south vietnam

  1. What if the United States re-entered the Vietnam war militarily in 1975?

    What do you all think would need to happen in the U.S government to allow this to happen? What would the war look like for all sides? And lastly how would the American public react?
  2. DCPritt

    A Second Act for the New Frontier

    Sequel to: Chapter One The President had only begun to drift off to a quick nap at his desk in his private office after a shot of morphine earlier when the phone on his desk roused him from...
  3. Vietnam WI: Diem without his brother?

    I've done some research regarding South Vietnam in this forum, and while it seems that Ngo Dinh Diem was a "standard" right-wing dictator - a murderous, corrupt bastard as well as a French/American puppet - it looks as if it was his powerful younger brother Ngo Dinh Nhu and his wife Madame Nhu...
  4. GameBawesome

    AHC: South Vietnam as an “Asian Tiger”

    Based off @sirjackalot thread about the Philippines. Challenge: Have South Vietnam survive and have a growth of industrialization and become an economic power in Asia, becoming an “Asian Tiger”
  5. GameBawesome

    WI: North Vietnam and South the 17th Century?

    This title is misleading. Context, through the 17th Century to 18th Century, Vietnam was ruled by the Lê dynasty, but it didn't actually have real power at the time, as it was ruled by the Trinh Lords in the Tonkin and the Nguyễn lords in Cochinchina, until the Tay Son Dynasty took over all of...
  6. Chapman

    AHC: Save South Vietnam

    Your challenge, with a POD no earlier than January 1, 1961, is to maintain the Republic of Vietnam as an independent state (even if only nominally so) up to at least 2000. It can re-integrate with the North by diplomatic means any time after that, but should not lose independence by means of...
  7. Legacy: A No Watergate Scandal Timeline
    Threadmarks: Part 1: 1972-1974

    This is my first timeline that I'm writing on this website, so please go a bit easy on me :coldsweat:. That being said, this timeline will likely be pretty controversial. Nevertheless, please keep in mind it is just fiction and I would ask that people not take what I am writing as what 100%...
  8. Historyman 14

    Fate of Vietnam with ealry fall of South.

    The idea here, is either JFK is not assassination (Or lives long enough.) to withdraw America from Vietnam, and cut support to Saigon. Or Nixon wins the 1960 election, and simply throws South Vietnam under the bus. Without American aid, or boots on the ground, the South is unable to hold back...
  9. DCPritt

    CHALLENGES, CHANGES, & CHOICES - A Sequel to New Frontier with New Challenges

    After completing my first timeline, I had many members ask me to keep it going, so here's the second installment of a fictional 2nd Administration with President John F. Kennedy, starting in February 1965.
  10. AHC: Make the Republic of Vietnam Military Forces (RVNMF) competent

    As the title said, how can the Republic of Vietnam Military Forces, aka the national armed forces of South Vietnam, be made into a competent fighting force during the Vietnam War? The POD can be debated where, but the main ending of this AHC is to make the RVNMF, alongside its branches the...
  11. SealTheRealDeal

    Plausibility Check: Republic of Vietnam south of the Mekong?

    Alright so I was browsing wikipedia and saw something that was interesting enough to get me to stop lurking and actually make a post. Could a front line on the Mekong Delta have been maintained had the...
  12. Beata Beatrix

    AH Vignette: Long Live Democracy
    Threadmarks: Long Live Democracy

    Saigon, Republic of Vietnam, 1989 Quyen looked out, at the ever-crowding streets of Saigon. The protestors, shouting their slogans, were united in something invisible, but still tangible. United in their… their what? Righteousness? No, righteousness is too much, but there’s more than a bit of...
  13. KuboCaskett

    Effects on world politics with a Surviving South Vietnam?

    With a POD sometime before 1973 that allows the survival of South Vietnam (say the US were more decisive in defeating North Vietnam during the Easter Offensive or if Watergate gets avoided), and that North Vietnam is unwilling to continue on with their reunification efforts for a while, how...
  14. More Catholics in Vietnam

    Catholics represented the bedrock of support for South Vietnam, especially in the Diem era however they were only about 10% of the population, and many of them where refugees from the North. What if instead of 10% we double or even triple the amount, would having 25-30% of the population back...