v2 rocket

  1. WI Megaroc, Britain Launches The First Man Into Space

    In 1945 as the war in Europe came to a close the allies scrambled to acquire German technology and scientists. In particular the V2 Rocket was highly sought after with the various allied nations almost racing against each other to recover as many rockets and technical staff as possible before...
  2. Nuclear German Empire conquers the world

    WW1 is avoided until Germamy develops nukes. Due lack of nazism experts don't leave Germany resulting in Germans being decades aheads of rest of the world in missile and nuclear tech. Germany surprise nuke major cities in UK,France,Russia with V2s forcing them to surrender unconditionally and...
  3. For want of a V2 (a rocketry WI)

    The V2 rocket was a terrible weapon system, but a brilliant rocket. All major space launch vehicles ultimately descend from the V2 and the psychological impact of the V2 on the Allies made for a much higher profile for rocketry in the post war world. So WI the V2 isn't deployed - say either...