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  • HanEmpire

  • I think the new threadmark system will finally fix the lack-of-update-index issue that Es Geloybte Aretz suffers from.
    On that note how's the update coming along?
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    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    Kelenas 1
    Huh. Any chance you're going to use threadmarks in your TL? Would love to re-read your story again, but it's really, really cumbersome at the moment.
    carlton_bach 2
    I'm going to put up a story-only in Finished Timelines once I get to New Year 1909, but right now most weeks I barely have the time to write even a single post. And I still haven't figured out how threadmarks work.
    Kelenas 1
    Really? Dunno how it is here on, but in other forums I found the threadmark system pretty simple to use, to be honest.
  • prettydragoon

  • All right, awesome! .doc would be great. I can start working on them whenever. Can you see my email address? (I'm still unfamiliar with the new layout of
  • prettydragoon

  • Guten Morgen!

    I was about to offer to create for you a story only thread of Es Geloybte Aretz, but it seems the generous efforts of zmflavius have obviated the need. My notion of how to go about it was much more labor intensive too. You see, I started copying all your story posts into a document file. I figured I might be able to do some light formatting and proofreading as well. I could still do that if you like.
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