Es Geloybte Aretz Continuation Thread

@carlton_bach whats the situation with prussian/german poles, my assumption would be they are educated better than the poles in poland. Maybe they look doen upon them for the nation is not aswell as everyone hoped also due to wealth and education have they come to dominate the polish economy. Also there situation germany there main part of the question has life improved?
Interesting is the word. Though eventually, there will be a Greater Hamburg area through an engineered swap of some lands in the Hamburg-Lübeck corridor in return for Harburg, Altona and Wandsbek. Not a popular move, but useful in the long run.

Makes sense. I did not know that Hamburg held lands along that corridor (exclaves I guess) but I remember clearly the "this used to be Denmark" point being made (not entirely correctly) about locations around Altona (actually Reeperbahn area). It sounds so odd now that Altona and Hamburg are so integrated, but I also recall some literature discussing the stark difference in older times (I think it was something by Hermann Hesse but don't quote me on that).
I think you covered this already at some point, but there was a pretty brutal Home Rule civil war ITTL right?

Yes. The end was the worst imaginable face-saving compromise. Most of Ireland has a version of Home rule that satisfies none, but is better than going back to the killing. Ulster has as close to an Apartheid regime as actual British law allows. London washed its hands of the whole affair and would like to pretend it never happened. Very little gets done in Irish politics, ever.


What about the elephant in the room? The USA? Absent armed intervention in Europe does interventionism in Mexico and Latin America morph into a more formal form of imperialism or hegemony? How long does segregation last without the world wars?
What about the elephant in the room? The USA? Absent armed intervention in Europe does interventionism in Mexico and Latin America morph into a more formal form of imperialism or hegemony? How long does segregation last without the world wars?

Good question. I don't see the USA imposing colonial rule on the Americas, but there is certainly going to be a more formal kind of hegemony, enforced by the US Navy (leading to tensions with Britain) and allowing things like exterritorial treaty ports, coaling stations, consular jurisdiction and formal certification of election results. Washington is going to be a very big brother to the Latin Americans.

Segregation is also going to last longer, and there is going to be a more pronounced divide in the country between even more liberal and welcoming northern states (some of them - not all) and hardcore segregationist Southern ones. THe federal government has less power to enforce even rights that it generally recognises as valid even for negroes, and public opinion alone will be split for a long time. Eventually, there wll be an end to legal segregation, but nothing like the glorious decade after 1955. Slow going in separate states, mostly. This is going to be a stick for London to beat Washington with ("You guys calling us oppressors? Seriously?")
@carlton_bach im a bit confused with china yuan shikai and beiyang army are dead now we have the victorious western army, then they cut there hair. What happened is china in a warlord era now, also beiyang and yuan?

Also china didn't join the second war do they still claim the outer manchuria lands that were given to russia.
@carlton_bach im a bit confused with china yuan shikai and beiyang army are dead now we have the victorious western army, then they cut there hair. What happened is china in a warlord era now, also beiyang and yuan?

Also china didn't join the second war do they still claim the outer manchuria lands that were given to russia.

Do you mean the railway concession, or Transamuria? The former, technically yes, butonly under a suzerainty claim that was raised in order to save face as 'Manchuria' became a Japanese, ahem, ally and firm friend. The latter, no.

Yuan Shikai is dead, and so is much of his army. THe forces that defeated the Russian puppet ruler Bogd Khan and marched all the way to Turkestan returned to the metropole to topple the imperial widow and instate the legitimate emperor, but the ensuing troubles saw the end of the Qing. THe era that followed was pretty lawless, but a Beijing-based government always existed and was eventually able to impose its control on the country. The price was abandoning all claims to Manchuria and Korea, and accepting extensive Western interference. The latter will eventually end. The former is final.
Do you mean the railway concession, or Transamuria? The former, technically yes, butonly under a suzerainty claim that was raised in order to save face as 'Manchuria' became a Japanese, ahem, ally and firm friend. The latter, no
What the chinese call outer manchuria the qing gave this to china.

THe era that followed was pretty lawless, but a Beijing-based government always existed and was eventually able to impose its control on the country. The price was abandoning all claims to Manchuria and Korea, and accepting extensive Western interference. The latter will eventually end. The former is final.
Is the Beijing government a monarchy? Could that chinese officer guy you created become the next emperor?
What the chinese call outer manchuria the qing gave this to china.

It's not really a political issue. It's part of Russia, and though some nationalists quibble overt this, it is fairly clear to everyone that it's not going to change.

Is the Beijing government a monarchy? Could that chinese officer guy you created become the next emperor?

It is a monarchy, and in the good old days he'd have made a good candidate for founder of a new dynasty. But the days of arising as wudi are over, and he's taking up a senior position in the new empire's military.
The 7th Regiment (Mesterlövész) Royal Hungarian Honvéd, The Crownlands, 31 December 1935 [post canon]
Enjoying the party?

Not really.

Why not?

Not a woman under sixty around.


They have sequestered all their young women.


They don't trust us not to abuse the situation.

They do not.

OpForce outnumbers us ten-to-one. If the general populace is not with us, we have to take that into account when we retreat.

We shall not retreat.



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What exactly happens to Russia after the second war? It's probably still too big and populous to just outclass it and turn it into an ally like Germany was OTL. But there would obviously be a lot of pressure in Germany to neuter it in some very unpleasant ways after two wars that cannot even be argued to have been anything but their fault (unlike OTL WW1 where the whole 'sleepwalking into war' became common wisdom comparatively quickly).
But there would obviously be a lot of pressure in Germany to neuter it in some very unpleasant ways after two wars that cannot even be argued to have been anything but their fault
my thoughts, maybe something more along the lines of modern day a constitutional Russia instead of authoritarian democracy Russia, however the nationalism that exists in modern day russia caused by putin and co would be natural as they still see former empire most likely as there own land they don't rule. Russia was nuked to be defeated not truly defeated by military forces or by the former imperial territories. So less of think of plight of Estonian russians and crimea is being suppressed, more fuck the estionians and Ukrainians they are bumpkin russians. The people who reminisce about the soviets will be reminiscing about this russian empire period.

Could Russia at least be broken up maybe Novgorod can come back, independent Smolensk/ vassal for Poland as they will be fucked up during the war they will want their pound of flesh. TBF this is just wishful thinking on my part, Novgorod has a good chance of being nuked.
What exactly happens to Russia after the second war? It's probably still too big and populous to just outclass it and turn it into an ally like Germany was OTL. But there would obviously be a lot of pressure in Germany to neuter it in some very unpleasant ways after two wars that cannot even be argued to have been anything but their fault (unlike OTL WW1 where the whole 'sleepwalking into war' became common wisdom comparatively quickly).

That is a good question - sorry for having stayed out of the thread so long. I am not sure about the details, but the peace is certainly going to be vengeful. Germany is certain to draw conclusions from the failure of the 1908 peace to contain Russian revanchism, some right, some wrong. I confidently foresee additional territorial losses - the Caucasus, the Donbas - but there are limits to how far you can take this. Reparations will be payable, but since that stratagem failed the last time round, probably not as a mode of arms control. They will also very likely be set up in terms of control over natural resources from the start. Germany needs that more than money, and they are in a position to set arbitrarily low values on their loot.
Definitely Versailles-style arms control measures, this time designed to be permanent. I don't see these as a good idea in the long run, but Russia has effectively lost its taste for military adventuriasm, and Germany's nuclear deterrent is far more effective than any treaty stipulations.
That is a good question - sorry for having stayed out of the thread so long. I am not sure about the details, but the peace is certainly going to be vengeful. Germany is certain to draw conclusions from the failure of the 1908 peace to contain Russian revanchism, some right, some wrong. I confidently foresee additional territorial losses - the Caucasus, the Donbas - but there are limits to how far you can take this.
And everybody else who wants a piece will get one. Japan, Manchuria, India, Mongolia, whatever is China, Iran, Turkey, Finland, Ukraine, Poland (which in a fit of irony may get a Ostverschiebung (movement to the east) this time round) for examples.
Reparations will be payable, but since that stratagem failed the last time round, probably not as a mode of arms control. They will also very likely be set up in terms of control over natural resources from the start. Germany needs that more than money, and they are in a position to set arbitrarily low values on their loot.
And, as with the territory, everybody gets to pile on. Oh joy.
Definitely Versailles-style arms control measures, this time designed to be permanent. I don't see these as a good idea in the long run, but Russia has effectively lost its taste for military adventuriasm, and Germany's nuclear deterrent is far more effective than any treaty stipulations.
I'd see a shift akin to the OTL shift in Germany/Japan (and ITL France). They lost two wars, the last of them in nuclear fire, so anybody arguing for irredentism will be pointed to the german nukes - and the grumbling Emperor/Empress. As a de-facto protectorate it won't have the need for a big army, just a police force.

Edit: Just saw this, my brain hates me :-(
@carlton_bach whats the situation with prussian/german poles, my assumption would be they are educated better than the poles in poland. Maybe they look doen upon them for the nation is not aswell as everyone hoped also due to wealth and education have they come to dominate the polish economy. Also there situation germany there main part of the question has life improved?
In Poland they are "The German", while in Germany they are "The Pole". But yeah, they are probably looked upon with a mix of distrust and hope in Poland. But I don't think they get a dominant position in the polish economy. An important one, sure. But more as the middle(wo)men to the west than an outright force in Poland itself. Somehow I think the chief secretary of a company being a polish woman is going to be a staple in german TV (two not-exclusive varieties: Ms. My-eyes-are-up-here and Ms. You-are-so-slow-that-I-killed-50-russians-before-you-brushed-your-teeth)

And there are probably plenty of Poles who go to Germany to study, just to either stay there or bring back a german husband/wife (probably from the south...but then again, that sort of thing has been going on for a few centuries, so not much news there).
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