
  1. michael92108

    One Foot After Another Chapter 1: Leaps And Bounds
    Threadmarks: One Foot After Another

    Scott Harms woke up in a cold sweat. He wasn’t scared, or nervous. At least he didn’t think he was, it’s not like he’d admit it. Maybe it was because during the previous night, he dreamt about some sort of a speech. He couldn’t really see anything in the dream, not anything memorable, but he...
  2. BillKerman1234

    Realistic British Interplanetary Society Moonship?

    Exactly what it says on the tin. Can a BIS Moonship conduct a manned Lunar landing before July 20th, 1969? Personally I think it’s possible, but then I am a member of BIS, so I may be a bit biased. For those of you who don’t know exactly what I’m talking about, here are some articles about the...
  3. Puget Sound

    How Far Can The Early 20th Century Advance With Rockets?

    What it says on the tin. Starting in 1903ish, what can a rocket program (started for whatever reason) do with a modest but steady amount of funding? What can they get done by 1910? 1920? 1930? 1940?
  4. How early could we get interplanetary spaceflight?

    With a PoD after 1900, how early could we get large-scale interplanetary spaceflight? Supposing people generally supported it, what sort of scientific discoveries and technological development are necessary for it to be technologically and economically doable? And how can we get that public...
  5. For want of a V2 (a rocketry WI)

    The V2 rocket was a terrible weapon system, but a brilliant rocket. All major space launch vehicles ultimately descend from the V2 and the psychological impact of the V2 on the Allies made for a much higher profile for rocketry in the post war world. So WI the V2 isn't deployed - say either...
  6. Augenis

    WI: For Want of a Lithuanian Rocket...

    I'm talking about Kazimierz Siemienowicz. This 17th century artillery officer and engineer was the very first in Europe to create the theory and schematics for military rockets, going as far as to create one of the first sketches of a multi-stage rocket. Siemienowicz worked in the army of the...
  7. Canadian rocket capacity

    While the Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment (CARDE) was developping anti-balistic missile system in the 1950, they created a propulsion test rocket that ended up as the base for the Black Brant sounding rocket, one of the most used. Could there be a way for Canada to...
  8. Implications for the Space Race starting six years earlier Found this POD yesterday, summed up it details Soviet designs for a modified Soviet clone of the V2 to put men into space. Stalin checked off on the endeavour in 1946 but the program got held up in bureaucracy and forgotten. The...
  9. WI: A Soviet Minuteman and Polaris

    The US LGM-30 Minuteman was a real triumph of American science and engineering. So far as I am aware, the Soviets were not able to deploy anything comparable before their collapse in 1991. The Minuteman was cheap, could stand ready with minimal maintenance for extended periods of time, could...