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  1. Dominion of Southern America - Updated July 1, 2018

    Glen, this is a terribly interesting & enjoyable time-line. I'm currently about 10 pages back & working my way up, and I have only one criticism - it is quite difficult to read, sifting between the commentary/discussion & the actual storyline. I was wondering if maybe you would consider...
  2. WI: Berlin wall opening goes bad.

    I was reading this article (,1518,660128,00.html) about the border guard, Harald Jäger, who was the first to let East Berliners cross through the Berlin Wall. The opening of the border was announced almost off-handedly in a news conference around...
  3. Flag Selection Contest

    here's one, with some ASB pride.
  4. Maps you are Most Proud of

    this one was my favorite.
  5. Flag Thread II

    These are all of the District flags from my Cali in the Sea of Time thread (some of these have already been posted here)
  6. Map Thread V

    This is a map from my Cali in the Sea of Time thread:
  7. Flag Thread II

    Here are some District level flags (think state or province flags) for my California ISOT timeline. There are 8 districts, I still need to crank out 3 flags...
  8. Flag Thread II

    Whew - E is the one I was going to have win the vote. Those flags actually were my way of working out the E design, I just went back and finalized the sketches when I decided to make the flag-vote info-graphic. And then I threw in the unintentionally palau-esque one to have some variety.
  9. Flag Thread II

    This is a flag related infographic I threw together for my California ISOT TL Its a little on the gigantic side... sorry about that...
  10. I think we are need need of some UCS reform.

    As someone who is colorblind, the UCS is absolutely brutal when it comes to trying to figure out whats going on in a map... That might just be an inherent problem with any Universal Color Scheme, though...
  11. What got YOU into Alternate History?

    I think it all started for me with star trek's mirror universe.That, the tv show sliders, and 'what if's and 'elseworlds' in comics. It was a short leap from alternate fiction to alternate history.
  12. I need book suggestions

    I really enjoyed the Yiddish Policeman's Union & Years of Rice & Salt
  13. How the States got their Shapes

    Okay, lets see... Northern/Southern Border: Blame Colorado - congress made colorado 4 degrees in height so that would leave space for two more states 4 degrees high to fit between it & the Canadian border. Why'd they bother? There was an over arching mentality that states should be as equal to...
  14. How the States got their Shapes

    I recently finished the book How the States got their Shapes by Mark Stein. For anyone who is making a TL or a map set in North America & wants to play around with state/national borders, I can't recommend this book strongly enough. Hell, looking at the odd compromises & errors that led to...
  15. Map Thread III

    This is something I threw together for TimKeck84's A Keystone in the Sea of Time timeline.
  16. A Blank Map Thread

    I don't know if this helps, but I put my stuff up on deviantART dot com & link to it. Its free.
  17. Map Thread III

    Another map for the 1790 America ISOTed 400 years back to 1390 thread: BTW, who handles sticky-ification? I would be great if this got stickied & Map thread 2 de-stickied.
  18. A Flag Thread

    Here are some more flags made for the 1790 America ISOTed 400 years back to 1390 thread. the PRC (with the help of TimKeck84) the Incan Empire the State of Nova Scotia the Hanseatic Union the Battle-Flag of the Republic of Gilead and the Republic of Greece
  19. A Blank Map Thread

    Here is a large base map of Asia with rivers I've thrown together.
  20. Map Thread II

    Eh, I like the idea of having all the maps in one spot - less places to have to look for maps. I like the one stop shopping. Also, what I think is complete ASB you might think is plausible enough to post... You could always start a plausible map thread...