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  1. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    Oh, Jimmy. As insufferable as you could sometimes be as a political operative, you really were too good for us as a human being. ❤️ Great update as always!
  2. The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

    On the Campaign Trail Showcase fork of the game, I’ve quite liked Mouths of the South, which is a Ted Turner 1996 TL after HW Bush was reelected in ‘92. It’s another very narrative and character-driven one, and quite a unique one at that.
  3. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    Happy Birthday, Jimmy! Congratulations on this amazing milestone!
  4. The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

    Oh yeah. I’ve found that the best way to win as Nixon in 1960 is to go full Rockefeller Republican, including picking Rocky himself as your running mate. Go all-in on supporting civil rights, praise Eisenhower and his policies as much as possible, and show Ike-style moderation on economic...
  5. WI: Aum Shinrikyo Detonate a 2.3 megaton nuclear bomb in tokyo

    Me and my whole family would be dead, considering we were living in Tokyo when the attack happened OTL.
  6. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    So true. Oh, Jimmy. Despite your better political luck ITTL, you still gotta be all Jimmy about things.
  7. The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

    The mod community recently had their very own version of the Turtledoves, and gave awards for their favorite mods! Check them out and see if you agree.
  8. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    I join the chorus saying congrats, @Vidal . Well deserved! We all really like this story and are eager to see where it goes next. :)
  9. The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

    The threshold is 3% to get three faithless electors. But…it’s also possible in some cases (on Normal, at least) to clear another threshold: 5% of the popular vote. And the endings are different in that case as well…
  10. The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

    One of the coolest, most world-building-heavy mods was released recently. Basically, it’s an alt-1972 election where George Wallace dies from his assassination and John Connolly gets the Dem nomination, so with extra tensions and both parties circling the wagons around conservatives/centrists...
  11. The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

    According to the folks I’ve talked to on the mod community’s Discord server when I asked about that Debs thing, it’s an in-joke at the expense of a mod maker who was notorious for being terrible at coding and making broken mods. It’s Doom. So it’s probably just a silly meme about how people...
  12. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    Foreign Policy recently re-posted this article from 2018 saying that Jimmy’s foreign policy legacy deserves more credit than it gets. I hadn’t known the detail about how the Soviets wanted Ford to win in 1976...
  13. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    If these are to be the last days Jimmy’s with us, it’ll be sad, but he lived a long life of admirable public service. All the more reason to reflect on and appreciate his legacy.
  14. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    Fantastic update. The conversation between Jimmy and Ted was so poignant and well-written.
  15. The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

    The mods are getting sillier and memier, and I love it. The most recent one lets you finally give Jeb his due in 2016. And then, there’s the Chris-Chan one. And let’s not forget Patrick Bateman’s memorable run for the White House.
  16. The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

    Well, we finally got another non-US election mod in the game. And it’s, well…cheeky. :P
  17. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    Bob Dole doesn’t think his Bob Dole is a Bob Dole. Bob Dole wants a Bob Dole of a Bob Dole. And this Bob Dole has to be a Bob Dole of Bob Dole proportions. Nothing less than a Bob Dole would be good enough for Bob Dole’s Bob Dole. If you smell what Bob Dole is cookin’.
  18. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    First Blood is an interesting case, in that while it’s not quite the over-the-top rah-rah patriotic macho ultra violence action film we’d see with Rambo later, the film still had some interesting seeds or signs of a Reaganist message. The obvious example being the part of Rambo’s ending speech...
  19. Jimmy Two: America in Carter's Second Term

    Here’s another area I’d be curious about: sci-fi, and in what form cyberpunk may or may not arise ITTL. Since Neuromancer came out in 1984 (and Blade Runner hit theaters before that in 1982), a lot of cyberpunk was predicting a future based off of the trends put in place by Reaganism...