etruscan league

  1. In the Center of the World: An Etruscan Timeline.

    CENTRVM MVNDI In 509 BC, Lars Porsenna, "King" of Clusium, occupied Rome. However, he supported the Republic rather than reinstalling Tarquinius Superbus, the last King of the Romans [1]. Tacitus also mentioned the Roman surrender to the Etruscan King in his work Histories [2]. After the...
  2. WI: No celtic settlement in northern Italy

    In a scenario where the celts are prevented from entering the po valley, (perhaps by a combined effort of Etruscan cities) how would this affect the development of the region, and where would these tribes migrate to instead?
  3. AHC: Centralised Etruscan State

    I am curious about how the Etruscans would have been able to become a much more unified entity rather a loose confederation of cities. Since they were much more focused on trade as apposed to the highly militaristic Romans, I'd imagine the state to be similar to that of the Carthaginians...
  4. TheReformer

    What if Rome Never Existed

    Saw this get released today and it got me thinking, if Rome did get annihilated by the Gauls or puppeted by the Etruscans as AHH suggests what do you guys think happens to the Gauls, Greeks, Germans, Britons, etc? Obviously Kody will go into it next ep but thats a while away most likely and im...