
  1. I need help figuring out my newest Napoleon Victory TL (Map included

    This time, unlike my last TL, I want to avoid France's dramatic population lag and confirm them as the #1 Power, more effectively neutering the UK and Russia. The lore this time is simple. I want to prevent Napoleon's four greatest mistakes. 1. Not Dismantling Prussia. 2. The Continental...
  2. DJjablonski

    Mapmaking Advice, Tips, and Tricks thread

    As the title says, a thread for anything from your whole mapping how to, to just the little tips and tricks you use to make the process a little easier. To start the whole bit off, I'll give a little trick I use frequently: Let's say your coming up with town/city names for some sort of...
  3. Petike

    Hungarian parliamentary politics in A-H during the late 19th century

    I'm very interested in the period. I want to research it further and speculate about developments for the sake of a timeline I've been slowly preparing. I intend this thread to be a broader discussion on the OTL direction of Hungarian parliamentary politics in the late 19th century (as a...
  4. Petike

    Official Alternate Terminology Advice Thread

    I figured it would help if we had a master thread for all alternate terminology/vocabulary discussions. Most of the threads started for asking this kind of advice die pretty soon, only lasting for a couple of posts or a couple of pages at most. So, to prevent cluttering the forums with these...
  5. Petike

    The Official "What was that TL called ?" Discussion Thread

    This is a core thread that we'll use whenever we vaguely remember a certain TL or who wrote it, but can't actually remember the TL's name or where on the board its located. If you are in this kind of predicament, feel free to ask here. OK, I'll start : I remember a timeline by one of our...