
  1. Alternatives to Christianity in a world without Rome

    In this timeline, Rome was destroyed by Gauls in 387 BC. As a result, the Parthians control the Levant and Egypt. Christianity is butterflied away because: 1. Jesus was killed by the Romans 2. Centuries of oppression of Jews by Greeks and Romans led to Jews looking for a messiah. The Parthians...
  2. WI/AHC: Opellian Dynasty of Rome

    Macrinus become Emperor in 217 and unfortunately had a very short reign. His goal seems to have been a return to Septimius Severus-era policies and he was left in a difficult situation due to Caracalla's reign. When one takes into account his humble origins, he comes across a compotent...
  3. WI: Kushan Empire conquers Parthians, cerca 127-150 CE

    Kanishka the Great, ruler of the Kushan Empire, oversaw the realm's greatest expansion during the first half of the 2nd century CE. He secured the entirety of the Indus Valley and expanded across northern India perhaps a far as Pataliputra on the Ganges. At the beginning of his reign his...
  4. AltoRegnant

    Parthian Empire Controls Judea When Jesus Is Active, What Happens?

    So I was thinking of how Roman repression of Judaism and early christianity contrast with how most Persian empires are much more tolerant. Now I dont know much about parthian tolerance or attitude to Christianity but I assume they'd be better than rome. What if for whatever reason, when Jesus...
  5. WI: Mark Antony's campaign against the Parthians succeeds

    Mark Antony's invasion of the Parthian Empire ended in disaster. But what if his campaign had succeeded? Would it have impacted the conflict between him and Octavian?
  6. AHD/AHQ: Assuming an Islam 'screw', what is the consensus on the fate of the Sassanid Empire

    This is a common theme on the site, however, I do not feel that it is well explored enough and we thus tend to not fully explore the situation and comprehend the radical changes with which Islam brought into the geopolitical scene of Afroeurasia. To begin, the POD is 629, Islam is through some...