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  1. Lady Visenya

    Could the Lombards have imparted their name upon the entirety of Italy, akin to how the Franks did on Gaul?

    or to have frankia partitioned further, or for their 8th century to be less favorable in general
  2. Lady Visenya

    WI: Continuing the Macedonian Renaissance?

    Just have one of them get knocked up during one of their affairs, not get rid of the child, and then see how it goes from there tbh.
  3. Lady Visenya

    Realistically how long could Alexander the Great Macedonian Empire last, if he lived longer?

    the weddings at susa took place like a few months before Big Al biffed it. it's entirely possible that an alex who lives to 45 is leaving behind a far more integrated nobility.
  4. Lady Visenya

    No intercession of saints, monasticism, nor images and/or statues in Christianity

    G-d, the world where idolatry isn't baked into Christianity sounds nice. Same with lack of saints. I suppose in such a world maybe what happens is a more strict unitarian theology rather than trinitarian or binitarian beliefs? As a reason for this other stuff to be curtailed. Maybe the adoption...
  5. Lady Visenya

    WI: Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717-718) succeeds

    "The Caliphate took Constantinople!" "Massive army?" "Yep." "Greatest fortifications in the world." "Certainly." "We only have some scattered outposts left?" "Most likely." "Bring it."
  6. Lady Visenya

    WI: Crusaders routed at Zara in 1202

    He was an active campaigner and did actually seem to be doing a decent job of emperor-ing. If one looks at Kaldellis pointing out which stuff Choniates and many other contemporaries leave out of his known activities during his time as emperor. He spent 1195-1203 almost constantly working and...
  7. Lady Visenya

    WI: Crusaders routed at Zara in 1202

    Alexios III Komnenos gets much needed time to stabilize the regime, ideally. But I'm an Alexios III Komnenos friend, so...
  8. Lady Visenya

    Mohammed expands Islam south into Africa instead of into Europe

    To play devil's advocate (and I want to be extremely clear that his position is not my own), but this is hardly any different from skepticism and speculation regarding the timing of compilation of the Gospels, viewing some as more canon, throwing others out. Or even someone speculating regarding...
  9. Lady Visenya

    If Julian the Apostate lived a full life could the complete takeover of Christianity have been averted?

    Julian's narrow slice of paganism (in a sea of paganism and the much larger slice of Christianity) was so intellectual and obtuse in a way that wasn't really going to be popular. Its most popular ideas were just "do Christianity without Christ" on the social level, but for actual practice it'd...
  10. Lady Visenya

    Discussion: Imperial Rome and Judaea

    Instead of having a guy like Hadrian (pederast, terrible guy, bad taste in facial hair, wannabe hellene without actually having the admirable traits of Hellenic culture), have more guys like Titus "had a Jewish girlfriend". Or an emperor more able to openly force that thing through rather than...
  11. Lady Visenya

    Discussion: Imperial Rome and Judaea

    not repeatedly pissing them off and just leaving them alone might work, lmao
  12. Lady Visenya

    Early collapse of East Roman Empire, either between 330-600 AD or 750-1290 AD It's also the opinion I've held for a while. Phocas' war was one that had the Romans on the backfoot, but it wasn't a true disaster, like, *actual* disaster until Heraclius launched a revolt and fucked up the Roman response and then blundering away for the next decade and a half until...
  13. Lady Visenya

    Plausibility of roman restoration in the west after the Gothic Wars (if it didn't left Italy devastated)

    This. Unironically it'd be far healthier for the empire, and not to mention culturally and aesthetically more coherent and aesthetic mapwise. The weird tendency for people to think the Hadrianic borders are these things which must be retaken is weird to me.
  14. Lady Visenya

    Western Europe without a Muslim conquest of the Maghreb

    Wasn't one of the reasons the Arabs got a foothold in Tunisia and Tripolitania thanks to a Roman governor flat out requesting aid from the Arabs? As in, basically opened the door to them, and that's what prompted the westward invasion? I can see it as having been a possibility, but the...
  15. Lady Visenya

    Western Europe without a Muslim conquest of the Maghreb

    I imagine that in this case the scenario is somehow managing to get a few major Berber victories which make it just... undesirable to keep trying to take Africa. With Libya being the westernmost limit of Arab expansion. If the Berbers and Romans get lucky a few times, it might just mean they'd...
  16. Lady Visenya

    Comparisons between "Golden Age" Roman military and Early Middle Ages military

    But... they faced significant issues vs the Macedonians. And that was the Roman armies at the peak of their experience and skill after the second punic war. Like, they reached a level of sheer experience and momentum that wouldn't be matched for centuries. And even at the Roman peak their...
  17. Lady Visenya

    WI: 40 BC, instead of Treaty of Brundisium, Anthony and Octavian get into a duel.

    Antony beats the living shit out of Octavian. He was explicitly described by men closer to the events as having massive shoulders, being built like an ox, explicitly compared to Heracles. In fact, when Brutus and Cassius plotted the assassination of Julius Caesar, an integral part of their plan...
  18. Lady Visenya

    Earlier Byzantine recoveries

    ...years later there had been radical shifts in the Bulgar state. They had a liturgy of their own, they had a culture which had established itself far *far* further out than it was in the day of Nikephoros I, and had Nikephoros I not died, and say... he and his son had been able to spend the...
  19. Lady Visenya

    Earlier Byzantine recoveries

    I don't think so. Basil's conquest dealt with a Bulgaria which had time to establish itself and establish a Bulgarian identity and culture across a wide area, compared with the comparatively structurally fragile state of Krum.