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  1. Battle Cry of Freedom

    I've discovered that I'll be incapacitated for the tail end of June, so the map of the month will arrive early, either on the 26th or the 27th. Of course, this means that I have little more than a week to research and execute June's map of the month: the Latin American Wars of Independence! I'd...
  2. Battle Cry of Freedom

    I believe I've fixed all the threadmarked images, please let me know if any of them (not counting this thread's other images) are still broken for y'all - June map previews coming soon 👀
  3. Map Thread XXII

    Oh shoot another Tennessean, hot damn (sorry about that but as an ETN resident I had to make Watauga real, at least y’all have 37N now)
  4. Map Thread XXII

    I’m sorry to say this but the worst borders on the map (the UP) come directly from OTL 😭
  5. Battle Cry of Freedom

    They did, just later on in 1812, my map is set in May of that year
  6. Map Thread XXII

    I'm working on fixing my embeds, thank you for the notice!
  7. Map Thread XXII

    Two words: Lawrenceburg, Ohio.
  8. Map Thread XXII

    Discord | Reddit | Timeline Page
  9. Battle Cry of Freedom
    Threadmarks: May Map of the Month - the United States, 1812

    Discord | Reddit | Deviantart (coming soon)
  10. Battle Cry of Freedom

    One last-ditch effort for catbox as my image host. Please leave a like on this message only if the image does not load for you.
  11. Battle Cry of Freedom

    Dagnabbit I gotta find a whole nother image host now. I might actually have to bite the bullet and use imgur or deviantart
  12. Battle Cry of Freedom

    Are the images in the thread’s 2 most recent posts broken for anyone else?
  13. Battle Cry of Freedom

    Hi chat, I realize I’m really pushing the deadline for May’s map but hey, I’m a lazy son of a gun, it’s what I do. In the meantime, I’ve figured some things out that I’ve been waffling over for multiple months. Here’s a draft map I created to show my progress, the South should be complete by...
  14. Battle Cry of Freedom

    That should be all the threadmarked images fixed, things are a bit crazy for me at the moment between graduating university, moving out for work, and losing access to my car for a couple days, but I'll likely able to fix the remainder of the thread later this week. As a thank you for being so...
  15. Battle Cry of Freedom

    Correct, except I probably won’t use Imgur, that site is simply too annoying to use for that purpose
  16. Battle Cry of Freedom

    Yeah I’ve got to go through and replace all the links, Discord cracked down on people using it as a free image host
  17. Battle Cry of Freedom
    Threadmarks: April Map of the Month - British North America, 1812

    Discord | Reddit | Deviantart
  18. Battle Cry of Freedom

    New date: April 30 technically still a Tuesday
  19. Battle Cry of Freedom

    Howdy, I promise I haven’t abandoned the TL, my senior classes are just going crazy (I have to write 37 pages in 6 days). But, nonetheless, the grind continues– here’s April’s map thus far, likely complete by Tuesday morning.
  20. Battle Cry of Freedom

    "Don't worry, the April map is going great so far!" The map in question: (All jokes aside, I should have the projection dialed in by tomorrow)