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  1. What would a Danish/Norse Britain be called?

    Assume the Danelaw, for whatever reason, takes a much firmer root than OTL, and Britian is flooded with Danes and Norseman as it once was Angles, Saxons and Jutes. What would such a culture call the isle of Britain and former kingdom England?
  2. AHC: Most plausible/interesting World War IV

    So... I have a challenge since I am drawing a blank. World War IV. How does it happen? Bonus points for either plausibility or how interesting it is. Only rules are WWI and WWII happened as OTL. WWIII can be anything you want.
  3. What if NASA HQ went to Hampton Roads/Norfolk instead of Houston?

    So, I got to do the headline story for the Virginia Gazette and Daily Press for the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the moon... and I came upon a DOOZIE of a what if a lot of folks have been overlooking about early NASA history. Specifically, a lot of folks I spoke with talked about...
  4. To Live and Die in Dixie - A Communist Confederacy TL
    Threadmarks: Introductions AH Civil War fiction became this rough sketch of a universe where the South won the American Civil War, proceeded to make an absolute cluster**** of the peace, and after losing TTL's answer to World War I, is split between a vengeful militarized USA and a Communist remnant state, now only...
  5. WI: Michael Jordan, Basketball's Pete Rose

    When Michael Jordan retired for the first time in 1993, it stunned the basketball world, with Jordan retiring after winning three championships to go play baseball. Of course, years later, there is talk that it may have been a secret suspension from the league resulting from Jordan's gambling...
  6. WI: Robert E. Howard lives

    Robert E. Howard is one of the most unsung heroes of modern speculative fiction. The man pioneered modern fantasy with Conan the Barbarian and the Hyperborean Age, as well as charachters like Soloman Kane, Krull of Atlantis. He penned over a hundred stories across a range of genres, ranging...
  7. AHC: How the (Canadian) States got thier shapes

    We have seen dozens of Ameriwanks where the US absorbs Canada, and carves states from it. My challenge, request really, is to see what Canada would look like carved up similar to American states, according to how we carved up states in OTL. I am using the boundries set by the book How the...
  8. DBWI: What if the USA still stunk at soccer?

    So, as expected, after demolishing Trinidad & Tobago, the US Mens's Team coasted to yet another World Cup appearance, and they remain one of the strong favorites to win the cup next year. I remember as a kid, watching the 94 World Cup, where the US Men's Team shocked the world, and won a series...
  9. DBWI: So porn mogul Eric Galt died...

    ...helping the poor and needy, and speaking out against, among other things, pornography, Galt said in an interview "Somebody should have shot that n***** sonofabitch." His reputation never quite recovered, though being one of the first to take advantage of the rise of internet porn probably...
  10. AHC: As on the 38th Parallel, so toois the 49th.

    Here's an odd challenge for you fine folks. With a POD of 1900, make the US-Canada border come to represent the same thing as the South Korean/North Korean border, complete with Canada as a dystopian Orwellian dictatorship. The more colorful the better. In OTL, the US-Canada border is one of...
  11. AHC: Worst Case Hurricane Katrina

    It's been ten years since Katrina, and while a lot of folks are talking about how things could have been better, or people better prepared, I want to know the opposite - what could have gone worse? What would have been the worst case scenario? Is what we got pretty close, or did we end up luckier?
  12. Why did Southwest Virginia stick with Virginia?

    OK, I was driving from Bristol, Va to Richmond, and it really struck me how radically different Southwest Virginia is from the rest of the state - its much more Appalachian than Virginian, which begs the question - why didn't it split off like most of (then) Western Virginia did and join West...
  13. Where can I find Winston Churchill's AH Essay?

    As we all know, one of the earliest examples of AH came from none other than Winston Churchill, in the 1931 essay anthology, If It Had Happened Otherwise. Churchill's essay, 'What if Lee had lost the Battle of Gettysburg?' not only proved to be one of the earliest examples of the now trope...
  14. In Your Opinion: What was the biggest mistake of the American Civil War?

    In my Civil War History course, we had an extended discussion today, es well as a paper due next week on what we think was the biggest mistake made by either side during the American Civil War. This sparked a very lively discussion, and I was curious what thinks it may be - after all...
  15. Communist Confederacy Flag V1 - Suggestions and Input

    Thanks to Cuāuhtemōc, for his continual deisgn work, and putting up with my suggestions. That said, here is the first version of the flag, and I am hoping for comments, ideas and sugguestions, especially if anyone things there should be adjustments or what not. Well... have at it!
  16. Communist Confederacy: Instituting Conscription in the USA

    My Communist Confederacy stuff treads along well (a couple of short stories done/near done and about to be sent to a few friends here on site to see what they think) but there is a kink in the world I want your help making more plausible. Specifically, I want the USA to have a mantatory...
  17. AHC: Phantom Menace Flops

    I've got a doozie of a pop cultural challenge for you today - make the most hyped and most disapointing movie in cinematic history, the Phantom Menace, flop, by any means nessasary aside from ASB. Have at it!
  18. AHC: Kill Reality Television

    Flipping through the channels today, as class was cancelled, really made me realize just how much of television is trashy, low-brow reality television. I'm still at a loss at how we went from Survivor and American Idol to every network on TV having a half dozen reality shows. My question is...
  19. Virginia reunion?

    Lets assume that the Civil War ends in a Confederate Victory, and West Virginia stays in the Union. For starters, would it call itself West Virginia? Prior to 1863, it was just the Unionist Virginia government based out of Wheeling. If the South went it's seperate way, would the Union just...
  20. CSA Wins: Fate of the Southwest

    No, this isn't one of the typical 'CSA gets a chunk of the Southwest' questions. In OTL, the act that divided Arizona and New Mexico passed in 1863 - if the CSA wins the war, especially in 1862/1863, would the two territories stay whole, now that it was a boder state? Also, what would be the...