
  1. Biggest possible population of medieval Hungary

    With the presented borders below, theoretically how big population could the area of Kingdom of Hungary support in the Middle Ages? What are the biggest possible numbers? Thank you in advance for your answers!
  2. Zachariah

    PC- Water Lily/Lotus as a staple crop

    All water lilies or lotuses' tubers and rhizomes can be used as food items, usually eaten boiled or roasted, though many varieties' tubers can be eaten raw. Rhizome formation usually coincides with the appearance of large floating leaves on the surface of the water, about 5-6 months after its...
  3. Question about the economy of France in the early 14th Century

    Many time ago in a galaxy far far away I made a thread where people gave me knowlegde (for free, mind you!) about the moroccan economy in the middle ages, now I need information about the french economy. My old thread...
  4. AHC: Most effective Soviet/Russian agriculture possible in the 20th century?

    With a POD no later than 1900, how effective could Russian Empire/Soviet Union (whichever one works for the scenario) agriculture become? With what reforms? What maximum population could be supported by a Soviet Union with highly developed agriculture? What should have changed to prevent the...
  5. What was the Dustbowl and could it have been avoided?

    I know that some sort of anthropogenic climate disaster destroyed the agriculture of a region of the United States, but what sort of disaster was it? Did it have something to do with erosion or deforestation or both and thus could've been avoided?
  6. Zachariah

    AHC: make New Guinea the most populous island in the world

    The challenge, with any POD since the establishment of the first sedentary human agricultural settlements there (i.r.o. 7000 BCE in the Wahgi Valley, more than 1000 years before the establishment of comparable agricultural settlements on Jomon-era Honshu), is to come up with a plausible...
  7. Could the Persian Qanat have spread to Anatolia?

    The qanat was an ancient Persian technology to collect subterranean water by building a sequence of channels starting (underground) in the mountains and sloping down into irrigated farmland. It is actually still used today in Iran. This technology spread to Armenia and Kurdistan, but as far as...
  8. Alcsentre Calanice

    What is wrong with Roman agriculture?

    So, it is a common wisdom that medieval agriculture and medieval agricultural technology were much more advanced than ancient Roman agriculture. Because I'm not a specialist of the matter, I asked you weather and how the medieval agriculture was superior to the ancient one? Had they better...
  9. Huehuecoyotl

    Lands of Bronze and Fire - An American Domestication Timeline, Take Two
    Threadmarks: I. Lands of Bronze and Fire, the Uurung, and the First Cradle

    Northern *New Mexico, ca. 10,500 BCE The chorus of whistling birds filled the early morning with joyous sound, masking the footfalls of the hunter as he trod gingerly through the scrub grasses. Out into the scrubland he had dashed, following the familiar traces until he'd come nearly within...
  10. Petike

    Australian marsupials that could have evolved into domesticable horse-like animals ?

    Since I am reading Jared's Lands of Red and Gold again and I was thinking about native transport and distances in that TL, a simple thought had suddenly occured to me : WI, in an ATL, some marsupial species had evolved into a sufficiently horse-like or camelid-like creature ? Simply put, into...