zack snyder

  1. DBWI: No Zack Snyder’s Squadron Supreme

    So as we all know after Zack Snyder was replaced with Joss Whedon, he decided to go to Marvel recreate his original vision as best he could with the Squadron Supreme. What if this never happened? Would we actually get a “Snyder Cut” of Justice League?
  2. DBWI: Zach Snyder turns down directing Thor

    While many people still dislike Zack Snyder's Thor for nearly killing the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I can't be the only one to have liked it. I definitely enjoyed the sword and sandal feel it had, and I thought giving Thor the character arc of going from a self-righteous bigot to a legitimately...
  3. Gillan1220

    Dawn of the Dead (2004) 15 years after the outbreak...

    Note: I will soon make a timeline of the Zack Snyder's 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead based on Thecricketsarecalling's Biggest Fear fanfiction which although non-canon has been accepted by the fandom community as the Spiritual Successor to the remake. This is no way related to @potatogod34's...