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  1. Sevarics

    How different would colonization by a Catholic England be?

    Pretty much as the title says. Henry stays Catholic. England stays Catholic. How different would colonization that occurs under a Catholic England be? While I could see similar settlement patterns in Virginia occurring under a Catholic England. New England itself might end up wholly different...
  2. Sevarics

    WI: Kilij Arslan is Captured at the Siege of Nicaea in the First Crusade ?

    IOTL, Kilij Arslan underestimated the Crusaders after defeated the Peasant's Army. As a result, he went to fight the Danishmends in the East, only to have to make an about face and rush back to Nicaea when he got word of the ever growing Crusader forces at the city where his family was. He...
  3. Sevarics

    WI: Manzikert Avoided ; Alp Arslan Doesn't Learn of Byzantine March Toward Armenia

    In OTL, Alp Arslan learned that Romanos was marching on Armenia while he was at Aleppo preparing to march against the Fatimids. We have had several threads talking about Byzantine Victories at Manzikert but, what if Alp Arslan hadn't learned that the Byzantines were marching toward Armenia and...
  4. Sevarics

    WI: Byzantine Victory at the Battle of Dyrrhachium (1081) ?

    What if Alexios had won a decisive victory at the Battle of Dyrrhachium (1081) ? IOTL, Alexios had had the Normans pinned down in a siege between the Citadel at Dyrrachium. His advisors were split in two groups, those who counseled a more conservative approach of continuing the siege and those...
  5. Sevarics

    WI: Ottomans don't participate in the Second Balkan War ?

    Pretty much as the tin says, what if the Ottoman Empire did not declare war on Bulgaria (or anyone else for that matter) during the Second Balkan War? Would Bulgaria be able to hold itself against just the Serbs, Greeks and Romanians ? If not, would Greece end up being able to take more of...
  6. Sevarics

    WI: Eudokia Makrembolitissa weds Romanos Diogenes as her first husband instead of Constantine Doukas ?

    As the tin says, what if Eudokia, niece of the Patriarch of Constantinople, weds Romanos Diogenes as her first husband instead of Constantine Doukas ? Romanos was a successful military leader from a well connected family and so good looking that she fell in love with him later in her life anyway...
  7. Sevarics

    WI: Alexios I Komnenos agrees to Bohemond de Hauteville becoming Domestic of the East during the First Crusade ?

    I am in the process of watching the Kings and Generals collection of videos on the First Crusade. In the episode on the Prince's Crusade, K&G mentions that Bohemond requested that Alexios appoint him as Domestic of the East before they set out toward Nicaea. Alexios declined and instead offered...
  8. Sevarics

    WI: Constantine and his daughters predecease Basil II ?

    As the tin says, what if Constantine and his daughters, at least the younger two since the elder was a nun, predecease Basil by 5-7 years. Do you think Basil would take it upon himself to marry and have a child or would he simply designate an heir? If so, who ? Possible impacts of no...
  9. Sevarics

    WI: Leopold, Count of Syracuse, becomes King of the Two Sicilies

    IOTL, Leopoldo was the third son of Francis I of the Two Sicilies. His eldest brother Ferdinand became Ferdinand II and their middle brother, Charles, married morgantically and renounced his right to the throne. Leopold, as Count of Syracuse, enacted a number of reforms in Sicily that made him...
  10. Sevarics

    How would Egypt, Carthage and the Holy Land have developed under continued Byzantine rule?

    As the tin says, the Arabs are contained to the Arabian Peninsula by the Byzantines and the Persians. How would Egypt, Carthage and the Holy Land develop under continued Byzantine rule ? Would they have become increasingly Hellenized and Orthodox over time ? What impact does retaining 4...
  11. Sevarics

    WI: Manuel Komnenos doesn’t die prior to the Battle of Manzikert

    So IOTL, Alexios I Komnenos’s eldest brother, Manuel, died in spring of 1071. He was married to a female Diogenes and Romanos was increasingly relying on Manuel to lead militarily. After he died, Romanos had to rely on the traitorous Doukai who ultimately abandoned him at Manzikert. So what if...
  12. Sevarics

    WI/AHC: Keep the Raza Unida Party alive

    Basically as the tin says, during the 1970s the Chicano rights movement had grown disaffected with the Democratic parties of the Southwestern US states and attempted to split off into La Raza Unida. Ultimately it only lasted 8 years before folding back into the Democratic Party. But, what if the...
  13. Sevarics

    WI: Crusades without Byzantine loss of Anatolia ?

    Assuming that the Byzantines never lost Anatolia to the Turks, could the Crusades still have taken place around roughly the same time when the Muslim world was experiencing instability ? What would Crusades with an intact Byzantine Empire look like ? Would the Byzantines be in a stronger...
  14. Sevarics

    WI: Byzantine Emperor Romanos II Macedon had brothers

    IOTL, Konstantinos VII Macedon and Helena Lekapena had a son, Leo, who died young, and then Romanos II and his many sisters, among them Theophano who wed Ioannes Kourkouas Tzimiskes when he was co-emperor with Basil II and Konstantinos VIII, Romanos’s sons. What if his three sisters who in OTL...
  15. Sevarics

    WI: Zoe, niece of Basil II, weds Constantine Dalassenos, duke of Antioch?

    IOTL, while he was dying, Basil II’s brother, Emperor Constantine, arranged for his middle daughter, Zoe, to be wed to Constantine Dalassenos, duke of Antioch. While Dalassenos was en route, the emperors advisors, fearing a powerful military leader being emperor, convinced Emperor Constantine to...
  16. Sevarics

    WI: Scythian Invasion / Conquest of China

    Basically as the tin says, could the vast Scythian horde have pushed east into China instead of focusing on the northern Black Sea and Central Asia ? What impact might a Scythian invasion/conquest of China have ? What time frame would make the most sense for a Scythian invasion and conquest ...
  17. Sevarics

    WI: Khosrow II accepts Heraclius’s peace offer in 615 ?

    As the tin says, what if Khosrow II accepted the offer Heraclius made in 615 when, per Wikipedia, he “agreed to stand down and was about ready to allow the Byzantine Empire to become a Persian client state, even permitting Khosrow II to choose the emperor.[20] In a letter delivered by his...
  18. Sevarics

    WI: Persian Arabia

    So I’ve seen lots of what if’s regarding Greek and Roman conquests of Arabia. But, I don’t recall any regarding a Persian conquest of Arabia. So, what if one of the Persian dynasties conquered the entire Arabian coastline ? Could Arabia, or its coastal hinterlands, be Persianized ? Could...
  19. Sevarics

    Religion in Afghanistan if Sassanids maintain a border at the Zagros?

    Basically as the tin say, if say the Byzantines hold the Taurus Mountains and the Sassanids hold the Zagros Mountains, preventing Islam from sweeping over Persia, what religion will become dominant in Afghanistan? Pre conquest it had a mix of Buddhism, Hinduism, Zunism, and Zoroastrianism, among...
  20. Sevarics

    WI: Spanish Camels in Spanish North America

    IOTL, Spain had had camel populations since the 11th century, brought over by the Arabs. After they began colonizing the New World, there were limited introductions of camels in the 17th and 18th centuries but nothing large scale. So, what if the Spanish had gone through with earlier large...