point of divergence

  1. What If Judas Iscariot is made/canonized as a holy saint in Christianity, especially by catholicism and/or other denominations?

    This question, idea and concept has been bugging me for a long while now ever since I've read this amazing graphic novel and it's different perspective/take of christian theology/story and lore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judas_(comic_book) https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Judas This...
  2. What point of departure would force World War I to be Amero-centered rather than Euro-centered?

    As the title suggests, what would prompt the events of an alternate World War I to be caused by an American incident rather than a European incident?
  3. How Will Culture and Society Look in a Buddhist Medieval Europe?

    Point of departure--the Emperor Justinian declared Buddhism, not Christianity, to be the religion of the state.
  4. Interesting Islamic Golden Age PODs?

    The geographical scope of the scenarios proposed on this website certainly isn't what I'd call limited, but it does seem pretty uneven. It seems like people tend to focus largely on North America, Europe and East Asia. So I've decided to help this by starting an ideas thread for something a...
  5. Interesting Mid-Roman Empire PODs?

    I've noticed that most Roman Empire PODs seem to be generally either before the end of the Pax Romana or after Constantine went to war against Maxentius. That leaves a period of over 130 years that goes largely unexplored by counterfactual historians. As you can probably guess, this thread is my...
  6. Interesting Early Islam PODs?

    What do you guys think might be interesting Early Islam PODs?
  7. Etruscan-enthusiast35

    Low Butterfly Points of Divergence

    Alright good people, I have a simple question for all of you, what are some points of divergence who's affect on wider history is minimal at best, but can still be considered notable?
  8. Etruscan-enthusiast35

    Bizarre but believable.

    This is something I'm curious about, what are some scenarios that seem outlandish and weird, but are actually plausible?
  9. Points of Divergences (A mashup of all Alternate Histories)

    We know Alternate Histories, right? We all knew The Man in the High Castle, Watchmen, C.S.A and so on...hell even on this site we have some Alternate History threads like Chaos Fiction for example...and even on the Alternate History Wiki we have the President John Mccain and 1983: Doomsday...
  10. How could one make it so the Anglo-Saxons never colonized England?

    Okay, so I'm working on a TL, and I have it mostly kinda figured out. It does have a bit of wanking when it comes to Celtic culture in the British isles, but I'd like to say that it's mostly plausible. Thing is, it needs a good point of divergence. I know that the Anglo-Saxons were taking...
  11. POD: 1986 - Gorbachev's plane disappears over Atlantic returning from Reykjavik Summit

    Following the historic, yet failed nuclear disarmament talks between Reagan and Gorbachev, contact is lost with the Soviet delegation's plane over the Atlantic. Suddenly finding themselves leaderless, the Politburo form an emergency leadership committee to take the reins. Unfortunately, the...