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  1. What if 9/11 happened 20 years earlier?

    The single biggest problem Iran creates for the USA is that the Iranian air force has excellent long range AAM and radar combination and in 1981 many are operational. I could see several major Iranian air bases glowing in the dark alongside wherever else the people responsible are. I would...
  2. Malaya What If

    The Japanese would refuel in Formosa or Hainan and then come down, yes they would run at economical speeds until they get close and then run in at higher speeds. I would assume 14 to 16 knots as that is the typical cruising speeds of the era. In the modern era the USN has held 20 knots as the...
  3. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    Sort of like the tires they use on wheel loaders in foundries. Wheeled Tanks are plausible especially in more arid regions of the world. The problem becomes when the number of driven axles begins to affect weight. One way around this is hydraulic power but that brings it's own issue with...
  4. Malaya What If

    Another point is that for bomber aircraft the crew would be better off together in the event of a ditching.
  5. Do you consider Britain’s blockade of Germany in WW1, that led to 800,000 civilian deaths a war crime?

    The largest problem with looking at actions with a modern mindset is that what we regard as a war crime is very much different to what was regarded as such during a total war. Total war is a war of national survival where it is accepted that the entire economy needs to support military action...
  6. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    Ignoring the Quality control problems the ability to simply switch from AP style high velocity to HE low velocity simply by using the exact same sight but a different elevation guide is Key. Tank optics are at least as important as armour and gun because of what bad optics do. The post ww2...
  7. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    Love the bit about improved field of vision and better magnification. I have looked at the different tank sights from WW2 and I still like the Russian one because it was faster with HE vs AP ammunition. Before modern computer assisted sights it was not easy to aim AP vs HE unless they weighed...
  8. What if these 2 aircraft meet in combat ….

    The Defiant was slower and had no forward firing weapons. 304 mph and 8 minutes to 15,000ft. Black Widow. 364mph 20,000ft in 12 minutes with a 2500ft/s climb rate. No idea how tight the Black widow can turn but it should be used at high speed straight no turns slashing attacks. The Defiant has...
  9. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    Add in the French SABOT designs and your looking at incredible performance for say 1941/42. The only Problem the French had was speed of factory response to the rearmament efforts. design wise they had what they needed, doctrine needed change and had already begun however it was too little too late.
  10. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    That 3 man turret ARL would have been an excellent tank with easy process for up gunning. It would have been difficult to knock out even late war and likely the upgunning and even design of new turrets would have been simple. At the least the tank could have taken a turret 75mm.
  11. Fighter hybrids

    As others have said the Fuel injection system from the DB 605 would have been a good fit. As for other changes the undercarriage from the Hurricane would have been an improvement for either the Spitfire or the ME 109 but would have changed the structure of the wing completely and likely...
  12. Operation Market Garden doesn't fail at Nijmegen

    You have a single road with literally marsh on both sides of it to attempt to push several army divisions. A single road of supply to a division would get you kicked out of most officer training schools and the Dutch actually used this as part of the officer course and if you used that road you...
  13. Challenge-Have Nazi Germany survive but...

    What could be possible is that the Spanish Civil War either does not occur or see's the intervention of both Britain and France with the result being no fascist government. Italy's fascist government fails big time. Japan and the Soviet Union do not fight in the far east and as a result Stalin...
  14. US encourages conversion to Christianity in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Actively attempting to convert conquered peoples would be a war crime and the US government actively prosecutes such activities. As for what kind of insurgency it would bring about.......................well when your opponent is actively committing war crimes the ability to win hearts and...
  15. What if ADM Halsey chose a Fleet Carrier over New Jersey as his flagship between August 1944-January 1945

    Considering the situation and his value to the immediate command of the ship, It is clear that manning a fire hose was literally proving he was a damm fine sailor first and foremost. I don't care what rank someone has, sometimes you need to actually act on events rather than say your above it...
  16. Hitler Escapes the Bunker, 1945

    Any attempt to get Hitler out of Germany would require large amounts of assistance and thus people who would talk. First where can Hitler plausible go and remain, options are small and Japan may welcome him and he then gets discovered in late 1945. methods to get to Japan involve the use of...
  17. AHC: Successful Market Garden

    The main problem with operation Market Garden was that it consisted of a single 2 lane road for most of its length with absolutely no possibility of armor being able to run flanking operations due to the soft terrain. If you remove the SS Division around the final Bridge it is still a single...
  18. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    I remember the first time I took mine out and ruined some entire enemy teams with well placed demolition of enemy heavies. Still the FV 4005 was my favourite until they nerfed HESH ammo.
  19. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 3

    The Drum magazines came with a spring to feed the ammunition and typically Gravity would help also. When placed in the wings with Belts as opposed to the Drums the feed mechanism not only needed to handle freezing temperatures but also weight of belt needing to be pulled. A modern solution to...
  20. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 4

    That is freaking awesome. 37mm spewing out PRE- fragmented proximity fused shells would shred just about anything and have an excellent range.