prime ministers

  1. List of Alternate PMs and Presidents III

    I couldn't find the PMs and Presidents thread, so I decided to start a new one. If a thread is still active somewhere I'll delete this.
  2. 'Hipster' choices for alternate British Prime Ministers?

    They might have become PM, but you've probably never heard of them Not the obvious alternate PMs, Rab Butler, Roy Jenkins, Denis Healey, Michael Portillo, David Miliband etc.... I'm talking about men and women who didn't serve as party leaders, or hold one of the Great Offices of state, but who...
  3. Explain the AH List of Presidents or Prime Ministers

    This idea has been done before on this site, but I wanted to resurrect it just for fun. The purpose of this thread isn't to simply make a list of Presidents. Rather your challenge, should you chose to accept it, is to explain another poster's AH list of Presidents or Prime Ministers. Then you...
  4. Canada Prime Minister Game

    Simple: Someone posts a prime minister, and someone else adds another to the timeline and it goes on until we start a new one. I'll start. James Garfield Gardiner (LIB) 1946
  5. Collaborative Lists of Alternate Prime Ministers and Presidents

    So I recently came across this thread which seemed to have an interesting concept of members collaborating together to create lists of alternate PMs - much like the list of monarchs thread which is still going in the Before 1900 forum. Unfortunately, it is over four months old and I wouldn't...
  6. Alternate Canadian Prime Ministers & Governors General

    The same idea as the other threads of this nature. The usual rule applies but with a twist: don't post two PMs in a row, but go ahead and post as many Governors General as may have served during that PM's term. I'll start us off: 1867: John A. MacDonald (Conservative) GG: The Viscount Monck...