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  • E-Man

  • Ahhh, that is interesting, I haven't had much D & D exposure, but seems it would be fun and a good way to release some tension. Thanks for the second on DNF, I really have been thinking about rewriting part 4 when I finish Code of the Baleem. Want to restore main focus back to V and the Deacon, will probably ask your opinions on how prevalent of a role to give some of the other characters.
  • E-Man

  • I don’t want to sound naive, but what is “world creation”? Did you ever post the story you were working on that was going to have a sharpy cameo?
    Oops sorry, I play dungeons and dragons among other things and wanted to add the sharpies in as a monster or intelligent race for the players to interact with.
  • E-Man

  • Hey 66 whatchu been up to?
    Busy with work and such, still want to follow up with world creation for role playing as time permits. I saw the comments on your thread and didn't want to miss any stories you may have upcoming.
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