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  1. Taunay

    WI: Argentina-screw in the Independence War?

    During the decisive Battle of San Lorenzo, José de San Martín - who would later be known for fighting for the independence of most of the Southern Cone plus some Andean nations - would be hurt and nearly killed. If not for the intervention of an African slave named Juan Bautista Cabral, it's...
  2. Taunay

    AHQ: Can Frémont win the 1856 election?

    The 1856 presidential election in the United States is often seen as the precursor and an indication of the growth of the Republican Party in the United States. Given all of this, it is not often talked about whether it was possible for the Republicans to have massive luck and win their first...
  3. Taunay

    WI: Sebastian of Portugal dies at birth. Who becomes King of Portugal?

    WI Sebastian died right after being born, and his father João Manuel also died a few days later (like OTL). Who would become King of Portugal after John III inevitably dies a few years later?
  4. Taunay

    WI: Fernando Collor creates the PSOL in 1992

    According to the excellent book "Collor Presidente", by journalist Marco Antonio Villa, in early 1992, Collor published an article proclaiming his support for Social-Liberalism, and his idea of creating a new political party, which would be named PSOL (Partido do Social Liberalism) [Social...
  5. Taunay

    Fate of Portuguese after Miguel da Paz unites Iberia

    The POD is simple: Miguel da Paz doesn't die in 1500, and lives long enough to have an heir and to unite the Crowns of Portugal, Castile and Aragon. However, what would be the impacts of this event on the Portuguese language? I have seen people argue that Portuguese would likely be smaller...
  6. Taunay

    AHC: Wank Protestantism

    With the POD of 1521 (the year in which Martin Luther was excommunicated from the Catholic Church), have Protestantism be wildly more successful than IOTL. At the very least, have the same OTL Protestant core remain Protestant, along with the Southern Netherlands (Belgium) and the entirety of...
  7. Taunay

    WI: Afonso Pena breaks the Old Republic

    In 1930, the creatively-named Revolution of 1930 overthrew the Old Republic in Brazil, which dominated the political landscape of the country ever since 1889 or 1894 (it depends on who you ask). This Revolution would shape Brazil up to the present-day and lead to Vargas rising to power, with all...
  8. Taunay

    WI: Paulistas win the Emboaba War

    In the early 18th century, a major event took place in Colonial Brazil, a struggle for which part of the country would control the region of Minas Gerais. On one side were the Paulistas/Bandeirantes, who first found gold in the region in the 1690s, and who wanted the region to remain under...
  9. Taunay

    WI: President of Paraguay topples Juan Manuel de Rosas in 1849?

    It's not a very known fact, but Carlos Antonio López, father of Francisco Solano, the man who would in 1864 start the Paraguayan War that would practically destroy his own country, had a very interventionist policy in the late 1840s, more specifically against Argentina and the Federalist...
  10. Taunay

    WI: Juarez Távora President of Brazil

    The 1955 Brazilian presidential election was the closest presidential election in Brazilian history up to that point, with Kubitschek beating UDN candidate Juarez Távora in the presidential election by a margin of 5%. Let's say that in the even-closer vice-presidential election, Milton Campos...
  11. Taunay

    AHC: Turn the Falklands War nuclear

    With a POD in April 1982, your challenge is to have the Falklands War escalate to such a point where the usage of nuclear weapons takes place. It doesn't necessarily means nuking Argentina or the UK (although both are accepted in this AHC), but somehow escalating the conflict into a nuclear war...
  12. Taunay

    WI: Ferdinand Magellan assassinated in 1519

    It's undeniable that Ferdinand Magellan's expedition was one of the most important events in the history of the Age of Discoveries, with Magellan departing from Iberia and reaching modern-day Southeast Asia, while claiming the Philippines for the Crown of Castile. However, the voyage could very...
  13. Taunay

    Juan Manuel de Rosas remains in power = Major South American war?

    Juan Manuel de Rosas was the Argentine dictator who de facto ruled Argentina as Governor of Buenos Aires from 1829 all the way to 1852, when he was removed from power by a grand coalition involving Argentine Unitarians, Uruguayans, some Federalist caudillos and the Brazilian Empire in the Battle...
  14. Taunay

    WI: Castilian King killed in Aljubarrota?

    In 1385, Portugal staged one of the biggest upsets in military history by defeating Castile in the Battle of Aljubarrota. However, what's not widely known is that the Castilian king was in the battle. As the Castilian Army was being destroyed, the King hurriedly left, but not before being chased...
  15. Taunay

    WI: Portuguese Banda Oriental in 1812?

    In 1811-1812, amid the chaos of the Platine independence movements, Portugal saw an opportunity to realize its long dream of having a "natural frontier" at the Río de la Plata, and sent a military expedition to the region. While successful, the expedition had to end and Portugal was forced to...
  16. Taunay

    WI: San Martín and Bernardo O'Higgins die in 1818?

    During the Battle of Cancha Rayada, in 1818, both Bernardo O'Higgins and José de Martín were nearly killed by Royalist troops. WI this happened, and the main leaders of Chilean and Argentine independence died at the same time? How would that impact the Independence Wars? How would South America...
  17. Taunay

    Juan Manuel Rosas's PODs

    Juan Manuel Rosas is probably one of the most controversial figures in Argentine history. He was either a national hero who stood up to European and Brazilian imperialism or a brutal dictator who suppressed dissent and exiled his liberal opponents to Uruguay. Due to that, I think it would be...
  18. Taunay

    WI: Portugal funds Christopher Columbus?

    In 1487, Christopher Columbus presented his proposal of sailing the ocean blue by going west and reaching the Indies that way. IOTL, we know Portugal knew that this proposal was wrong, and promptly rejected it. Some historians believe that the King of Portugal at that time, João II of Portugal...
  19. Taunay

    How would a Tancredo Neves presidency go?

    Firstly, I'm surprised by how I've not yet seen a thread about this WI in this forum, it is definitely one of the most popular alternate histories of Brazil's 21st century. Assuming that Tancredo Neves actually treats his health problems and doesn't die just one day before he assumes office...
  20. Taunay

    WI: Earlier Brazilian republic?

    It may not be that known, but the removal of Pedro I from the Brazilian throne in 1831 was actually implemented by Republican-leaning military officers who wanted a Republic to be implemented in Brazil. Say that for this WI Pedro I takes Pedro II with him to Europe, and the military officially...