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  1. What if LBJ won the 1941 Texas Senate Election?

    LBJ as VP when the Bomb needs to be dropped is an interesting thought all by itself. How would LBJ react to Korea? Same as Harry? I'd presume given his OTL Vietnam intervention, but hard to say. Curious about the downstream effects on politics here. What are his chances in '48? Is JFK still a...
  2. Wessex falls to the Great Heathen Army, 866 AD

    So a cluster of small, squabbling half-Pagan little statelets nominally serving a largely powerless sovereign? Sounds like we've created the Unholy Viking Empire! Would the UVE eventually Christianize or will Paganism persist here? Is there any likelihood of the rise of any "High King" or even...
  3. Carpenter's Hammer: When Karen went Punk. A Hensonverse TLIAW

    Thanks again, OB. And yes, a Queen or Bowie duet would be great. That can be unwritten canon. @nick_crenshaw82 even made an image for it:
  4. World Islam in a Crusader Win TL

    x'D I should NOT be the Islam Expert here! I'm more out of my depth than a tube worm on the moon. Any actual experts on Medieval Islam we can call on?
  5. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    I find it hard to believe that the Royal Court of Denmark & Norway didn't know of the existence of Vinland. I presume the Church knew to some degree (clearly the bishops of Iceland knew given the map), though such info might not have made it to Rome, or simply ended up in a book now lost.
  6. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    FWIW here's the real Vinland Map from the 16th C. (the Skálholt map) which shows Greenland and Vinland as peninsulas of a larger land mass. The "Prominitorium Winlandia" aligns quite well with the upper peninsula of Newfoundland and the Lance aux Meadows site, which makes me wonder if the Norse...
  7. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    To answer the question of "how does Vinland make it to the self-sustaining tipping point", we should look at the push-pull factors at play and consider new ones. OTL: Push-To: population growth in Scandinavia and Iceland. This one has largely died out by 1000 AD. (weak) Pull-To: temperate-ish...
  8. WI: Variants of James all throughout Europe?

    Reading the thread title I just keep picturing ATL versions of King James I running all over Europe chased by the TVA. x'D EDIT: So as not to derail this thread with inane Marvel references, what about a world where the Merovingian Empire lives longer we get versions of the French James and...
  9. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    I swear we need to turn this thread into a cookbook not a TL! The Vinlandic Chef. Maple glazed salmon with allspice and cranberry watercress salad.
  10. Polish Lithuanian Russian Swedish Commonwealth

    Copy thank you. I did still cause discontent with the nobility though, right?
  11. Polish Lithuanian Russian Swedish Commonwealth

    Bit of a conundrum for ol' Sigi, innit? He can't be Tsar without being Orthodox and can't be King of Sweden if he's not Lutheran, right? He can try one or the other, but that invites uprisings. PLC none too happy either way. Religious tolerance is easier when you're in charge and in clear...
  12. AHQ: Fate of Russia in a surviving Byzantine TL

    Thanks, all, for the responses. This is an area I know little about so all discussion helps. So out of curiosity, in this case does Russia have a Tzar or a king? So presumably the two royal families are massively intertwined. Does that open the door to periods of union, or would there be...
  13. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    Fully agree. I don't think anyone was suggesting otherwise. We probably won't see Tree Honey (still my head canon) arrive until later after the continent sees settlement. And Sugar Maple (Acer saccarum) is the tree you want, nor Red Maple. It grows all through the St. Lawrence and New England...
  14. AHQ: Fate of Russia in a surviving Byzantine TL

    I wad being deliberately vague in order to drive conversation. Old brainstorming tactic. Worked like a charm! Yes, tis madness, but there be method in it. Truth is I know so little about this area that I hardly knew what to ask, so I cast a wide net. You could take the opportunity to frame...
  15. What would be the worst possible defeat the US could suffer in the War of 1812?

    Losing the Old Northwest seems like an obvious one. Hypothetically could lose future Alabama and Mississippi and Tennessee and Kentucky too if the UK really feels nasty, but my guess would be that having a more defensible border with the Ohio river would be the preferred solution. America is...
  16. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    This reminds me. I tried sweetening Yaupon with maple syrup as an ATL experiment (I considered a Vinland TL once, technically a NA domesticates TL) and it was incredibly tasty! More than the sum of its parts. I now do it all the time. The aftertastes blend in an amazing way. Works with mate...
  17. AHC: Make Bridgerton realistic. Africans intermix with European nobility.

    I mean, I said "wacky idea." I'm under no delusions of it's plausibility, lol.
  18. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    It's yerba mate's first cousin so very similar. I like Yaupon better, but admittedly I've only had mass market bagged mate, presumably the equivalent of Lipton. Caffeine is on par with tea and absorbs similarly so no coffee buzz. You can buy some online if you want to try it.
  19. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    That's the thing: it's not emetic and never was. That was a fundamental misunderstanding on the Europeans part. We don't actually know what all went into the Black Drink or even if anything in it was emetic. When you massively chug anything fast enough while dancing hard you vomit. Ilex...
  20. How Isolated Would Vinland be in the Little Ice Age?

    What he said, actually. Not enough for export until trade routes with the south is established. N. Rustica grows in my backyard. It's tiny and you'd have to be pretty desperate to smoke it. Ditto. Full agreement There's no manifestly unpleasant effects. That was a European misunderstanding of...