Map Thread VIII

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It would be ASB though, for Japanese-Americans to not play a pivotal role in American politics and American culture itself. Discrimination would only last so far for Asian-Americans, as they would make up around half the the nation's population (unlike African-Americans, that even today only make up 12% of the American population).

Edit: Signs in the main cities of the United States may very well be like this, albeit with the font sizes likely reversed:
Yes, that is what you would see.
I've spent the better part of the last week making this map. My first attempt at topographical maps. It's not entirely done yet though (Still have to name the oceans).

Basically, it is the setting of a Medieval style area in a fantasy world. There are 6 dominant races in the early history, but by the time everything is industrialized, most races are either extinct, or have become integrated within the human population. By the time they got to our same technology level, only humans existed, with on average most humans having 5% Dwarf, 5% Elvish, and 2% Nymph in their body. These races have long since been forgotten, but their ruins are spread across the land.

There are in secret 5 major Dwarf cities under the mountains in the North, and outside of Thadea, but they are so deep men have yet to reach them (And they don't even know they are there). The human population is nearing 3 billion, and the Dwarves number at around 1.2 million underground.

Really like the style, and great coastlines :)
As long as they dont have these signs, I'm fine with it.

(I know that's Chinese, but when you got on to discrimination you were only speaking about Asian-Americans.)

Well, that's also a pretty bad Photoshop.

Demographics are a big thing in empires. If you're not going to have a ethnic/national group larger than 30%-50% of your nation's population playing a major role in your country, they're probably most likely second-class citizens or worse. Case in point, the British Empire.

I've spent the better part of the last week making this map. My first attempt at topographical maps. It's not entirely done yet though (Still have to name the oceans).

Basically, it is the setting of a Medieval style area in a fantasy world. There are 6 dominant races in the early history, but by the time everything is industrialized, most races are either extinct, or have become integrated within the human population. By the time they got to our same technology level, only humans existed, with on average most humans having 5% Dwarf, 5% Elvish, and 2% Nymph in their body. These races have long since been forgotten, but their ruins are spread across the land.

There are in secret 5 major Dwarf cities under the mountains in the North, and outside of Thadea, but they are so deep men have yet to reach them (And they don't even know they are there). The human population is nearing 3 billion, and the Dwarves number at around 1.2 million underground.

View attachment 147400

I'm really interested in how you did the topography!
Well, that's also a pretty bad Photoshop.

Demographics are a big thing in empires. If you're not going to have a ethnic/national group larger than 50% of your nation's population playing a major role in your country, they're probably most likely second-class citizens or worse. Case in point, the British Empire.
Yes, that is why the United States is half-Japanese.
This USA has West Canada, Sonora, Chihuahua, Alaska, Australia, New Zealand and the Philippines, so that adds a lot.

Using OTL latest figuress (BTW, we _have_ Alaska in this TL, too), which probably overestimates the numbers for the Philippines if they have been part of the US for a while...


450 million-------------------128 million------28%

Still more than a quarter. Look - racism is as American as apple pie, although we've been making fairly steady improvement since the 1940s. There is NO WAY that the US is going to take aboard more than a quater of their population in Asians - and note this is a _low_ estimate - for most of their history, the Japanese would probably make up _more_ than that. As Diresituation points out, they would be more influencial at the voting booth than Blacks and Hispanics put together.

Ain't Going To Happen without Japanese Genocide, a US sans racism (probably have to go back to the 17th century at least to fix that one ) or some sort of scenario that diverges from OTL a loong time ago, say with the marriage of Catholic King-Emperor James XI to the Empress of (Catholic) Japan establishing a dynastic union in the face of the Russo-Turkish-Magyar Menace.

Ain't Going To Happen without Japanese Genocide, a US sans racism (probably have to go back to the 17th century at least to fix that one ) or some sort of scenario that diverges from OTL a loong time ago, say with the marriage of Catholic King-Emperor James XI to the Empress of (Catholic) Japan establishing a dynastic union in the face of the Russo-Turkish-Magyar Menace.

Genocide, eh? The French could be that harsh towards the Japanese...
Okay. Scenario here is somewhat insane, but I can live with that - just look at my sig.

This is a map of resistance movements and foreign invasions in the United States of America.

1. The Californian Resistance. Major experts in guerilla warfare, have won many battles but are facing difficulties dealing with a pocket in Utah.
2. The Mexican Liberation Army.
3. The Texan Resistance.
Led by a general who was all fine with Taggart until the whole "mass-murder camps" thing got revealed.
4. The Freedom Army. Remnants of the Canadian military, aided by the local population. Been fighting guerilla war for five years, since 2003.
5. Quebecois Separatists. Hate the Americans almost as much as they do the Canadians.
6. New York Resistance. Led by guess who, aka She of Many Costumes, aka Mother Monster, etc. etc.
7. British Army. Part of coalition against the mad American President.
8. Bundeswehr. Likewise.
9. French. Ditto.
10. Miscellaneous Risings. Self-explanatory.
W. Washington D.C
L. Site of a Loyalty Camp. Not nice places to go anywhere near.





I was inspired by the small secessionist movements in Maine and Vermont. The (ASBish) idea is that Huckabee gets elected in 2008, and the liberal states of the Union do not take it well. In particular, the aforementioned movements join to form a pressure group, "Independent Loegria", that advocates secession for northern New England and the establishment of a liberal Switzerland-like state, or the union with Canada.

Loegria is the name of the lands ruled by King Arthur.

Surely their friends in Massachusetts would join them...

Wouldn't we? :eek:
Massachusetts is more liberal and more Catholic (I'm assuming Huckabee's regime has something of an evangelical protestant character) than New Hampshire or Maine, so I would've assumed it would be looking towards secession before they would be. Maine for instance elected a Tea Party governor in 2010 while even a moderate Republican who even I, despite being a hardcore liberal, thought was a solid choice lost in Massachusetts at the same time. On the other hand, I suppose northern New Englanders are a little closer culturally to Canadians than we are.
I was inspired by the small secessionist movements in Maine and Vermont. The (ASBish) idea is that Huckabee gets elected in 2008, and the liberal states of the Union do not take it well. In particular, the aforementioned movements join to form a pressure group, "Independent Loegria", that advocates secession for northern New England and the establishment of a liberal Switzerland-like state, or the union with Canada.

Loegria is the name of the lands ruled by King Arthur.

I like the ironic "Red Wave".
Moving it to this page so it's not the last post of a page. :p


Alright, this took me about two days to do as finding sources is difficult and I had to double check a bunch of countries do to
some being wrong.

Anyways the below is a map of the world showing the percentage of Irreligious (df. Atheist, Agnostic and Humanists) people by country.

In several cases their was contradictory data (ex. in Greece the Eurobaramoter in 2005 reports 3% while a poll in 2009 reported 13%
Atheist and 7.7% Agnostic), in these cases I went with the most trustworthy source.

In quite a few cases of the 'Under 1%' countries the amount may actually be more than 1%, but for societal or legal reasons people do
not openly espouse their belief or lack thereof.

I originally wanted to show the different percentages of each of Australia's states as I did with Canada and the U.S., however I was
unable to find data on religious demographics for all but Queensland and the Northern Territory, so I just showed them all with the
country-wide percentage.

In the case of 'No Data' countries, while most are obvious, I'll provide the reasoning for the not so obvious ones are below;

-Egypt fits into the category because it forces people to choose between the three main Abrahamic faiths and does not allow any
other choices in terms of registration and census data.

-Eritrea is similar to Egypt, though only recognizing three sects of Christianity and Sunni Islam and persecuting anyone who does not
belong to them.

-Equatorial Guinea, well aside from the fact that their's simply no detailed data the government has consistently said that the population
is twice as large as it actually is, making things even harder to determine.

Where did you get your numbers for South Korea?
Could somebody please make me a map of North America with the following borders:

  • United States of America: What's left (see below)
  • Confederate States of America: It's northern border is the Ohio River to the Mason Dixon Line, and then down along the border of Maryland. West, it includes Missouri, after which a parallel extending from Missouri's Northern Border to Texas completes the CSA.
  • Republic of Texas: Take the largest extent of its claims and expand them westward to the Green River and the south along a meridian starting where the Green River meets the Colorado River and ending at California's southern parallel (see below)
  • Republic of California: The northern border is the 49th parallel. The eastern border is the Snake River to the the meridian that separates it from Texas. The southern border is a parallel that keeps Los Angeles in Mexico (I'm thinking from the Ventura river east until it intersects the Rio Grande).
  • Rupert's Land and Canada: (OTL around 1850)
  • Mexico: With its northern border as defined above
  • Caribbean: OTL around 1850, you don't really need to go into any depth.
Whoever can do this, I will love you forever. As a little bonus (if you like airships), it's related to the story I'm working on I mentioned in this thread.
OK - a speculative (quite) look at "Decades of Darkness" in 2011.

The 21st century has seen the start of a shift away from the long "Three Superpowers" era as the world shifts to a more multi-polar situation with South China steadily moving towards superpower status, with Bharat trailing some ways behind. Although the Indo-Pacific Alliance is too decentralized to count as a fourth superpower in itself, it has emerged as a great new zone of high-energy business, challenging the more statist economies of the older powers. Meanwhile, the Damocles Sword of Nuclear Fear continues to dangle above everyones head, and the older powers try to adjust to changes in their relative positions...

The Empire (nowadays thoroughly constitutional) of Russia and the Russian Federation of which it forms the core is still the greatest power on earth, forming a unified economic zone and political alliance of over a billion people. It has loosened up a bit around the edges and lost some of its more unwilling puppets as it has democratized, and occasional squabbles between member states ruffle feathers, but most of the members of the Federation are doing well enough that they see no reason to disrupt the arrangements of the biggest superpower. Indeed, perhaps the biggest problem arises from success - long a troubled and backwards region, the Chinese Empire has benefitted from being the Federation's principal cheap-labor pool to grow mightily economically: although still somewhat poorer than its southern Republican rival, and rather less populous, its economic weight within the Federation has grown greatly in the last thirty years - to the point where Russians begin to worry that one day their leadership of the Federation is bound to be challenged...

Germany is less happy: their economy (in GDP if not GNP terms) is being rapidly overtaken by the South Chinese, and their control of Greater European Union (formerly the Greater European Economic Union) is weak: Germany had to make some decisions about what kind of country it wanted to be after the turbulent 60s, and in the end it decided not to be the sort of country that makes "examples" out of large numbers of unarmed protestors and sends tanks into neighboring states whose political arrangements are diverging from what was previously imposed. This of course has prevented Germany from turning into something more on the lines of OTLs Third Reich or their USA, but it means that the German position in Europe is increasingly one of first among equals rather than Overlord. They've withdrawn all troops from England, let the French (mostly) reunite, let Montenegro pull out and join the Russians...and do they get gratitude? No, people just act as if this was something Germany had been forced to do and therefore nothing to praise. And now the Italians are talking "autonomy" within the's enough to make one wonder if Germany did make the right choice back then.

The United States has expanded to pretty much the maximum attainable size (although there may be future possibilities in Africa) and is increasingly consumed with internal issues. The economy, although still growing, is falling behind the other Superpowers (not to mention the Indo-Pacific gang) in high tech and generally in high-value-added enterprises: too many of the population are serfs or only "partially free" in various degrees. Too, the continued and seemingly irreversible growth of the Security State now threatens the liberties of the ruling classes: there is no longer any clear physical distinction between slave and free, and everyone needs their papers at all times. Cameras are everywhere, police are everywhere, informers everywhere. Information services and the internet-equivalent are crippled by security measures - who wants a slave class with full internet access. Increasingly, there is pressure to bring everyone who at least looks white and can speak decent English into the ruling classes: with nearly 50% of the population various classes of non-or-partially-free, the system is looking increasingly inefficient and dangerous to its very rulers. Of course, there are those with very definite opinions about this - and in a state ultimately based on violent supression of dissent and anything even vaguely resembling rebellion, they have ways of expressing these opinions, even at the highest level of government, that the Marquis of Queensbury would not have approved of...

South China is a capitalist state, essentially one-party right-wing rather than one-party left: it started really growing its economy earlier than OTL China, although to some extent hampered by a less globalized economy and a lack of industrial resources due to its missing territories. It wants the North back, bad, but that is not all: it wants to put an end to the general domination of the world by European and European-derived powers. The Afro-Asian Pact is one arm of this effort, the development of an Africa and Asia for Africans and Asians: it has been rather successful in poaching associated members of the Renewed Empire and former German colonies as decolonization picked up steam in the 80s, and is on good terms with the Arab Association (although the Arabs have so far been unwilling to fully adopt South Chinese rhetoric and leadership).

This rather annoys Bharat, which has traditionally taken a neutral stance in world affairs, unwilling to be drawn into Superpower squabbles. It was Bharat which founded the effort to create an independent Asian movement, after all, before being drawn into a battle for leadership with South China, losing, and being cast into the outer darkness. Less economically successful (as OTL, British practices did not endear traditional capitalism to Indians), less well positioned with respect to the new economies of SE Asia, and less agressive (S. China developed its own nuke well in advance of Bharat), the north Indians have developed an angry rivalry with the other Asian giant, and are moving away from neutrality to greater friendship with the Russian Federation, which also does not have much fondness with the state which sponsors (at last count) at least 17 anti-Federation terrorist groups in northern Imperial China.

The Nuclear Fear has gone on far too long, and far too many shaky arms agreements have failed to put an end to it: the Russians and the Germans might be able to call a halt to their old rivalry, but neither trust the Americans enough to allow for a general step-down. There have been some nasty spots before - the New England Missile Crisis (which led to the US occupation of western Canada, nearly led to a nuclear war, and established the current neutral status of New England), the African Crisis (the collapse of the US-allied portuguese dictatorship led to disruptions in their colonial territory, and a territory-grabbing rush which led to military clashed between US and Restored Empire forces, and nearly expanded into something rather worse) and the Space Wars Crisis arising in the late 90s when the Russians rather badly disrupted the Balance of Terror by trying to build a truly effective orbitally based anti-missile system, which led the Americans to Spaz Out badly (the currently Joint International Space Development setup is dedicated to extending the Balance of Power into space as well as on Earth).

(The Germans and the Russians have had a couple unpleasant Moments of their own: missile flight times between German and Russian territory are short)

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