end of the cold war

  1. Historyman 14

    1980s Culture without the Cold War/the Soviet Union.

    How it actually happens is not the focus point of this. But if the Warsaw Pact/the Eastern Bloc and the USSR right after had completely collapse between 1979-1981 instead of 1989-1991, how would both United States and that of the world culture evolve without the Soviet Union around and...
  2. AHC: Social-Democratic East Germany after 1990.

    Contrary to popular opinion, the marxist-leninist regime in the GDR was actually by and large pretty popular with it's people. In 1964 the Central Committee of the SED founded an institute for opinion polling. Between 1964 and 1979 it carried out around 200 surveys among all classes, strata and...
  3. Nightingale

    Can the Cold War end with successful Eastern bloc economic reforms and Soviet unity?

    Can the Cold War end with the Eastern bloc reforming their economies and avoiding the "Era of Stagnation" and without the Soviet Union collapsing afterwards? How would the Soviet and Eastern European political parties fare after 1989 in this scenario? As far as I remember, South Korea became...
  4. AHC: America sends more foreign aid to Russia after 1992

    So I was watching this old Nixon interview from 1992. At the end, Nixon speaks about why it is in America's interests to send foreign aid to Russia. It is an interesting take on how America could secure its victory in the Cold War. It's also a dizzying snapshot of a much more hopeful time for...