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  1. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    I'm glad someone remembered. Allan
  2. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3
    Threadmarks: 28 August 1942. Gibraltar.

    28 August 1942. Gibraltar. Lieutenant-General Dwight D Eisenhower’s arrival on Gibraltar had been deliberately low-key, there were a lot of eyes and ears to pass information on to ‘interested parties’. There were plenty of American uniforms to be seen in most British commands, as the Grand...
  3. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3
    Threadmarks: 21 August 1942. Catterick, England.

    21 August 1942. Catterick, England. 9th Armoured Division, or 9th ‘Panzer’ Division, under the leadership of Major-General Brian Horrocks, had been set up as an opposition force for exercises. It was following the German model of ‘Kampf Gruppen’ or Battle Groups. Combined Arms had been one of a...
  4. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3
    Threadmarks: 20 August 1942. Warminster, England.

    20 August 1942. Warminster, England. Now that the factories had been tooled up, the production of the Victor I tank was increasing and the new tanks were being delivered to the regiments of the 1st Armoured Division. 3rd Armoured Brigade (2, 3 and 5 Battalions RTR) had received their full...
  5. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    Had to look 'imbroglio' up! Well played sir.
  6. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    Lieutenant General Alan Cunningham is Commander of 12th Army in Malaya, Percival :
  7. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3
    Threadmarks: 15 August 1942. England.

    15 August 1942. England. As thoughts turned more and more towards an invasion of the continent, it had been decided to begin to re-organise some of the Home Forces from the defensive set up, towards a more expeditionary organisation. Each of the geographical commands (South-East, Eastern...
  8. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3
    Threadmarks: 12 August 1942. London, England.

    12 August 1942. London, England. Lieutenant-General Henry Crerar, GOC II Canadian Corps, and Major-General John Roberts (GOC 2nd Canadian Division) listened to the briefing at Combined Operations Headquarters (COHQ). Major-General Charles Haydon, Vice-Chief of Combined Operations was chairing...
  9. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    The above is just a reminder that while the New Zealanders in North Africa and Italy were well known, the New Zealand contribution in the Pacific, especially by the Air Force was notable. It will be more so here with the New Zealander Division here. Allan
  10. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3
    Threadmarks: 10 August 1942. Wellington, New Zealand.

    10 August 1942. Wellington, New Zealand. The men of the 2nd New Zealand Division had been enjoying some well-deserved home leave. There had been some friendly interactions with the US Marines who’d recently departed for the war starting in the New Hebrides. There had also been some unfriendly...
  11. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    Thanks, and fixed. Allan
  12. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3
    Threadmarks: 4-10 August 1942. New Hebrides.

    4-10 August 1942. New Hebrides. The plan to begin the American offensive campaign against the Japanese had originally focused on the Solomon Islands. Operation Watchtower had been revamped after the battle of the New Hebrides, to begin by first retaking Espiritu Sancto and Efate. The First...
  13. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    The above is basically OTL, though slightly speeded up (by a couple of months at most). Information mostly from Death By Design by Peter Beale and/or The Second World War Tank Crisis by Dick Taylor. Allan.
  14. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3
    Threadmarks: 31 July 1942. London, England.

    31 July 1942. London, England. The approach to Commander Robert Micklem was made by Sir Andrew Duncan, who had returned to his role as Minister of Supply. It was clear to everyone that the current Tank Board, chaired by Lord William Weir, was conflicted and getting nowhere. Lord Weir, who had...
  15. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    Can't really help you with the economics. There is one significant change to TTL from historically is the decision not to buy (under cash and carry) as many M3 Mediums (Grants). I need to double check my sources, but I'm pretty sure that the guy from the British Purchasing Commission just about...
  16. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    There are a couple of bits that really should have been included in that update. 1. The movement of British forces so far into the north of Iran would allow the Soviets to remove some of their occupation force from that area. Whether they would move out everything is unlikely, but at this point...
  17. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3
    Threadmarks: 25 July 1942. Banda Shahpur, Iran.

    25 July 1942. Banda Shahpur, Iran. Three American ships were finally unloaded and ready for the return home in ballast. With mounting casualties to shipping on the Northern Route, the Persian Corridor for Lend Lease supplies was beginning to make up some of the shortfall. This small convoy of...
  18. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    According to Joslen's Orders of Battle, in May 1942 Armoured Divisions moved to Basic Organisation No V, which included 2 AA tanks at Division HQ and 8 in each of the Armoured Regiments. The date given for the addition of the AA tanks in August 1942. So I have brought this forward by a few...
  19. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3
    Threadmarks: 18 July 1942. Malaya

    18 July 1942. Malaya The growing presence of the Australian 1st Armoured Division, equipped with American built M3 Light Stuart tanks and M3 Medium Grant tanks, along with the British Tank Brigades had led to some interesting experiences. The on-going debate about the best way to use tanks in...
  20. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    Just a quick note on the above. The escort of PQ17 here is basically that of PQ18. Previously mentioned that: The other difference is that there are no Club Runs to Malta in TL, and so the presence of Wasp as well as Victorious is also new. The lack of a Mediterranean threat gives the RN a...