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  1. von Adler

    WI: Hitler forces Jews out on boats?

    Not really. The buildup to the final solution was not a clear and steady process. In Autumn 1938, Germany tried a strange mix of exporting both their Jews and their anti-semitism. In some kind of strange idea that if other countries saw what a problem Jews were, they would not be so harsh on...
  2. von Adler

    Victorious KaiserBund

    In this case I think we might see a Britain-France-Italy-Ottomans-Japan Entente, which should be strong enough to contain the Dreikaiserbund.
  3. von Adler

    If WW1 generals were bad and wrong then what was right? What do you think they were supposed to do?

    It would be hard - it took the Russians more than 2 years to build the Murmansk railroad, and initially it was a single track with very few stops/passing and low speed, which made it low capacity - the main reason the Entente invaded Murmansk was to secure the huge depot in the harbour with aid...
  4. von Adler

    If WW1 generals were bad and wrong then what was right? What do you think they were supposed to do?

    The Russian infrastructure could not handle the aid the Entente did send OTL - in 1917, there were about 2 million Japanese, American (most of them British-paid and ordered) and British rifles along with ammunition, nitrates and other supplies sitting in Russian ports. The Russian railroad...
  5. von Adler

    What if the United States had annexed everything they had the opportunity to do so?

    Whaling. Whaling was a major New England industry and American whalers sailed all over the world in their quest for more whales to harpoon.
  6. von Adler

    Generalplan Ost - Slavs deported to Africa?

    Actually it does not. Slave labour is very ineffective, as the production rates in the concentration camps clearly showed. Besides, the trend since the 1880s was Germans moving west, from the agricultural estates of East Prussia to the west to work in industry. The nazis would pretty quickly...
  7. von Adler

    Generalplan Ost - Slavs deported to Africa?

    Well, yes. The whole point of the Madagascar plan was that the vast majority of the Jews would starve to death as the place did not have the infrastructure nor the food capacity to recieve several million people on a short time-span. Deporting the slavs to Africa would be the same intention and...
  8. von Adler


    Quite. Don't forget that the German navy evacuated civilians along with the troops - from January to May 1945 about 1 500 000 civilian and troops were evacuated from the East Prussa salient alone.
  9. von Adler

    Kalmar Union survives.

    This is far too late I am afraid. I'd argue that for the Kalmar Union to work, you need to avoid the enserfdom of the Danish peasants to make Danish power structure more like the Swedish one, in which the King can ally with the peasants to curtail the nobility. Secondly, you probably need to...
  10. von Adler

    Medium-term impacts of a Swedish GNW victory?

    The most likely outcome is Sweden renting out its German garrisons to the naval powers (the English/British and the Netherlands) just like they did during the nine years war/war of pfalzian succession 1688-1697, but not getting directly involved.
  11. von Adler

    Sweden conquers Denmark under Karl X

    While the Swedish navy had its moments (especially 1644), it was generally lower quality than the Danish and English, and especially Dutch navies of this era. Victory against the Dutch fleet in 1658 won't mean the Swedish fleet is suddenly superior. Trying to use its new Danish subjects and...
  12. von Adler

    Sweden conquers Denmark under Karl X

    IMHO, Sweden was biting more than it could chew even before trying to take all of Denmark. The Dutch did not want anyone in sole control of the Baltic, and would support any revolt or war against Sweden to break up the personal union under Karl X Gustav. England, while not as dependent on the...
  13. von Adler

    USSR gets absolute victory in the Winter War, effects on WW2.

    The northern Soviet invasion forces were caught with maps of the Swedo-Finnish border and strict orders to not cross it. The Swedish army was twice the size of the Finnish and much more heavily equipped with much, much, much more artillery, mortars, LMGs and AT guns, including the industrial...
  14. von Adler

    Would it be possible for the Viking age to continue until the 19th century?

    Not really. Once the feudal realms of western Europe united and got their act together, the easy targets dried up and the viking age ended. The viking age continuing would require western Europe to remain a mess of independent small feudal states all unable to resist larger viking raids or...
  15. von Adler

    USSR gets absolute victory in the Winter War, effects on WW2.

    I'd expect Finland to transfer the Åland island to Sweden in an emergency session of the parliament, and establishing an exile government there (or maybe in Stockholm). I fully expect the Germans to go for Denmark and Norway even without any Allied ideas of intervening in Finland through Narvik...
  16. von Adler

    Warwolf against Constantinople and a Revolutionary Weapon in Warfare

    Cannons were a thing since the 1200s, and it took only a 32pdr to equal the force of the War Wolf. Large siege engines were built, but trebuchets took time and skill to build.
  17. von Adler

    Warwolf against Constantinople and a Revolutionary Weapon in Warfare

    Huh? The largest of Orban's cannons, the Basilic, fired a 540kg ball at 150-200 metres per second, giving an impact energy (at 150 metres per second) of 6 075 000 J. The War Wolf would have a 136kg projectile that was thrown at 54 meters per second, giving an impact energy of 198 288 J. The...
  18. von Adler

    How could the Oregon dispute have gone differently?

    Exactly. The difference is spelled the RCMP (and its various pre-decessors) - the British Empire have the police force and then the military force behind that to enforce their borders and laws. You simply can't filibuster the British in this era.
  19. von Adler

    What would still happen if the central powers won ww1?

    I'm a bit weary on the idea that the Ottomans and Austria-Hungary would inevitable collapse even if they won ww1. The old style Empires that did collapse only did so because their armies were defeated - because their whole state structure depended in the end on the prestige of their army. If...
  20. von Adler

    How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    Bodø was untenable because of the German air support from Hattfjelldal. And Narvik would be untenable because of the air support from Bodø. Unless the Allies are willing to commit enough fighters to contest German air superiority, they can't hold Norway.