteed the Civil Rights of Cossacks, Women, and various other minorities, along with guaranteing the voting rights of the Cossack people, it was landmark legislation in the history of the young Russian republic, a statement that the Russian Republic would be a land for all free people's, and that discrimination would no longer be tolerated, however the process that involved enforcing the act would turn into a violent and bloody one, as the process of Desegregration of Cossacks would at times flame up into a bloody conflict between the Pro-Segregrationists and those trying to enforce the Civil Rights Acts. they were however a landmark pieces of legislation, and ushered in a new era, Khrushchev would also continue many of Bochka's other policies, such as tax cuts, the development of new Federal Departments, and increasing the defense budget. among other things.​


Russian President Nikita Khrushchev speaking to a crowd in Moscow, circa 1966

Meanwhile the new German Kaiser, Louis Ferdinand I began following Russia's lead and instituting similar legislation in Germany, Germany was one of the first countries to decriminilize homosexuality a few years earlier, with the support of Kaiser Louis Ferdinand, the Reichstag passed a Civil Rights bill similar to that of the Russian passed bill, protecting the Civil Rights of Women, and various other minorities in the German Empire, the Germans would continue to be a center of liberal change for the coming decades, after the Liberal policys supported by Louis Ferdinand and the Chancellors to serve under him would work to make the German Empire one of the most democratic and prosperous states in Europe, which it had already succeeded at, similar Civil Rights bills were passed in Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia, the Hohenzollern monarchs of all tree taking the lead of there reletives in Berlin.​

The German Federation of Nations also continued to grow, as more of Africa was granted independence, meanwhile elsewhere in Europe, Several other states begin considering following the lead of the Germans and Russians, the continued economic growth of North France would slow down a bit, the building of the Paris Wall would stop the large influx of labor into North France, the economy would stall a bit in 1963 and 1964, even dip a little in 1965, however it would pick back up in 1966 and pick up again in 1967, recovering from a slight recession. the Belgian and Dutch economies also slightly degraded around this time period, but met a recovery as well in 1967, picking back up, meanwhile the former "Sick Man of Europe" the Ottoman Empire had become one of the richest and most stable nations in EATU, it was officaly neutral, but friendly to Russia more so then the Communists. the Ottoman Empire's vast network of oil, made it one of the dominant powers of the Eastern World, by 1968, the Ottoman Empire had became a Liberal Federal Republic, with the Sultan as a national icon who was limited in his powers, and the President serving as Head of Government, the Arabs had been given considerable autonomy, and the Federal State flourished, traditional values were still valued, but less restrictions were followed, it became normal for Ottoman men and women to wear normal Western and Russian style clothing, the Ottomans were eating fast food, drinking soda, watching TV and a vibrant modern teen culture soon florished in the former Sick Man of Europe, who ahd been cured of what ailed her. the Ottoman Empire was a world power. to be for sure.​

Meanwhile in Pop Culture, a German Rock n Roll band by the name of the Käfer's was making waves all across the Eastern World.​


Israeli Tanks during the One Week's War, circa 1967

The Collapse of Japan ended the Second Sino-Japanese War which had been running since 1939, with the threat of the Japanese gone, the KMT, supported by the British, were able to defeat the last vestiges of the warlords in China. the 1964 campaigns would overwhelm the remaining Chinese warlords, fully reuniting China for the first time in 50 years, the Russian agreement to cede Manchuria back to China also happend in 1964, the KMT government in Peking began exricising control over all of China, the Fascist government of the KMT would mourn however, Generalissmo Chiang Kai-Shek passed away on December 21st, 1963, two days later, staged Presidential elections were held, in which Kai-Shek's designated succsessor, Mao Zedong (a former Communist, who defected from the Communist Party when the CCP collapsed in the early 1920's. Zedong joined the KMT in 1925, eventually rising up through the ranks to be Kai-Shek's second in command) was elected as President of China, and Generalissmo of the Chinese Republican Army, Zedong began enacting policy's to improve the flaling Chinese economy, with help from the British, who upon decree of Chief Oswald Mosley, ceded there concessions from the Boxer War back to China as a "gift" to there Chinese allies. Zedong also began a process of integrating the former rebellious warlord provinces back into China.​

Meanwhile in Africa, tensions between the African states and Israel began to escalate, ever since the Ethiopian-Israeli War of 1948, the relations of the African people and Israel had been strained, tensions began to escalate even further in 1967, as border incidents in the Sudan and Ethiopia allevate the already tense tensions between Israel and the African states, tensions allevated throughout the year, leading up to a potential war, on June 15th, Egypt, albeit a British Dominion, was largely independent of London, signed a defensive alliance with Ethiopia, soon on invitation, Upper Voltan and Malian troops were invited to exricise in Ethiopia, the Israelis, seeing the writing on the wall, decided to strike before the African Alliance could, on July 4th, the decision was made to go to war.​

What followed would become known as the One Week's War (July 4th-July 11th, 1967), The Israeli Defense Force launched a pre-emptive strike on Ethiopia later that day, as planes began bombing Addis Abba and other major Ethiopian cites, Israel also launched bombings in Southern Sudan, despite the attack on one of it's Dominions, the British government in London decided not to declare war, seeing it was Egypt's stupid war, the Egyptians would have to fight it. the African alliance was duly unprepared for the war, the African alliance was a very loose alliance of nations who generally wern't completely fond of each other, with only one thing uniting them, there hatred of Israel, the alliance was disorganized and disunited as the only goal on there mind was the destruction of Israel, the surprise attack by the Israeli Defense Force caught the African armies off guard, the Israeli's offensive was quick, and brutal, and left the retreating African armies reeling, the offensive turned out to be swift, and Desisive, in One Week's time Israel had occupied parts of Southern Sudan and Southern Ethiopia, a ceasefire was signed on July 11th, 1967, ending the One Week's War between Israel, and the African Coalition of Ethiopia, Egypt, Mali and the Upper Volta, a final peace treaty was hammered out later in the year, through Israel continued it's occupation of the North Plateau in Southern Sudan, the Alamine Strip and part of Southern Ethiopia.​


Helicopters overseeing a movement of Russian troops, circa 1968

the Venezulan War had been a growing issue for the Russian government the last several years, the Russian government had given high amounts of material support, along with military advisors to help the Venezulans against the Communist rebels in the South of the country, however increasing instability in the Venezulan government and increasing pressure due to the mounting victories by the Communists and the Venezulan government's increasing instablity began to take pressure against President Khrushchev to take further action in the Venezulan Civil War, On 2 August 1964, the RSS Petrenko, on an intelligence mission along North Venezula's coast, was reported to have allegedly fired upon and damaged several torpedo boats that had been stalking it in the Caribbean Seas, A second attack was reported two days later on the RSS Vladivostok in the same area. The circumstances of the attack were shady at best. some wondered the legitamacy of the attacks on the Russian Navy, The second attack led to retaliatory air strikes against the South Venezulans, prompted the Russian Congress to pass the Caribbean Seas Resolution on August 7th, and gave the President power to conduct military operations in South America without declaring war.The Russian Government denied at the time that is was a full scale war declaration, the Caribbean Resolution allowed the president unilateral power to launch a full scale war if the president deemed necessary.

The National Security Council recommended a three-stage escalation plan for the the bombing of "South Venezula". On March 2nd, 1965, following an attack on a Russian Marine barracks at the small Venezulan city of Hidalgo, Operation Platypus commenced. The bombing campaign initiated by the Russian Air Force, which ultimately lasted for three years, was intended to force the Communists to cease its support for the guerilla army in the North known as the United National Front for the Liberation of Venezula (UNFLV), or the Snakes as they were commonly known, by threatening to destroy South Venezula's air defenses and industrial infrastructure. As well, it was aimed at bolstering the morale of the North Venezulans. Between March 1965 and November 1968, "Platypus" deluged the South with a millions of tons of missiles, rockets and bombs. Bombing was not restricted to South Venezula however. Other aerial campaigns, such as Operation Scorpion, targeted different parts of the UNLFV and VPA infrastructure. These included the Oscar Figuera trail, which ran through Columbia and the North. The objective of stopping South Venezulans and the UNLFV would end up not being achieved by the campaign. As one Russian private noted "this is a political war and it calls for discriminate killing. The best weapon... would be a knife... The worst is an airplane."


A Russian Unit marching through a swamp in Venezula, circa 1967

After several attacks upon them, it was decided that Russian Air Force bases needed more protection. The Venezulan military seemed incapable of providing the security. On March 8th, 1965, 3,500 Russian Marines were dispatched to Venezula. This marked the beginning of the Russian Ground War. Public opinion overwhelmingly supported the deployment at this point, The Marines' assignment was defensive. The initial deployment of 3,500 in March was increased to nearly 200,000 by December of 1965. The Russian military had long been schooled in offensive warfare. Regardless of political policies, Russian commanders were heavily unsuited to the defensive mission called for by the Federal Government in Moscow, In December, Russian and UANV (United Army of Northern Venezula) forces suffered heavy losses at the Battle of Milky Way Hill, Previously communist forces had utilized hit-and-run guerrilla tactics, however at Milky Way Hill they had defeated a strong Russo-Venezulan force in conventional warfare. Tellingly, North Venezulan forces were again defeated in June, at Esperanto.

Morale plummeted as 1965 and 1966. General Dimitri Chernenko., commander of Russian South American-Caribbean taskforce, that the situation was critical. Responding by saying, "I am convinced that our troops with their energy, mobility, and firepower can successfully take the fight to the UNLFV " Chernenko was advocating an aggressive departure from Russia's defensive posture and the sidelining of the North Venezulans. The Russian commitment would become open-ended. at this point, A 3 Point Plan by General Chernenko was approved by Khrushchev and marked a profound departure from the previous Presidential administration's insistence that the government of Venezula was responsible for defeating the guerrillas on it's own with only material support and training from Moscow. victory was predicted by the end of 1967 by General Chernenko, Khrushchev however did not, however, communicate this change in strategy to the media. Instead he emphasized continuity. The change in policy depended on matching the Communists in a contest of attrition and morale. The opponents were locked in a cycle of escalation of warfare. The idea that the government of Venezulan government could manage its own internal affairs was shelved.

The Russians and there allies mounted complex operations, such as operations Rat House, Longhorn, Saint Peter, and Dimitri. However, the communist insurgents remained extremely elusive and demonstrated well knowledged tactical flexibility in there warfare. Meanwhile, the previously unstable political situation in the Republic of Venezula began to stabilize with the coming to political power of Prime Minister Marshal Hugo Emil Chavez and figurehead Chief of State, General Antonio Vonozio, in mid 1965 at the head of a military junta. This ended a series of coups that had happened more than once a year.

The Khrushchev administration employed a "policy of minimum candor" in its dealings with the Russian media. Russian military information officers sought to manage media coverage by emphasizing news stories that portrayed progress in the Venezulan War. Over time, this policy would damage the public trust in official pronouncements issued by the media and goverment. As the media's coverage of the war and that of the Kremlin diverged, a so-called credibility gap developed. meanwhile on the frontlines, the New Year saw a temporary cease in the fighting, however as 1968 came around, the fighting would be more intense then ever.
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Cool update and more analogies!

In South America
Vietnam= Venezuela (will be united by South Venezuela in 1975)
Laos=Colombia? Guyana?
Cambodia=Ecuador (Red Inca government anyone)

in Russia and the UASR:

Krushchev=Johnson and vice versa
Cossacks=African Americans


Alamine Strip=Gaza Strip
South Sudan=West Bank
Ottoman Empire=Japan? It at least has the Sultan for a figurehead, and the empire!

What about "Only Brezhnev can go to Brazil!" and the Amero-Braziiian Split?

Two minor points:

After Bochka's assassination, it is not "morning" but "mourning".
And "Louis Ferdinand I." sounds more French, or Frengerman. Much more German would be "Ludwig Ferdinand I."
Cool update and more analogies!

In South America
Vietnam= Venezuela (will be united by South Venezuela in 1975)
Laos=Colombia? Guyana?
Cambodia=Ecuador (Red Inca government anyone)

in Russia and the UASR:

Krushchev=Johnson and vice versa
Cossacks=African Americans


Alamine Strip=Gaza Strip
South Sudan=West Bank
Ottoman Empire=Japan? It at least has the Sultan for a figurehead, and the empire!

What about "Only Brezhnev can go to Brazil!" and the Amero-Braziiian Split?

Two minor points:

After Bochka's assassination, it is not "morning" but "mourning".
And "Louis Ferdinand I." sounds more French, or Frengerman. Much more German would be "Ludwig Ferdinand I."

The Americo-Brazillian Split already happend, it was a footnote, but happend in Chapter 16 (1962 to 1963), but there might be a Only Brezhev can go to Brazil,

Columbia is Laos, roughly.

And yes, Louis Ferdinand sounds more French, but he was called Louis Ferdinand in RL. so I kept it.


Alright! :D And Anne Robinson as Ayn Rand sounds good? They have very similar names, both quite right-wing and both were young during the Revolution.
You do know that Ayn Rand was initially named Alisa Rosenbaum, right? And did Anne Robbins ever dabble in writing? I guess in the ATL she can perhaps start of her career as an actress like OTL but than get involved in screenplay writing?

Another possibility for the Ayn Rand analog that I thought of – Jeanne Kirkpatrick. She is the right age and OTL she authored a number of books (OTL they were all non-fiction though)
…widespread with Russia mostly, who's main problem was it's large Cossack minority that were denied the right to vote under the Russian constitution, The Bochka administration made it a priority to bring up the issue of Civil Rights and grant the Cossack's which were denied the right under a nation which claimed to be for the people, all the people, this caused a rith with many conservatives, who say the Cossacks as a Socialist inferior race plauging Russia, the Siberial Democrats also took issue to the issue of Cossack Rights, saying the Bochka administration was not focusing on Siberian issues, which had caused a rith in the Social Democrat party several times, the issue of Civil Rights was one of the top priority's of the Bochka administration, as he worked throughout his administration to end the Segregration of Cossacks and grant them full and equal Civil Rights, the issue became a central vocal point of Russian politics, as it began to cause race riots between Russians and Cossacks, as it seemed like at times Russia was bound to fall into a full scale race war,
President Khrushchev sought to continue the Great Society started by Bochka, after winning a term of his own in 1964, he was able to work and succeed in the historical passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which ended wide spread segregration of Cossacks, and guarenteed the Civil Rights of Cossacks, Women, and various other minorities, along with guaranteing the voting rights of the Cossack people, it was landmark legislation in the history of the young Russian republic, a statement that the Russian Republic would be a land for all free people's, and that discrimination would no longer be tolerated, however the process that involved enforcing the act would turn into a violent and bloody one, as the process of Desegregration of Cossacks would at times flame up into a bloody conflict between the Pro-Segregrationists and those trying to enforce the Civil Rights Acts.

You have Cossacks as the oppressed minority which is viewed by conservatives as “a Socialist inferior race plauging Russia”? The same Cossacks who were a privileged class in the Russian Empire with more rights and autonomy than comparable non-Cossack peoples? The same Cossacks that OTL often fought with the Whites against Communists and found themselves victims of Decossackization under the Soviet regime? The Cossacks that OTL are often described as “bastion of conservatism”?

I can only ask one question: “What are you smoking?”

Seriously, Ukrainians or Belorussians or any of the other people subjected to Russification under the Russian Empire would serve as a much better African-American analog.
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