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  1. AHC: Portuguese-American colonial expeditionary force fights to help Portugal in *Europe*

    ...plausibly happen, to make it possible? I chose these particular wars, because these were wars where Britain or England was on Portugal's side (or *a* Spanish side) *and* Spain, with its extensive American colonial holdings next to Brazil were on Portugal's side, not and liable to be a...
  2. AHC: Spanish-American colonial expeditionary force fights to help Spain in *Europe* the 1490s, for a couple reasons. I chose these particular wars, because these were wars where Britain or England was on Spain's side (or *a* Spanish side) or at least not at war against Spain and liable to be a constant menace to Americas to Spain troop and supply convoys. I also only...
  3. What if Spain never joined the 7Yrs War/French & Indian War?

    ...the Mississippi (but not to the west), and some (but not all) of the captured French Caribbean sugar islands? Or would Britain seize Canada and *all* of the Louisiana territory, east and west of the Mississippi? It could be motivated to do so to eliminate the French from the continent...
  4. Resolved: Within US constitutional system- no national slavery abolition before 1900 is possible without a Civil War breaking the logjam

    ...being crushed or contradicted by federal law. Care to counter-argue and suggest that abolitionism had a pathway to national political victory, *without* the political opportunities afforded to it by wartime conditions? Conditions including: a) the provocation to free state citizens...
  5. Could the Portuguese have conquered Peru or established a trade/client relationship with it before the Spanish?

    Could the Portuguese have conquered Peru or established a trade/client relationship with it before the Spanish? Did Portuguese make contact with Peru before Spaniards, or try to in OTL? Obviously a Portuguese conquest, or trade relationship resulting in a protectorate or treaty would require...
  6. AHC: Poland and Kievan Rus Principalities in personal union or confederation *prior* to Mongol invasions

    Here is the challenge, get medieval Poland from some point after its founding and the Rus Principalities tied together in a multi-generational personal or dynastic union, or an even more institutionalized confederacy, prior to any Mongol invasions of either land. Bonus points if they can take...
  7. The rise of Russia-Denmark, and the demise of Sweden, 1710 and beyond...

    An idea borrowed from @Jürgen: Let's presume Christian VI is married to Anna Petrovna, and this does not impair his succession to the Danish throne and control of all Danish possessions like Norway in 1730. This sets up a son born in Christian's remaining lifetime through 1746, who we presume...
  8. His accidency: President Martin Van Buren from 1833…

    What if Andrew Jackson over-celebrates his second inauguration in 1833 outdoors, catches pneumonia, and dies a couple weeks later, leaving VP Martin Van Buren to inherit the as yet unresolved tariff and nullification controversy? How tough is Van Buren on Calhoun’s obstinacy, given bitter...
  9. AHC: With a PoD after 1919, Germany has a stalemated war with Poland or Czechoslovakia, with a peace that lasts afterward

    Here's the challenge - With a PoD after the Versailles and St. German & Trianon borders are establish, Germany in subsequent years or decades ends up in a war over territorial revision with Poland or Czechoslovakia. There is fighting and some territory may change hands. However, it is not...
  10. AHC: steam age tech without scientific revolution?

    So, I have seen the claim advanced several times that the early stages of the industrial-technological revolution, while time-coincident, or shortly after the enlightenment and modern scientific revolution, were not crucially dependent on the latter, but were rather mainly independent mechanical...
  11. WI Orthodox missionaries from Danube Bulgaria converted the Volga Bulgars to Christianity before the latter adopted Islam?

    WI Orthodox missionaries from Danube Bulgaria converted the Volga Bulgars to Christianity before the latter adopted Islam? I am pretty sure the Danube Bulgars got baptized a little before the Volga Bulgar adoption of Islam. Let's also suppose this does not disrupt the not super long afterward...
  12. Resolved: If China went more maritime imperial/colonial, its primary direction would have been south/southwest, not east/north, and anti-Portuguese

    I have a projection, - that if China went more maritime colonial....which is not altogether terribly likely, but not impossible, the primary exploratory expansionist, and trade direction it would be drawn would be south/southwest, and not really east or north or really even southeast much at...
  13. Alternate History Challenge: Switch the fate of North America with Brazil, Argentina, China, India, or Australia

    Here is the alternate history challenge: Construct or contrive a chain of events or rough timeline where the 19th and 20th and possibly 21st century fates and trajectories of North America being switched vividly with the situation of any of Brazil or Argentina, China or India, or Australia...
  14. What if Austro-German Anschluss in the “Golden Twenties” of Weimar, summer 1929?

    ...and leverage. The Czechs and Yugoslavs are somewhat disturbed by the Anschluss, but from their perspective, Anschluss is actually only the *second-worst* fear of theirs coming true, or in 1929, their third-worst. With their eyes fixed on the rear view mirror, both Prague and Belgrade feared...
  15. What could save the Russian Provisional Government and multiparty Soviet democracy from leftist dictatorship?

    ...classes of Russia, from the far-right monarchists, to far-left Bolsheviks, advocated in the early days of the Provisional Government for a Russian *separate peace*, a peace that deserted the Western Allies, a peace that conceded territory to foreign occupation, to the German and...
  16. Does Theodore Roosevelt have a reasonable shot at NY Gubernatorial nomination and later VP nomination without Spanish-American War/San Juan Hill?

    Would Theodore Roosevelt have a reasonable shot at NY Gubernatorial nomination, and later the Republican VP nomination without the Spanish-American War/San Juan Hill experience? On the one hand, without the Spanish-American War causing him to step away from his desk as Assistant Secretary of...
  17. Balkan Nemesis: Romania’s “Hypothesis A”, the winter 1916 opportunity, and “General February’s” Payback to Bulgaria

    ...Bulgaria, which of course requires Romanian adherence to the Entente, also is a way to turn the curse of Bulgarian betrayal into a positive *opportunity* for Russia, the opportunity to advance a substantial Russian force down into the Black Sea coastal territory of Bulgaria, where it is...
  18. What if no German Unrestricted Sub Warfare, Zimmerman Note intercept, US DoW on Germany in 1917?

    ...would have had to do groundwork beforehand to undermine it, pointing to its blindspots or errors which included: Underestimating the amount of *immediate* assistance the US Navy and customs authorities could start providing to the Entente blockade Underestimating the amount of interned...
  19. What if Liege held out an extra week in 1914- would Germans outflank it through Dutch Limburg?

    What would have happened to the overall outcome of the German western campaign in the west of 1914 if the Germans had somehow been held up an extra week at Liege by better armed, prepared, alerted Belgians? Treating this as an isolated obstacle on the German path into Belgium what are the...
  20. Was Italian entry into WWI in spring 1915 on the Entente side a "now or never" situation?

    ...against Serbia, much less defeat her. It was only in the days after the Treaty of London and the final weeks before Italy declared war, that *joint* German-Austrian assaults, starting at Gorlice-Tarnow, began to roll back the Russians in Galicia and the Polish salient. With that in mind, if...