
  1. durante

    An Unfalsifiable Book of Mormon

    Ok I'd been humming and hawing over creating this thread, but seeing the interest on the LDS historical claims thread, it feels like strike while the iron is hot. Mormonism might be viewed (by those who don't believe in its historical claims) as a religion based around an alternate history...
  2. The_Russian

    Effects on American with no LDS Church

    If the LDS / Mormon Church was never founded, and there wasn't another similar religion to replace it, what effects would this have on America and westward settlement and expansion? Without mormons moving out west to Utah how would it and other parts of the Southwest develop? How would the...
  3. "Zion on the Mississippi": The Dream of an American Prophet

    Hello collective AH creators and admirers! I am creating my first ongoing AH timeline, and I will try to post regularly. The premise regards Mormonism and its effect on the development of the United States. ITT the POD is that Joseph Smith, prophet of the LDS Church, does not introduce polygamy...