List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

Surely she's too high for him? Also, you should push her birth back a year or two. I find it highly unlikely that she'd be born the same year her dad would be allowed to consummate his marriage.
Pushed it back to 1533, but France has Salic law. She's only heiress to Brittany, not to France as a whole. And she's too young for Edmund II or any of her French uncles, but too old for their kids... William seemed like a decent shout for her, given all of that. I mean, I suppose she could marry into Denmark or something, but then I need another match for Louise...
Pushed it back to 1533, but France has Salic law. She's only heiress to Brittany, not to France as a whole. And she's too young for Edmund II or any of her French uncles, but too old for their kids... William seemed like a decent shout for her, given all of that. I mean, I suppose she could marry into Denmark or something, but then I need another match for Louise...
So is she her dad's only child? Francis I joined the French and Breton succession IOTL. Even if he didn't for some reason ITTL, she would marry a French prince of the blood.
So is she her dad's only child? Francis I joined the French and Breton succession IOTL. Even if he didn't for some reason ITTL, she would marry a prince of the blood.
Not until 1534, IIRC. I don't see the Bretons ratifying that if Francis has a child, even if it is a girl... and yes, she is his only child.
Pushed it back to 1533, but France has Salic law. She's only heiress to Brittany, not to France as a whole. And she's too young for Edmund II or any of her French uncles, but too old for their kids... William seemed like a decent shout for her, given all of that. I mean, I suppose she could marry into Denmark or something, but then I need another match for Louise...
Francois I actually made it so that Brittany was inseparable from the French crown sometime in the early 1530s IOTL and I see no reason why he wouldn’t do that ITTL too - even still Charlotte is a daughter of France and no daughter of France would marry a second son who is not also a sovereign ruler
but I thought lower first wife chosen during the Catherine of Braganza regency to try and maintain power, high born second wife chosen by the son.
except Cat showed no "desire" to hang on to power. In her native Portugal she served as regent and then handed over power when she had to
I pictured her being considered for higher matches (Spain, Portugal, Austria, ect., ending on Hanover), but married off to the Duke of York upon the death of her only brother in 1718.
Per your tree, she has two brothers. One who dies in 1718, and one who hangs on until '26. She's likely married after the birth of the "spare" in 1713. Portugal is too big an age gap for her to be plausibly considered. Austria or Spain (as second wife to Joseph I, Karl VI or Felipe V) makes more sense. And it brings England a potentially valuable partner if they make being granted the Asiento conditional of the marriage contract. With Austria they get the Austrian Netherlands as a trading partner, which, while they were nowhere near their "golden age" levels, was still "important". Especially if Joseph I survived and managed to implement his roads-and-rivers plan.

I'm assuming the Ansbach marriage doesn't end up happening, and George is initially betrothed to his older English cousin (allowing him to enjoy his mistresses due to the age gap), before the Princess Royale is wedded off to York in an effort to consolidate her claim. Amalia Louise takes her sister's place, and they're married when she turns 14.
only way the Ansbach marriage is happening is if Karoline is already married to either Karl VI or Felipe V (both were considered OTL). The only way for the latter- though- is to remove Madame de Maintenon's blocking of Karoline's brother's attempt to marry into the French royal family. As to the whole "arranged" marriage part, Georg I was explicitly against an "unseen bride" and packed his son and heir off around Germany to scout his potential bride himself. Also, Georg II didn't have mistresses until after Karoline died. It was a kneejerk reaction to his parents' own marital infidelities.
Which one?
Maria Theresia
Which Karl Ludwig? I am awful at post 18th Century Habsburgs....
Franz Joseph's brother (both Max in Mexico and Pedro II were in favour of this match)

Forgot to type it, but this Marie Clotilde is the daughter of Victor Emmanuel II. IDK how realistic that would be.
probably not very. Maria Pia's marriage to Portugal (which I'm guessing is the "impetus" for this) was a last minute thing (Pedro V refused her because he wanted an Austrian archduchess, a princess of Parma (i.e. granddaughter of Charles X) or a Russian grand duchess (not sure how that would've worked @Valena ; Portuguese Pedro was a lot closer to D. Miguel's "idea" of a king than the Coburgs liked*) not some "nobody from Savoy**". It was only his death that allowed the marriage between Maria Pia and D. Luiz to go through.

As to the bride choice, OTL Pedro II left it in the hands of his sister, Chica [the princesse de Joinville] to vet the potential bride grooms for his daguhter. That was how the balance ended up heavily skewed in Orléanist favour OTL (first Chica's son, the comte de Penthièvre, and half-Orléans comte de Flandres; then the comte d'Eu and Coburg). While for a daughter-in-law, he'll likely weight the scales in favour of an archduchess, Chica's still going to be reporting back. Given how the Orléans regarded the house of Savoy with contempt (both for Carlo Alberto's siding with Napoléon and later reasons), Maria II refused one of her sisters to a Savoyard (almost think it was a Chica-VE II match that was suggested), plus their sister, Januaria/Gennara, is married in Naples...I suspect it's going to be a tough sell. And that's before we get to Clotilda's "frail-looking" appearance (likely raising doubts as to whether she'd survive a sea-voyage to Brasil).

*he even met with D. Miguel, corresponded with him (presumably on the matter of a bride as well) and financially supported his great-uncle. So much so that when Pedro died, Miguel remarked that his "guardian angel was no more".
**he objected to Stephanie of Hohenzollern on these grounds OTL as well, Prince Albert managed to convince him to give it a shot. Whether Albert would get so lucky the second time is debatable.
except without the Netherlands to run to.
were the Netherlands due to be somewhere else if he didn't marry Isabella of Austria? He'd likely still wind up there. As for brides, not marrying an archduchess (maybe someone from Mecklenburg or Brunswick?) might actually "help" not harm. Not because of any reason than it avoids giving the convenient bogeyman of an imperial brother-in-law. And potentially marrying an older bride means there's no "in" for Sigbrit and Dyveke to get their hooks into him (or at least, mitigate their influence somewhat).
except Cat showed no "desire" to hang on to power. In her native Portugal she served as regent and then handed over power when she had to
That's a fair assessment - I assumed she might be more protective over her only child.

Per your tree, she has two brothers. One who dies in 1718, and one who hangs on until '26. She's likely married after the birth of the "spare" in 1713. Portugal is too big an age gap for her to be plausibly considered. Austria or Spain (as second wife to Joseph I, Karl VI or Felipe V) makes more sense. And it brings England a potentially valuable partner if they make being granted the Asiento conditional of the marriage contract. With Austria they get the Austrian Netherlands as a trading partner, which, while they were nowhere near their "golden age" levels, was still "important". Especially if Joseph I survived and managed to implement his roads-and-rivers plan.
That was a screw up on my end. I meant to kill him off earlier - that's been fixed. Joseph I died when she was 13 so I kind of don't think they'd be a good match age wise, Charles VI married when she was 10 and while the betrothal could happen, I'm not sure, and I think she's too young for Philip V. But I might be wrong.

only way the Ansbach marriage is happening is if Karoline is already married to either Karl VI or Felipe V (both were considered OTL). The only way for the latter- though- is to remove Madame de Maintenon's blocking of Karoline's brother's attempt to marry into the French royal family. As to the whole "arranged" marriage part, Georg I was explicitly against an "unseen bride" and packed his son and heir off around Germany to scout his potential bride himself. Also, Georg II didn't have mistresses until after Karoline died. It was a kneejerk reaction to his parents' own marital infidelities.

Welp...that's fair. Who would you suggest for Amalia Louise? :)
I considered that, but I thought lower first wife chosen during the Catherine of Braganza regency to try and maintain power, high born second wife chosen by the son.
That's as OOC as they come, I'm with Kellan on this. Also, I don't see Catherine being like her mom.
Also, Cat as a regent would go for Austrian alliance especially after her brother's marriage. So I can see OTL Princess Sobieski happening to be a Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland (a nice historical in-joke).
No way a complete German rando would be selected.
I'm not sure, and I think she's too young for Philip V. But I might be wrong.
she'd be 16 when Felipe married Isabel Farnese. Don't know how that's too young.
Charles VI married when she was 10 and while the betrothal could happen,
Originally Karl VI was engaged to two of Catherine's nieces (Teresa Maria (1696-1704) then Francisca Josepha (b.1699)) before Leopold I died. It was only in 1706/1707 that Joseph decided that a German match might be more useful*. Roughly the same time that the negotiations started to marry Maria Anna of Austria to Joao V of Portugal**.

*whether Joseph would snub an English match in the same way- when England is essentially the Empire's main ally in Spain against France and this would be akin to telling England "please side with the French against us"- is debatable.
**which suggests to me that Maria Anna to Joao V/Magdalene to the duque of Beja may have been a sort of "kiss and make up" after breaking the alliance.
Probably ASB, but here goes.

Ferenc II, King of Hungary [1711/1714-1735], Prince of Transylvania [1705-1735 [1]] (1676-1735) m: 1694 Charlotte Amalie of Hesse-Wanfried (1679-1722)

Lipót Lajos György (1696-1699)​
József II, King of Hungary [from 1735] (b.1700) m: 1719 Maria Amalie of Austria (b.1701)​
Maria Amalie Sárolta (b.1721) m: 1738 Carlos I, Grand Duke of Tuscany [2] (b.1718)​
Maria Józsefa (b.1725)​
István Ferenc (1727-1732)​
Fülöp Zsigmond, Prince of Transylvania (b.1730) m: 1748 Maria Antonieta of Spain (b.1729)​
Lajos József (b.1733)​
Erzsébet Maria Borbála (b.1736)​
György (b.1701)​
Sárolta (1706-1706)​
[1] Emperor Joseph dies before peace is concluded, leading to Rákóczi remaining as Hungary's ruler until the Peace of Utrecht obliges Karl VI to acknowledge him as king of Hungary in exchange for retaining Bavaria. Max II gets compensated with Sicily (as originally planned)
[2] OTL Carlos III of Spain

@Fehérvári @isabella @Nuraghe @Jan Olbracht
Savoy wank:

Maximilian I (1459-1519) Holy Roman Emperor, m. a) Mary of Burgundy, b) Anne of Brittany, c) Bianca Maria Sforza

1a) Philip IV (1478-1503) Duke of Burgundy, King of Castile iure uxoris, m. Joanna (1479-1555) Queen of Castile

1) Eleanor (1498)​
2) Charles (1500-1505) Duke of Burgundy 1503​
3) Isabella (1501)​

2a) Margaret (1480-1530) Duchess of Burgundy 1505, m. a) John (1478-1497) Prince of Asturias and Girona, b) Philibert II (1480-1534) Duke of Savoy

1b) Margaret (1504-1556) m. Henry IX (1503-1541) King of England [1]​
2b) Mary (1505-1538) m. Louis II (1506-1559) King of Bohemia and Hungary​
3b) Philiberta (1509-1561) m. James V (1512-1550) King of Scotland​
4b) Philip V/III (1510-1564) Duke of Burgundy 1530, Duke of Savoy 1534, m. Sibylle of Cleves (1512-1554)​
5b) Eleanor (1515-1572) m. Francis (1517-1545) Duke of Lorraine​
6b) Anne (1517-1558) m. Ferdinand VI (1506-1556) King of Spain [2]​

3a) Francis (1481)

4c) Ernest (1496-1550) Holy Roman Emperor 1519, m. Anna of Bohemia and Hungary (1503-1547) with issue

[1] Son of Arthur and CoA

[2] Son of Joanna the Mad and her second husband Alfonso, Duke of Segorbe. Anne is Ferdinand VI's second wife.
I sort of assumed Mary of Austria would be his wife TTL, but I could be wrong...
pretty much only possible if Lajos II dies in infancy (IMO). Hungary would be a far more important match to shore up (as indicated by the fact that Max was willing to marry Anna himself if his grandsons proved unavailable/unwilling) than Denmark.

Although I could be wrong
What if Bianca Maria Sforza didn't miscarry in 1494? @Jan Olbracht @Dragonboy @Kellan Sullivan @isabella

Bianca Maria Sforza (1472-1510) m. a) Philibert I of Savoy (1465-1482), b) Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor (1459-1519)

1b) Ernest (1495-1577) Holy Roman Emperor m. a) Mary Tudor (1496-1516) with issue, b) Anne of Bohemia and Hungary (1503-1547) with issue, c) Isabella of Savoy (1532-1583) with issue
2b) Leopold (1496-1552) Archduke of Inner Austria m. Bona Sforza (1494-1557) Duchess of Bari and Rossano
3b) Bianca (1503-1577) m. Sigismund I (1467-1548) King of Poland, Grand Duke of Lithuania
4b) Anne (1507-1557) m. a) Louis II (1506-1526) King of Hungary, b) James V (1512-1542) King of Scotland
5B) Maximilian (1510-1580) archbishop with illegitimate issue
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