what if?

  1. WI: Xiongnu defeated by Emperor Gaozu

    IOTL, Emperor Gaozu of Han invaded Xiongnu territory, but was defeated by Modu Chanyu at the Battle of Baideng and forced to accept a peace agreement that involved sending them tribute. What if the Xiongnu had lost to Emperor Gaozu? How might things change?
  2. WI: Britain won the War of Jenkins' Ear?

    Wikipedia Article on the War of Jenkins' Ear Okay, so I'm not going to lie, this is a pretty minor conflict, but it might have interesting territorial implications if their had been a decisive victor instead of the conflict just sort of sputtering out, and the butterfly effect is not to be...
  3. GodzillaFan1992

    WI: Humans goes extinct but neanderthals and other hominids survive

    First off I wasn't sure if this would count as an ASB given Toba almost drove us to extinction but if it is do move it to that section of the forum. Anyways as you all may know 75,000 years ago humans actually came rather close to becoming extinct as a great catastrophe from Lake Toba occurred...
  4. Višeslav

    If the Jin (Jurchens) didn't replace the Liao dynasty, who would?

    I'm working on a timeline in which the Korean general Yun Gwan successfully conquers the Liao empire's Jurchen protectorates in Manchuria (he came surprisingly close OTL. For more on that see The Tiger & The Magpie or look him up.) The thing is, ITTL, the Jurchens, who would have replaced the...
  5. GodzillaFan1992

    WI: Russia sold Alaska to Canada?

    Title pretty much explains it. What if an alternate timeline Russia instead sold Alaska to Canada? How would this effect history as we know it? Discuss.
  6. Insider

    Tic-Toc! WI There is no atomic clock?

    Atomic clocks were invented as an extension of discovery of maser in 1950's. What would happen, had that discovery it never was pursued, or never been developed further, or were considered and falsely proven impossible to make (or as an ASB version, they are impossible to make) ? How would lack...
  7. Kayin Dreemurr

    WI/AHC: Islamic China?

    Is there a point in time where Islam could have possibly come to dominate China, or enough of it anyways, for there to be an Islamic dynasty ruling over all or most of China?
  8. MarkhamS.Pyle

    WI: Lady Huntingdon’s Plans for America Had Come Off?

    Selina, the Dowager Countess of Huntingdon, was a descendant of the Washington family in England; daughter of one earl (Washington Shirley, Earl Ferrers), widow of another, and mother of a third; a patroness of early Methodism; a Calvinistic opponent of Wesley’s; and, in the end, being forced...
  9. HB

    WI: The Albany Plan was passed?

    I was thinking of some ideas for a TL and I came across the Albany Plan while I was searching up President General. I read that the term was used in the Albany Plan and then I had gone to Wikipedia and Looked up the Albany Plan. I have read through the entire Wikipedia page about the Albany Plan...
  10. WI: Islamophobic George W. Bush?

    After 9/11 George Bush becomes an Islamophobe. What happens next?
  11. Gorrister

    WI: The Sun goes under in 1969

    As of today, the Sun is the most widely read newspaper in Britain. However, it was not always the lower market tabloid it is now. Launched in 1964 with the intention of representing the radical affluent society, the original Sun did decently for a bit before being befell by a decline in...