ancient rome

  1. WI Gan Ying reach rome ?

    In 97 AD an official chinese envoy by the name of Gan Ying was sent by the general Ban Chao to explore the ''far-west'' region. He never went further then Mesopotamia because Parthian officials convinced him that reaching Rome (already known by the chinese as the distant Daqin) would take two...
  2. "There is no god but Allah and Hud is his Prophet" -- or what if "Islam" emerged 1000 years earlier?

    According to the Qur’an, before the days of Muhammad there was another prophet by the name of Hud. This man preached monotheism to the early Arab tribes, urging them to abandon their wicked, hedonistic, polytheist ways or face the wrath of the One True God. The tribes ignored the prophet and so...
  3. WI: The Roman Empire Never Fell

    What if the Roman Empire never fell? Would the countries we know today have existed, brake away perhaps? There is a possibility Hispana would not become Portugal and Spain. And the Scots and Celts may take Britannia. Would Latin and Greek be the dominant languages of the world? I would say yes...
  4. Barracks emperors divide Rome (permanently)

    The division of the Roman Empire which finally happened in 395 because emperor Theodosius wanted it might've happened earlier - Marcus Aurelius shared the government with his brother, other emperors did similar, later there was the tetrarchy, and during the time of the Barracks Emperors there...