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  1. A WWII Raider in the Bay?

    I believe the Italians were planning a submarine 'raid' right up the Hudson River. Italy was invaded before they could attempt it. Who knows that area and the defenses during that time to give an estimate of whether this could have worked?
  2. Can any theortically invade USA?

    Something: Though I'd enjoy going into further detail, I'm going to pass. I do agree with much of what you said regards my initial post; alas, it's difficult to conceive of an invasion of America without ICBMs, and then as you mention there's MAD. A couple last points, then I'm off this...
  3. WI: Nova Roma circa 250 BC

    It seems the consensus is that it's highly unlikely, but not impossible, that a small number of ships either Roman or Carthaginian could have landed in the Caribbean or perhaps northern South America. During the First Punic War the Romans demonstrated their navagational ineptitude on a number...
  4. Can any theortically invade USA?

    Once we take IBMs off the table for an invader or invaders it seems we can't fathom a viable scenario for an invasion of the US, much less a moderately successful one. I'm going to try: 1) Much of America's Army/Air Force and Marines are overseas in the Mid East and Africa. 2) Most of the...
  5. Franco's Spain join the Axis

    IMO things worked out fairly well for Hitler. Franco was under some pressure from Hitler to 'ante up', so Franco sent Hitler the most radical Fascists he had. Many of these were used in the siege of Lenningrad. Hitler got the best that Spain had to offer-a little extra manpower-and in return...
  6. WI:No Saguntum Tripwire

    Another Possible Scenario I'd seen a suggestion on another thread presenting the possibility that Hannibal might have constructed his own fleet of triremes. Say this were done by Hasdrubal in order to reinforce Hannibal by sea, and that Carthage had built up its own navy with the extra 3 years...
  7. WI: No Fort Sumter Attack

    One of the upsides to this scenario is it leaves the south with more time to prepare for a conflict. If not attacking Fort Sumter gives the south oh, 7-8 months, it's conceivable that their navy might be better prepared for a war (water-borne raiders ready sooner than later). I don't see how...
  8. WI Pompey seizes power in 67 BC?

    Well, he remained true to the Senate till the end. This question of Pompey seizing power is a good one. Perhaps someone with the inclination can run with the scenario tossed out by Don_Giorgio. My initial thought is that Pompey would be tangling with both Caesar and Crassus-that these would...
  9. WI Pompey seizes power in 67 BC?

    To seize power Pompey would have had to overcome his own reluctance. Though Pompey wanted supreme power, he wanted to achieve it as the Senate's servant-a true dilemma for him. The Lex Gambinia gave Pompey immense power, and the precedent had been set by Sulla; Pompey could have taken this...
  10. WI:No Saguntum Tripwire

    What might be possible using the fleet would be for Hannibal to arrange for reinforcements coming from Spain, but again, this depends entirely upon Carthage building up its fleet and sparing some ships for Hannibal to use in the northern Med.
  11. WI:No Saguntum Tripwire

    Rome could mobilize too much manpower for Hannibal to sit back in Spain and wait. 750,000 troops were available to Rome at the beginning of the war in OTL, though clearly not all could be mobilized at once. Further, once the war advanced Rome would not only send troops to Spain but to Africa as...
  12. WI:No Saguntum Tripwire

    One possible scenario with No Saguntum Tripwire 216 Hannibal has secured Carthaginian conquests of eastern and central Iberia. Rome had recently captured Carthaginian agents in Gaul, though they reported they were merely recruiting troops for Hannibal’s Iberian war. This gave the Roman Senate...
  13. WI:No Saguntum Tripwire

    Exactly. How does it alter the course of the war? Consider some possibilities. 1) Would Carthage have made use of the time and money to rebuild its fleet? If so, a larger fleet may have made an a naval landing in northern Italy a consideration for Hannibal, say in the area of Genoa where Mago...
  14. WI:No Saguntum Tripwire

    Everything points to Hannibal eventually targeting Rome, and that he knew war with Rome was likely if he attacked Saguntum. Yet I'm not convinced that Hannibal wouldn't have liked it otherwise, that is, that he would've preferred to take Saguntum and solidify Carthaginian control south of the...
  15. WI:No Saguntum Tripwire

    Roman envoys met with Hasdrubal Barca at New Carthage in 226 to work out a settlement granting Carthage dominance south of the Spanish River Ebro, and ensuring that they were formally prohibited from expanding their holdings north of the river. It's believed by many that Rome established its...
  16. Jesus dies early in life.

    If Jesus died earlier than he did by being killed, then His ministry would have started earlier thus allowing Him to complete it in His crucifixition, then subsequent resurrection. Jesus couldn't die unless He permitted it.
  17. AH Challenge, Carthage

    Meditteranean in 208 BC This is my first map on this forum. It's a bit crude, but I believe it's clear enough for the purpose. The peace treaty of 208 between Rome and Carthage gave Carthage control of Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, the Lipari Islands and all islands off the Sicilian...
  18. Ford avoids Soviet "mistake" in Carter debate

    If I remember correctly had Ford won Ohio he would have taken the election.
  19. Alternate band names and genre

    Nine Inch Spurs rode into the country western scene in 1988. The lone member of the band, Reznor, claims as one of his influences Johnny Cash. The first all-electronics country western 'band' gained a loyal following with its first couple of albums. Things really broke open for them with the...