irene of athens

  1. TheDoofusUser

    WI : Irene dies in 787 and Charlemagne has 7 surviving sons instead of just three and...

    The question is on the tin - What if Irene of Athens, wife of Leo IV and Mother of Constantine VI of the Byzantine Empire before couping the Empire from her son in the 790s, died in 787 and what if Charlemagne has 7 sons outliving him (his sons in order being Pepin "the Hunchback" (illegitimate)...
  2. AHC/WI: Charlemagne and Irene of Athens unite their empires - and they stay together

    Historically speaking, it's unlikely that a marriage alliance between Charlemagne of the Carolingian Empire and Empress Irene of the Byzantine Empire would have brought their two empires together. So, my question is: what would need to change for this to be plausible, even if unlikely? Despite...
  3. WI: Irene of Athens secures a marriage alliance with Charlemagne

    Theophanes the Confessor claims that after Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor, Byzantine Empress Irene of Athens attempted to secure a marriage alliance with him. He further claims that this effort was frustrated by one of her advisors, a eunuch named Aetios. Personally, I think...