Map Thread VII

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The bolded part implies you had good German Sci-fi before Weimar ended, which would rather contradict 'old makes good an oxymoron'.;)

Heh. Well it is to be seen in the context of the time. Metropolis and the like WERE pioneering sci-fi in its time. Of course, these days still clinging to it would be silly - but thats what people do with 60s/70s sci-fi, and that is why I reject it. I guess for its time such sci-fi was okay, but can we please lay it to the grave?
A Fantasy Transport map for the Dominion Capital of a Cavorite-punk British Venus (map of the whole planet here) in the 1920s


The Transatmospheric tower isn't a counterweight elevator, and is only a few hundred kilometers high to poke out of the atmosphere. Maxwell is quite a sprawling city; the inner city (the bit bounded by the Loop Line) is about the size and population of modern Auckland at 1.3 million people at 3k per square kilometer (six times less than New York City or London), whilst another million million people sprawl over the surrounds in hundreds of small towns perched on the Mountainside or the rough Regina Ledge, and there is about 500k in the industrial town of Pittsburgh. The city has as a degree of verticality you wouldn't get on Earth, with 10 vertical kilometers seperating Cityview Station and Lowpoint (and about 40 horizontal kilometers).

Nearly all of the legal Interplanetary traffic to Venus passes through Maxwell, and since it sits aside the only year round safe passage between West and East Ishtar the vast majority of continental traffic goes through it as well. Its also the only city wealthy enough to afford low orbit mirrors to give year round illumination, to remain competivitve with the more pleasent cities of the Frea and New Perthshire Ridges.

The Dominion Capital and Parliament Buildings are based in Virginia Falls to ease aclimitisation for vistors, since Regina Ledge's 1.4-1.8 bars of atmospheric pressure (depending on season) is somewhat unpleasent for recent arrivals to Venus.

Accepting suggestions for stop names ;).
an alternate map of the british islands:

yellow is the united kingdom of scotland and northern irland

the country in the middle are danevang(spelling?)

the pink country is england

the green is Ireland

alternate british_isles.png
A Fantasy Transport map for the Dominion Capital of a Cavorite-punk British Venus (map of the whole planet here) in the 1920s

The Transatmospheric tower isn't a counterweight elevator, and is only a few hundred kilometers high to poke out of the atmosphere. Maxwell is quite a sprawling city; the inner city (the bit bounded by the Loop Line) is about the size and population of modern Auckland at 1.3 million people at 3k per square kilometer (six times less than New York City or London), whilst another million million people sprawl over the surrounds in hundreds of small towns perched on the Mountainside or the rough Regina Ledge, and there is about 500k in the industrial town of Pittsburgh. The city has as a degree of verticality you wouldn't get on Earth, with 10 vertical kilometers seperating Cityview Station and Lowpoint (and about 40 horizontal kilometers).

Nearly all of the legal Interplanetary traffic to Venus passes through Maxwell, and since it sits aside the only year round safe passage between West and East Ishtar the vast majority of continental traffic goes through it as well. Its also the only city wealthy enough to afford low orbit mirrors to give year round illumination, to remain competivitve with the more pleasent cities of the Frea and New Perthshire Ridges.

The Dominion Capital and Parliament Buildings are based in Virginia Falls to ease aclimitisation for vistors, since Regina Ledge's 1.4-1.8 bars of atmospheric pressure (depending on season) is somewhat unpleasent for recent arrivals to Venus.

Accepting suggestions for stop names ;).

Do you have any kind of idea of how much win that is?
I mean, were looking at orders of magnitude of win:D


I present to you a Federal Republic of Europe, a EU which abandoned its states and formed a union out of 118 regions.

Just see for yourself! Click on the thumbnail:

It took me over 9000 hours in Gimp, but I am very proud of it!

Mind that I'm being as constructive as I can, after the GAAAAAH-ness almost kills me. I would't have taken so much time if the map didn't look worked out and good, yet I thing some things really need to be improved:

-First, in Galicia, they speak Galician. Galician, not Portuguese. Catalan and Occitan are also very convergent and share origins, yet you have differenced them.

-Second, I've been in Galicia, and many times in Porto, Tras-Os-Montes and such, and I don't really get why the latter would suddenly realize, against centuries of unstained political divisions, that they're not Portuguese and instead chose to join an European province withouth the slightest identity/language match. Not to tell renaming everything south of Porto "Central Portugal" makes little sense and ignores completely the Portuguese Historical Shires, apart from Implying that Galicia is a Northern Portugal, which is not.

-Third, for Nth time in the forum, Valencians-aren't-Catalans, between many reasons, because Valencians have repeatedly stated so by a smashing 99 per cent. Recently, they even stopped a march in the Day of Valencia because a Catalan Nationalist flag was displayed from a balcony, and refused to march until it was removed. It's not something you can't just ignore because they speak the same language. Also, they have collectively forgotten how to speak Castillian because of what?

-Fourth: If Jaen is from La Mancha, I demand London to be a Murcian Overseas Teritory. It makes as much sense, and it makes me happier.

-Fifth: If you're going to divide La Mancha and Castille, next time remember that, when it comes to Castille/La Mancha, Guadalajara matches the "Castille" part, not the "La Mancha" one.

-Sixth. No, Murcia isn't La Mancha, and it has never been, given that La Mancha is a rigid geographical feature. Murcia is, and it has been so for centuries, just Murcian, and given its geographical position, if it was to be part of another community due to cultural reasons, it would be already. If you're going to supress that fact anyway, at least be sure that the capital of La Mancha stays in La Mancha.

And all this, passing over the random division of La Mancha while you keep Leon and Castille united (or Andalusia, that could be rationally divided in Western and Eastern halves), or over the very dubious intention of Castillians to be directly ruled from Madrid and accepting the macrocephaly this would create in a place already falling behind in population terms. Or over the fact that you have given Cantabria, historically Castillian and recently autonomous, to Asturias, for whatever reason. Of that you've split half of Leon to give it to Asturias basing on misinterpreted linguistic considerations.

I recognice the idea is neat and graphically well executed, and very detailed as well. Unfortunately, that Republic would inmediately implode just out of the many, many people that wouldn't accept that territorial division, in the Iberian Peninsula at least.
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Extremely cool, Nugax.

Here's something based on an old Tormsen scenario.

In this world, a different Kaiser without a fetish for battleships, and a rightward swing in British politics (see: "Fight and be Right"), combines to the point where WWI is fought as a British-German-Austrian-Italian alliance vs a French-Russian-Serbian one, and the Brits and the Germans carve up the spoils. With new and extensive commitments, social unrest and Leftist violence, and efforts by the losers to reverse their losses, the peace is an uneasy one, and the dominant classed in England and Germany shift further to the radical right. Racist, "Aryanist" ideas about the fundamental superiority of the Germanic peoples, whether Deutsch or Anglo-Saxon gain in popularity.

Worried about these developments, the US, Japan and a shrunken Russia form a defensive alliance: some decades later, Some Damned Fool Thing in China boils over, and the Two Oceans (Pacific and Atlantic) war kicks off. The US does well at first, and overruns Canada: but the German-British nuclear project bears fruit first, and in the end the US and its allies are smashed. Canada, with British backing, takes a hearty revenge on the US and gets the job of kicking them if they seem to be getting back up.

Another consequence of the war is the rise of India: uncertainties as to whether the often dark-skinned northern Indians were really "Aryans" were resolved by the need to build up and industrialize India, lest Britain end as a junior partner to the Germans. North Indian elites, Hindu and Muslim, were co-opted, Indian nobles married spare British dutchesses, and an Indian-British "Aryan" partnership discussed. The Two Oceans war provided the opportunity for India to become essentially independent within the Empire, self-rule in exchange for full military cooperation...

Some thirty years later, the Brits are feeling down in the mouth: not only have Canada, South Africa, and Australia become near-independent and generally only listen to London when it pleases them, but India in 1972 out and out quit the Empire, although maintaining "friendly ties" - Indians now consider themselves equal partners with the British, and have taken over the running of much of the vast informal and puppet empire of Britain in Asia and even Africa, having far greater cheap manpower. Problematic non-Indoeuropean south India has been spun off as a puppet state, while Iranic Afgans, Tajiks, etc. have been absorbed. (So has non-Aryan Tibet, but Tibet has Mythic Significance in this world's Aryan cultism, as it did OTL). The state is secular and racially based, so Muslims and Hindus are at no disadvantage to eachother, while darker-skinned southerners are in trouble, and the Caste system, supposedly originally racial, has if anything been strengthened. Having followed a more capitalist economic path and recieved more British industrial investment, India is relatively a lot wealthier than OTL 1976, about where China was in the early-to-mid 1990s.

The US was put under a severe arms limitation and forced to pay massive reparations, but the US managed to pay off the second within a decade and soon found ways to avoid the first: secret agreements were made with Brazil and other members of the League of the Americas (a shaky Latin American alliance put together to form a common front against German and British pressures) and the backwoods of South America served the US as the USSR's interior served Germany OTL in the 1920s. By 1976 several Latin American nations had substantial "native" high-tech arms industries, and Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico had "self-developed" atomic weapons. Under German and British threat, the US has no atomic power industry: but it is estimated by German and British intelligence that the US now has enough smuggled-in nuclear weapons in the country to achieve MAD with Canada, and is pushing hard against other military restrictions by various means. Canada has cut back on its overflights of the northern US, fearing to provoke an incident.

The League of the Americas, with heavy US investment and a big free trade zone, has become a rather more muscular animal, although with heavy use of carrot and stick the Germand and British have managed to peel off a few of its weaker members, and is generally richer and more democratic than Latin America OTL in 1976. The League has gained allies across the Atlantic: the Spanish Republic which replaced the Junta in the 60s has moved to align itself with its Latin brethren across the Ocean, and France has given independence to those few colonies it was left after the first war: League of the Americas support has prevented them from falling into the German or British orbit. (Alas, the French effort to develop its own nuke on the sly did not work so well, and the Germans have occupied the country again).

The German leadership, not having a hostage like Canada, are beginning to whisper about perhaps putting an end to the US for good - although this world has no ICBMS as yet [1], the Germans have enough trans-oceanic bombers to do the job - while the ability of the Americans to strike back is still limited.

On the one hand, multiracial America is a serious ideological challenge to the notion of Aryan superiority, and its continued democracy is poision to the "managed democracy" Germany has had since the Two Oceans war (where the military and the right-wing parties took advantage of wartime military dominance to launch an effective coup against the left-wing parties). The Reich is under pressure from a growing percentage of the population to open up the political system, and from increasing costs of a multitude of inusrrections supported or at least cheered on by the League of the Americas.

On the other hand, a lot of Germans, including very conservatives ones, are strongly opposed to the notion of preemptive genocide vs the US, and then there is a great deal of uncertainty as to just how many long range bombers and nuclear-weapon carrying submarines the Americans might have...

The Chinese Republic, which received a terrible kicking in the last war, and still are forced to accept European laws prevailing over Chinese ones along the coast, are suffering from increast political turbulence and revolt in the interior, although a frail sort of prosperity has come to the big eastern cities where the cheap labor is exploited by German, British, and increasingly Indian companies. Japan, which never received the cushy trade terms it did OTL after WWII, and has lost control of much of its local industry to German multinationals, is only just now starting to boom economically, and remains a minor player.

The Habsburgs are kings and subordinate to Hohenzollern Emperors in Austria and Bohemia, but Emperors and co-equals in the Federal Empire of Greater Hungary. It's complex.

The British Empire is still powerful, but only barely united, and Arab oil is the only real advantage it holds over the other Powers. And in Britain, the Imperialist, Aryan-ist concensus is breaking down: there is a lot of sympathy for the Americans notions of national sovereignty and independence (if not for the racial equality thing), and increasingly the young are less than enthusiastic about taking on the White Man's Burden...


[1] Although the Brits and Germans are messing around with rockets, as are (on the quiet, in the Andes) the Americans.
I present to you a Federal Republic of Europe, a EU which abandoned its states and formed a union out of 118 regions.

Just see for yourself! Click on the thumbnail:

It took me over 9000 hours in Gimp, but I am very proud of it!

It's a good idea, and well executed, but there's a few issues with the British Isles as well:

1. As mentioned, 'Cornwall' would make more sense as 'the West Country' or even 'Wessex'
2. 'Northern England' could be renamed 'Northumbria' with the capital at Sheffield, Newcastle-upon-Tyne or Liverpool, the latter two being important ports, the former being a larger city.
3. Your 'Southern England' is more like 'South-Central England', and contains the two biggest cities in the country (London and Birmingham), and probably about half of the population. It would, IMO, make more sense to merge the South East and South West Regions ('Sussex-Wessex') and then have the 'Mercia' region encompassing the Midlands (East and West) and East Anglia, with capital Birmingham.
4. Why Glasgow for Scotland rather the Edinburgh, seeing as that's where the devolved Scottish parliament is?
5. And why call the Republic of Ireland 'Central Ireland'? Surely it's more like 'Southern Ireland'.

6. Further afield, why include Friulian as an official language in Venice, and not Venetian?
7. Brussels would surely be a seperate capital distict (if only to solve the problem of whether it should go with Flanders or Wallonia), which reminds me, why Picardy over Wallonia?
8. Vendee is more like Loire-Atlantique, while Central France could be either 'Ile de France' or 'Loire-Paris'
9. Wouldn't 'Moldavia' be a better name for 'West Moldova'? Similarly, 'Attica-Pelepponesos' for Southern Greece, 'Inner Austria' for Central Austria, 'Saxony' for Middle Germany, and Scania for Southern Sweden.
10. There isn't a native Spanish speaking community on the Falklands (they're all British settlers).
9. Wouldn't 'Moldavia' be a better name for 'West Moldova'? Similarly, 'Attica-Pelepponesos' for Southern Greece, 'Inner Austria' for Central Austria, 'Saxony' for Middle Germany, and Scania for Southern Sweden..

No. Scania is only a small part of the region depicted. It includes several other provinces (Småland, Blekinge, Halland) and Scania would not make sense as a name.
Great Bruce, only 15 seems to be missing from the excellent key and I couldn't find where you put 36 on the map.
No. Scania is only a small part of the region depicted. It includes several other provinces (Småland, Blekinge, Halland) and Scania would not make sense as a name.
Scania*land* makes more sense, since it incorporates two of the three mentioned additional provinces. At least, in history as opposed to poetry.


hesse-Westphalia? What? And random parts of western Hesse were cut off for no good, reason, too. Though I guess at least thats the only bad part in Germany... Though, why are random German, Italian and Spanish states/regions smashed together, yet small Tyrol gets to be an own region? And wouldnt make it more sense to annex the ethnic-Hungarian regions of South Slovakia and the Voyvodina to Hungary instead of having those needlessly mxied regions? The lingual borders are not perfectly but sufficiently clear-cut.

And for that matter, German in Silesia and Alsace-Lorraine-Luxemburg? Sadly, that train is long gone...
Scania*land* makes more sense, since it incorporates two of the three mentioned additional provinces. At least, in history as opposed to poetry.

Skåneland (I'm not sure how they actually translate that into English) could kind of work, but Småland is still there and that is most certainly not part of Skåneland.
Skåneland (I'm not sure how they actually translate that into English) could kind of work,
Apparently, Skåneland. Since it is so easy to translate, however - there being an Official Translation for Skåne, and land being, er, land in both languages - I'll keep calling it Scanialand. The English aren't the only ones allowed to be stubborn and erratic about their naming.
but Småland is still there and that is most certainly not part of Skåneland.
Agreed. More sense does not mean much sense.:eek:
Apparently, Skåneland. Since it is so easy to translate, however - there being an Official Translation for Skåne, and land being, er, land in both languages - I'll keep calling it Scanialand. The English aren't the only ones allowed to be stubborn and erratic about their naming.

Agreed. More sense does not mean much sense.:eek:

I would prefer Scanialand over Skåneland in English, since the Å-letter is hard if not impossible to pronounce in English (and they usually just treat it like an A anyway).

I made a complete breakdown and suggestions regarding the Swedish regions earlier in this thread. You should take a look at it and see if you agree.
I made a complete breakdown and suggestions regarding the Swedish regions earlier in this thread. You should take a look at it and see if you agree.
I mostly do, and what I disagree with I disagree with out of archaic obstinate regionalism/nationalism (that whole 'Occupied Provinces' thing, you know), so perhaps not the best basis to change things on.;)
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