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  1. Saw it. Not bad.

    Saw it. Not bad.
  2. Californie- French California

    As an engineer (Electrical and Biomed, admittedly) I'm looking forward to seeing what the Bête Rouge is and how they'll build a rail line through the Algodones Dunes, and once they do, how they'll keep the tracks clear as the sands inevitably shift. Getting wagon/car roads across them was a...
  3. Earlier Colonial Diffusion of Tea Growing

    Yes, seems to have fallen through, possibly poor business decisions, possibly protectionism by London, it doesn't really say. Presumably if the initial plantation goes well and doesn't face opposition by the BEI SC and GA could supply a majority of the Colony's need. As to the ARW, you still...
  4. Earlier Colonial Diffusion of Tea Growing

    They grow Tea in South Carolina and have since Colonial days. Why it didn't catch on further I can't say, but some commercial failures may be to blame. Yaupon is essentially a weed in the coastal Carolinas, GA, FL, and the Gulf Coast, so Yaupon plantations would be crazy easy to establish in...
  5. How the America and Mexico be affected if the US took the Baja Peninsula and the small strip of Sonora?

    That's definitely going to be an issue. Water has always been a major issue in Cali. Just take the "wars" over the LA River. Not sure how well desalinization will be able to fill the gap. In a strange reverse effect on this water issue, having the Colorado River fully within the US would...
  6. How the America and Mexico be affected if the US took the Baja Peninsula and the small strip of Sonora?

    This is a lot like the proposed Territory of Colorado from OTL: In this case, with that long tail of Baja attached to it, it probably goes through and becomes a Slave State leading into the ACW. This means that there's a wider...
  7. What if the United States had annexed everything they had the opportunity to do so?

    Yes, they generally were. I never said it'd be easy for the slave-aristocrats, quite the contrary. The Mexican citizens certainly would object. Probably not happy about having to bow to Washington period. I doubt the local Anglo Government will listen, and I can easily see a Bleeding Kansas...
  8. What if the United States had annexed everything they had the opportunity to do so?

    Offhand that's a LOT of likely Slave States that come with the alt-MAW, which changes the game on the ACW entirely. How/why the north permits this becomes a question. The OTL MAW landgrab and the Wilmot Proviso sent the Secession movement into high gear OTL. I don't imagine that this will be...
  9. What if the United States had annexed everything they had the opportunity to do so?

    Liberia dates to the 1820s, so predates this.
  10. "To Introduce our Guest Star, that's What I'm Here to Do..." The Hensonverse Fan Contribution Thread

    Put them in a single final post and it could happen. I don't allow partial posts.
  11. La Transizione Imperfetta - Italy 20 years after fascism

    Bravissimo!! Brilliant TL and I'm glad that you got to bring it to a close. FYI I think of this TL as a sort of unofficial Sequel to Viva Balbo. You hit many of the points I never got to when I had to abandon it.
  12. If Alexander the Great wasn’t great (2024 edition)

    So a span of possibilities, it sounds like, depending on how far he got before his luck ran out. Smaller empire, stillborn Hellenistic Age, or just a "Greek Civil War"? Reminded of a meme.
  13. How effective might a Kentucky insurgency against the Union and Confederacy be?

    Presumably the Governor could order the Home Guard militias to attack both sides, but they'd be hard pressed to stand up to an organized army, so at best this "enforced neutrality" is likely dead by the winter of '61, and I predict many of the regiments will already have a "side" they've chosen...
  14. A challenge; how could we get a Spanish deep-colonialization of Florida?

    The problem goes beyond Spanish colonial strategy, it's just not a viable land for supporting a large, self-sustaining colony prior to the invention of modern earth moving equipment for digging drainage channels. Florida per OTL borders isn't going to be able to support a large enough...
  15. Jefferson's Generational Constitutions

    This would occur right after the Missouri Crisis and Compromise, so I'd expect Slavery to be a major divisive factor in the '23 Constitutional Convention too. You'd likely see an ugly fight with the north trying to ban the expansion of Slavery and the South, aided by Jefferson and his (frankly...
  16. What if LBJ won the 1941 Texas Senate Election?

    LBJ as VP when the Bomb needs to be dropped is an interesting thought all by itself. How would LBJ react to Korea? Same as Harry? I'd presume given his OTL Vietnam intervention, but hard to say. Curious about the downstream effects on politics here. What are his chances in '48? Is JFK still a...
  17. Wessex falls to the Great Heathen Army, 866 AD

    So a cluster of small, squabbling half-Pagan little statelets nominally serving a largely powerless sovereign? Sounds like we've created the Unholy Viking Empire! Would the UVE eventually Christianize or will Paganism persist here? Is there any likelihood of the rise of any "High King" or even...